Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 198 Will Always Be His Little Girl

Chapter 198 Will Always Be His Little Girl

When Su Qingyun came home, Su Jingyu had already gone to work, Zhao Jingyi was tinkering with her herbs in the yard, and Su Jingyan was reading in the room.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at the electric fan on the back seat of Su Qingyun, her first reaction was that it didn't look good.

Su Qingyun parked the car, came down with an electric fan, looked at Zhao Jing and asked, "Why don't you sleep more?"

Zhao Jing took the herbs in the dustpan, spread them out, stroked them with her hands a few times and said, "Enough sleep."

Su Qingyun walked into the main hall, plugged in the electric fan, and beckoned to Zhao Jing: "Come and see if the electric fan is cool."

Zhao Jing smiled and walked over: "Okay."

He took a stool and sat not far away, watching expectantly.

The system reminded: "At this time, the electric fan is a bit loud, but the wind is still good, but you must pay attention to safety. The surface of the electric fan is too large. Be careful not to get your hands and other things caught in it."

Zhao Jingyi also noticed it, and nodded: "I will be careful."

Su Qingyun turned the switch and saw the fan blade whirring.

Cool wind blows from the fan.

Wind noise is a bit louder than modern fans.

Su Qingyun kept looking at her, and saw that she was happy and had a smile on her face.

"I'll put it in your room for you later."

Zhao Jing shook her head: "Put it in your room. Although the three of you sleep on the kang, it's bigger than me, but it's hotter than mine."

Su Qingyun knew that she would refuse, and said, "Xiaoyang, come back with Xiaoxuan tonight, and bring two more. Here, one in each room."

Zhao Jing was stunned for one person in the room, this was a bit too big.

This fan is a rare item at this time, and tickets are not easy to buy.

She still underestimated the strength of the Su family and Su Qingyun.

Having said all this, Zhao Jingyi didn't refuse and nodded: "Okay."

Su Qingyun smiled and walked over to sit beside her with a sigh in her heart.

Three years ago, he looked like a child, but now he was almost on his shoulders in the blink of an eye.

But watching her grow taller and grow up, I feel a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

As soon as Zhao Jing found that Su Qingyun was looking at her, she was a little puzzled.

"what happened?"

Su Qingyun touched her little head and said, "I'm just feeling a little bit, you've grown up."

Zhao Jing smiled, why does it feel like he wants to grow up, and he doesn't want to grow up.

"No matter how I grow up, I'm still that little girl with you."

Nestling on his shoulder, she said coquettishly as usual.

After hearing this, Su Qingyun felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, yes, no matter how she grows up, she will always be his little girl, and this will never change.

It suddenly occurred to me that there are still more than a dozen large packages on the road, and they will probably arrive tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, the old man and elder brother will send you a lot of things. Don't go to work tomorrow when you are at home."

Zhao Jing was taken aback, then blinked: "A lot of things?"

Su Qingyun nodded, a little bit for one family is actually okay, but it's a bit much to pile up.

Zhao Jingyi had a bad feeling and asked, "How much?"

Su Qingyun frowned, thought for a while and said, "If there is no addition, there will be about eleven or twelve, a little for each family, not too many."

Zhao Jingyi was already dumbfounded, eleven or twelve, isn't that too many?

It seems that there are not so many things when I move a house by myself. It is estimated that the walls of the house are demolished, and the doors and wood may be installed.


Seeing her startled cuteness, Su Qingyun smiled gently.

"If they give it to you, you just accept it. There is no burden, it should be."

Zhao Jing wanted to ask whether it was a matter of burden, or a matter of pressure.

Su Qingyun rubbed her head, feeling really soft, and said comfortingly: "Okay, don't worry, with me here, you don't have to worry about other problems."

Zhao Jing nodded her head, that's all she can do now.

If they don't accept it, they will definitely think too much, but they don't know, it's far more than that.

Mr. Su, wished he could wipe out his entire family. If it wasn't for the need to move, it would probably be more than that.

In addition to her sisters-in-law, except for the divorced third child, the other three, although they have never met, already regard her as a family member.

I am not stingy about adding things, because of work and other reasons, it is still difficult for the Su family to leave Beijing.

Thinking that the bicycle hadn't been returned yet, Su Qingyun stood up: "Okay, let's blow it up for a while, I'll return the bicycle to Zhao Huaiguo, and I'll be back later."

Zhao Jing nodded, "Okay."

After Su Qingyun pushed the bicycle out, Zhao Jing turned off the fan, got up and walked to Su Jingyan's room.

Knocked on the door, poked his head in, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to go outside and blow the fan, and sit for a while."

Su Jingyan smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jingyi stood up now, pushed open the door, walked in and helped her go out.

In fact, she can recite her, but in their eyes, although she has grown up now, she is still that sick and weak elder.

After coming out, she didn't see Su Qingyun, so Su Jingyan asked, "Where's little uncle?"

Zhao Jingyi helped her to sit down, helped her put her feet on the stool and said, "He has returned the car, he will be back later."

Su Jingyan nodded, suddenly remembered something, she was a little embarrassed to ask: "Fifth Brother said you can make clothes, can you teach me?"

Zhao Jingyi was a little surprised, and said with a smile, "Okay, wait a few days for your feet to feel better, and I'll teach you."

Su Jingyan nodded in surprise: "Okay."

She can't make clothes, but she can embroider, but her mother said that she can only practice at home.

Zhao Jing turned on the fan switch, and the fan blew loudly, making the room much cooler.

Thinking about what Su Qingyun said just now, she told Su Jingyan.

"By the way, your Sixth Brother and Mingxuan will bring two back later, and you can turn them on when you sleep at night. It won't be so hot, and you can sleep well in summer."

Su Jingyan was a little surprised, but said nothing.

I thought that the little uncle would not care about them, after all, they are used to it.

But never thought that the little uncle would also care about them.

It's not that indifferent. Thinking of this, Su Jingyan had a soft smile on her face.

Zhao Jing once went back to her room and took out her wool for knitting.

Su Jingyan's attention was also attracted by her knitting technique and speed.

She had also seen her mother knit, but she had never seen this kind of weaving, and this speed.

He asked curiously, "You are amazing, what are you weaving?"

Zhao Jing smiled without looking up, "Sweater."

Su Jingyan was stunned, but this color, dark color, could it be: "Is it for the little uncle?"

Zhao Jing nodded. She knew he was busy, so she thought about preparing winter clothes for him. She made a lot of summer clothes for him and sent them to him every year. She bought them for herself and herself with him. Made of fabric bought in the space.

I don't have much winter clothes, so I thought about knitting him a sweater to keep him warm.

(End of this chapter)

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