Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 356 The First Battle of the Fallen, Massacre!

Chapter 356 The First Battle of the Fallen, Massacre!

The killing capital was established by a senior who had ascended to become a god.

On the outskirts, there is a layer of enchantment that is partly visible, imprisoning these fallen people in this pure land.

However, it is impossible to leave here.

That was a seal created by a false god, even Tang Chen couldn't break it.

Now, Han Xiao wants to give it a try.

He looked up at the sky, and the layer of translucent light in the sky was looming.

Just like Skynet, shrouded in the sky.

Han Xiao took a deep breath.

He slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the murderous aura of the entire killing capital slowly gathered around him.

The surface of the Asura Demon Sword was covered with a layer of scarlet light.

The blade began to tremble violently.

Han Xiao could feel that this artifact seemed to be excited.


With a loud shout, he flew into the sky.

At this moment, the hands holding the Shura Demon Sword were densely covered in scarlet.

Han Xiao's figure appeared extremely small in the sky.

The giant sword in his hand seemed to contain the most terrifying aura in the world.

A sword slashed out, straight into the sky!

"Be careful in this battle."

Duke Long Mengshu was holding a staff with a dragon's head, and his expression was a little worried.

Following behind him were three thousand elite soul masters.

These are all powerful soldiers that the Heaven Dou Empire spent a lot of money to cultivate.

The snake woman on the side nodded.

They are different from the regular army of the Heaven Dou Empire, they are all well-known soul masters who have been mixed in the mainland.

Naturally, he had also heard of the murderous name of the Fallen in the Capital of Slaughter.

"Still not following up."

What made Snake even more worried was that stubborn granddaughter.

Duke Long Meng Shu nodded, "Don't worry, she has already fallen asleep at this time.

Hearing this, the snake woman was relieved.

It's not that she doesn't want her daughter to suffer the baptism of this battlefield.

Rather, this battle will be different from the past.

There are too many variables.

"I said, Senior Duke Long."

At this moment, a man wearing heavy armor and a general's badge on his chest came over.

"It's already before the war, don't say these things that hurt morale anymore."

"General Zhao, you don't know something."

Meng Shu shook his head, fear flashed in his eyes: "When I was young, I saw a fallen man."

"He is like an evil spirit emerging from hell, attacking like a desperate person."

"Rao is only the head left, and I keep trying to tear off a piece of my body with my teeth."

Even in his old age, when he thinks about this matter again, he is still afraid.


General Zhao gave a disdainful smile, "People in the army always speak frankly, seniors don't mind."

"If you say that you are cowardly in cultivation, I am by no means as good as you." General Zhao changed the subject when he said this, "But if it is about leading troops to fight, you two should not discuss it with me as a professional."

"It's just that those shitty degenerates really crawled out of hell, and I can lead the Heaven Dou Divine Army to kick them in again!"

Having said that, General Zhao looked confident.


Meng Shu shook his head with a helpless expression.

It cannot be said that General Zhao is arrogant.

Rather, for such a long time, there have been too few battles between countries in the Douluo Continent.

Having never experienced the baptism of war, this group of recruits will never understand what this battle means.

"Old man, look!"

At this moment, Snake suddenly pointed to the sky.

In the sky of the killing capital in the distance, a scarlet crack slowly appeared.

It was as if a wound had been drawn in the sky, and fresh blood continued to flow down.

"Can't go!"

Duke Long Meng Shu's expression changed, and he shouted loudly.

As a Contra, his strong sixth sense told him that there was great danger ahead.

"how is this possible?!"

Even General Zhao looked at the sky in disbelief.

What is the power that can cause damage to the sky.

"General Zhao, retreat now, our strength can still be guaranteed!"

Duke Long Meng Shu could no longer calm down, and said in a hurried voice.

General Zhao gritted his teeth, his expression uncertain.

Do you want to retreat?
However, what does it mean if you withdraw now?
The first time the Heaven Dou Empire dispatched troops, they were scared away before meeting their opponents.

If this matter gets out, the whole world will laugh at it.

And he will also be nailed to the Heaven Dou Empire's pillar of shame.

General Zhao gritted his teeth and had already made a decision in his heart.

"All soldiers, continue to advance, and the deserters will be killed immediately!"


