Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 199 Little uncle is so happy

Chapter 199 Little uncle is so happy
"Well, I don't know if Cousin Yun can spend the New Year together this year, so I want to knit a sweater for him."

Su Jingyan suddenly understood why Su Qingyun was indifferent to her family but doted on Zhao Jingyi so much.

"Little uncle is so happy."

Maybe this is the feeling that his family has never given him.

Although there is care and care.

But like Zhao Jingyi, she is very thoughtful about everything, considerate everything, cares about him more than her own wife, cares about him, the whole person, in his heart and eyes is his kind of care, concern, Su Families can’t tell the truth, and neither can most families.

Zhao Jing laughed when she heard this: "You are also very happy."

Su Jingyan froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Well, I am also very happy, we are all very happy."

What came to mind and asked: "You also gave clothes to the fifth and sixth brothers?"

Zhao Jing hummed, and added: "Qi Lian also has it, and Xiao Chuanzi has it, too."

Qi Lian is her cousin, she knows, no wonder she found that the clothes that her cousin wears are the same style in the past two years, which turned out to be made by the little cousin.

And it's very important, don't let people touch his clothes, the same goes for the fifth and sixth brothers, and the three of them show off to each other.

She didn't quite understand it then, but now she understands, that's why.

But this Xiaochuanzi is that one again, why does she feel familiar, but she can't remember: "Who is Xiaochuanzi?"

Zhao Jing paused with one hand, looked up at her, with a puzzled look on her face, "Gu Beichuan, don't you know me?"

Su Jingyan blinked and said, "It sounds familiar, but I can't remember it."

Zhao Jing had no choice but to paraphrase what Su Jingyang said: "The fourth child of the Gu family."

Suddenly, Su Jingyan remembered, the little grandson of the old man of the Gu family, but he hadn't seen him for several years, how did the little cousin know each other?
"How do you know him?"

Zhao Jing frowned, now it was her turn to be puzzled, and said, "He has been here for three years, and he is an educated youth in the village, don't you know?"

Su Jingyan shook her head, they hadn't heard of it.

I'm even more confused. Didn't Grandpa Gu say that Gu Beichuan went to his grandma's house? How could he be an educated youth here?He also served for three years, how old was he then?It's only fourteen now.

"Didn't you say that he went to his grandma's house? Could it be that his grandma threw it here? This Qi family is too much."

Zhao Jingyi frowned, and put down the knitting needle and wool in her hand.

"Who said that?"

Su Jingyan was a little stunned, why was she so angry?

Although I didn't understand it in my heart, I still said it honestly: "Grandpa Gu and Uncle Gu said it."

When Zhao Jing heard this, she was furious, she was really shameless, and she suppressed her anger and asked, "Who said it first?"

Su Jingyan was a little at a loss, she could see that Zhao Jingyi was very angry: "Uncle Gu told his wife."

Zhao Jing became angry in an instant. If it was the stepmother who said it, she would not be so angry, but now even his father, forget it, I would have guessed this a long time ago, but what about old man Gu.

"Shameless, it's too much."

Su Jingyan's face turned pale with fright, and when Su Qingyun walked in from the door, she heard Zhao Jingyi's angry voice.

Walking over quickly, Junyi's face was full of worry and asked: "What's the matter? What happened? Tell my cousin if you have anything to do, don't get angry."

Zhao Jing took a few deep breaths before she managed to suppress her anger.

"Gu family, it's too much."

Su Qingyun was a little confused, the Gu family?How did the Gu family provoke her?what happened?
It doesn't matter, I gave her the back and let her calm down: "Speak slowly, don't worry, I'm here."

Zhao Jingyi knew better than anyone else how much Gu Beichuan cared about old man Gu, but he never expected that old man would help his son to say this to the outside world.

"Obviously Xiao Chuanzi was thrown into the countryside by his stepmother. He was only ten years old. They actually said that Xiao Chuanzi went to his grandma's house. This is not the most annoying thing. His father and his stepmother don't care. Even his grandfather said that, Xiao Chuanzi must know how chilling he is."

System: "Didn't you already know about the host? Why are you still so angry?"

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment: "When did I know?"

System: "When I just came here."

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched: "It happened a few years ago, I forgot."

System: "The host only has Su Qingyun in his heart, not this system."

Zhao Jingyi: "..." Convulsions again.

When Su Qingyun heard about it, she felt a little helpless: "Gu Beichuan knew about it a long time ago. I wrote to him two years ago."

Zhao Jing was stunned, she became angry for nothing, and even more angry in her heart.

But in the end, I feel sorry for him. The hero is such a good kid, how could he end up in such a family: "He knows, then he will die of grief."

Su Qingyun couldn't help but laugh that this little girl is really protecting the calf.

"It's sad, but I also understand that Mr. Gu did this to protect the Gu family. The Gu family is no more united than our Su family. To be precise, Gu Beichuan's father's mind was squeezed by the door alone."

Zhao Jingyi was still very angry in her heart, and felt that this so-called love was too hypocritical, and after all, the family was not the most important thing.

"I understand what I understand. I think this old man is not good. Xiao Chuanzi is so pitiful and distressing. If he can do this for the sake of the Gu family, will he be able to kill Xiao Chuanzi one day because of the Gu family?"

What about Gu Beichuan, why did he suffer this grievance, thinking of what he heard in the black market last time.

As soon as Zhao Jing felt that the hero was miserable, even worse than her.

Su Qingyun was stopped by Zhao Jingyi's words. These words were not unreasonable. According to the character of taking care of Beichuan, she would not be so obedient.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi's face, Su Qingyun sighed, forget it, he will make an exception to help him once, and the rest will depend on his own fate.

"Isn't there still us here? Nothing like this will happen."

Seeing that the plot has deviated again, the system sighed helplessly. Fortunately, the problem is not serious.

Once Zhao Jing finished speaking, she also calmed down.

Looking at Su Qingyun, he said seriously: "Xiao Chuanzi has helped me a lot in the past few years. He is like a younger brother in front of me. He is afraid that I will be alone and occasionally come to talk to me. Grab some wild game, I’m afraid I don’t have enough firewood in winter, so I’ll pick firewood for me, and he will help me sweep the snow in the yard.”

There is no calculation in everything he does, there is a system, if he calculates her, the system will tell himself.

But for so many years, he really treats himself like a sister, and occasionally comes over.

Su Qingyun felt a little sad in his heart, he couldn't do these things by his side.

It seems that the little girl has already regarded Gu Beichuan as her own in her heart.

"I know, with my cousin here, nothing will happen to him."

 hey hey it's over

  Thank you for the reward, the monthly ticket, the baby who recommends the ticket
  See you tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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