Meng Shu shook his head, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

The army continued to advance, getting closer and closer to the killing capital.

The atmosphere became more and more solidified.

"It is said that there is a murderous aura around this killing capital, which makes it hard to breathe. I think that's the case."

General Zhao smiled coldly.

Meng Shu was also at a loss.

When he was still a soul king, he had the idea of ​​wanting to come here for a trial.

However, when he came around this killing capital, he was dissuaded by the terrifying murderous aura.

But, what is going on in this killing capital now?

He didn't know that Han Xiao had absorbed all the murderous aura into the Shura Demon Sword in order to break through the barrier of the killing capital.

"Accelerate forward, strive for son, come to the city of killing tonight!"

General Zhao urged, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

The opportunity to protect the country and Lijun is coming.

However, while walking, he stopped first.

Meng Shu's expression became serious.

The snake lady leaned back slightly, holding the snake stick tightly in her hand.

In the open space ahead, stood a man.

The man held a huge sword that trembled just by looking at it.

Standing there expressionless.

"In the killing capital ahead, outsiders are forbidden."

Han Xiao slowly glanced at the army that symbolized the Heaven Dou Empire.

His voice was terrifyingly calm.

"Forbidden to outsiders?"

General Zhao took a step forward and glanced at Han Xiao.

"I'm here to destroy this capital of killing, what brat are you?"

The air is almost frozen at this moment.

These Tiandou soldiers seemed to be facing an enemy.

Obviously there is only one person on the other side.

But why is the calf still trembling uncontrollably?


Han Xiao sighed.

"Give you a chance, you are useless."

He shook his head slowly.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

General Zhao was furious, and let out a low voice.

He raised his hand and was about to send the Heaven Dou army behind him to attack Han Xiao.

However, that hand was suspended in mid-air.

Because, he saw Han Xiao also raised a hand.

The moment he raised his hand, countless figures emerged from the scarlet crack behind Han Xiao.

"Hahaha, after ten years, I finally came out!"

"Kill kill kill!!!"

"The great King of Slaughter actually prepared so many sacrifices for us at once!"

Those fallen people looked crazy, like a wolf, staring greedily at this group of Heaven Dou army.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, one thousand!

More and more fallen people came out, densely packed, surrounding Han Xiao in the center.

Some fallen ones even drooled.

However, this group of depraved people who have almost lost their humanity are just about to move.

Han Xiao didn't let go of his hand, and none of them rushed forward first.

"Kill... the evil soul masters of the Slaughtering Capital, I am ordered by Emperor Xue Ye. If you kneel down and submit to Tiandou now, the kind Emperor Xue Ye promises that you will never kill anyone indiscriminately!"

General Zhao uttered these words almost bravely.

"The benevolent Emperor Xue Ye?"

Han Xiao smiled coldly.


He lowered his hand in mid-air.

"Kill all!"

As soon as the words fell, this group of depraved people who were ready to go were like locusts, and they rushed towards General Zhao's people desperately.

"You, don't come here!"

A Tiandou soldier couldn't bear it any longer, threw away his helmet and armor, and fled in all directions desperately.

The chain reaction started completely at this moment.

It was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Before the war started, they had already lost.

Those fleeing soldiers, being heard by the voice of the Fallen, devoured their flesh and drank their blood.

For a while, this place turned into a hell on earth.

From the beginning to the end, Han Xiao just watched with a blank expression.

"Dragon Dragon Snake Lady, what are you waiting for?!"

General Zhao's face was extremely ugly, and he retreated behind the human wall: "Now if we can capture the leader of the opponent first, we still have a chance to come back!"

Hearing this, the two of them no longer hesitated.

They really had no way out.

Afterwards, the two held long staffs and ran towards Han Xiao one after another.

However, Han Xiao just glanced at the two of them lightly.

It's just a look, but it seems to contain countless murderous intentions.

Duke Long Mengshu's expression changed, under the influence of the Slaughtering Domain, his soul power was completely restricted.

Han Xiao raised the Shura Demon Sword and waved it slowly in the air.

Although there is still a distance of tens of meters between the two.

However, a faint scratch appeared in the air where the Asura Demon Sword passed.

Afterwards, Meng Shu's head was neatly cut off.


"Old man!"

The snake lady uttered a mournful howl.

The two of them are young and very affectionate.

Watching the man who had been with her for half of her life be decapitated and die in front of her.

The snake woman was devastated, and then stared at Han Xiao with those eyes that were so angry that she lost her mind:

"Little thief, I will kill you!"

Her soul power has been banned, it is the strength of a soul sage, and this stick is even more ordinary.

Han Xiao raised the Shura Demon Sword again, and drew a sword mark in the air.

Then, the snake woman's head fell to the ground.

The giant sword obviously didn't touch the snake lady, so how did it kill her?

The two heads lay quietly once.

"I am very merciful, let you die at once."

Han Xiao looked at the two heads on the ground expressionlessly.

This is war.

War is cruel and merciless.

Once the war starts, the positions of both sides will become extremely simple.

That is immortality!
On the contrary, Han Xiao prefers this position.

Because, he doesn't need to think about more things.

Han Xiao glanced at General Zhao lying in the corpse.

With just one look, his lower body has become wet.

"Not human, you are not human!"

He shouted hysterically, with extreme fear in his eyes.

"General Zhao, right?"

Han Xiao glanced at the Fallen who was about to kill him, and the latter stopped immediately.

"I won't kill you."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this, General Zhao's face flashed with ecstasy.

Can I survive? !
He seemed to have forgotten the proud general badge on his chest, knelt down, and smashed his head.

"Don't rush to thank."

Han Xiao waved his hand.

Just as he opened his mouth, General Zhao held back again.

"Not to kill you, but to give you a mission."

Han Xiao stretched out a hand.

Immediately, a fallen person put the treasure box containing the heads of Duke Long and Lady Snake in his hand.

"Go, send it to Xue Ye."

Hearing this, General Zhao trembled all over: "Can... can I change it?"

This task is worse than killing yourself.


Han Xiao stretched out his other hand.

This time, it was Lin Ting who came.

He placed Han Xiao's special torture equipment in front of General Zhao.

"Persist for three days, after three days, I will let you go."

Looking at the instruments of torture, big and small, just placed in place, there is a gloomy and cold glow.

He knew that if he survived these three days, if he was really alive, he would not be a complete person anymore.

In his eyes, this handsome boy looked like a devil.

There is no choice.

"I'll send it, I'll send it!"

General Zhao glanced at the box with the head in fear, and took it over.

"very good."

Han Xiao reached out and tapped General Zhao's forehead.

"You, what did you do?!"

General Zhao just let go of his heart and raised it again.

"Oh, it's just a simple seed."

Han Xiao said nonchalantly: "The spirit of contract is the most important thing in our killing capital."

"If you didn't send the head to Xue Ye, do you know what happened?"

"If you don't know, I'll let you see now."

Han Xiao smiled slightly, stretched out his finger and tapped lightly.

In the distance, the body of a dying soldier suddenly swelled and turned into a pool of blood foam.

"You... you, the devil, the devil!!!"

General Zhao finally couldn't bear it anymore and completely broke his defense.

"Come on, give General Zhao a fast horse!"

Han Xiao waved his hand, ignoring the other party at all.


One month later, Heaven Dou Palace.


A servant ran in in a panic and accidentally knocked the maid to the ground.

"General Zhao is back!"

Emperor Xue Ye who was lying on the soft couch sat up straight when he heard this.

Regardless of the servant's rudeness, he immediately asked: "How is the battle going, how many people did General Zhao bring back, tell me quickly!"

The servant looked a little flustered, and lowered his head: "Only General Zhao has returned. As for the battle situation... he, he said he would tell His Highness face to face."

"Please come in quickly!"

Emperor Xue Ye looked a little excited.

Since it is to be said in person, it must be a good thing.

Iron-blooded teacher, iron-blooded teacher!
In order to win the Slaughter Capital, they fought until they were completely wiped out!
He stood up and walked up and down, his face flushed.

"Quick, go and invite the national teacher and Tang San over here, I want to share this good news with them!"

Emperor Xue Ye ordered his subordinates to straighten the hair on his forehead.

At this moment, General Zhao walked in tremblingly surrounded by two servants.

With just one glance, Emperor Xue Ye saw the box held in General Zhao's arms.

With a happy expression on his face, he stood up to greet him: "General Zhao, could it be that Han Xiao's head is contained in this box?"

(End of this chapter)

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