Chapter 310 To Zhaozhuang

Ji Mingxuan was a little disappointed.

Did she go back?Where did you go?

He stared at the direction Zhao Jingyi left for a long time.

Then hurried back.

Zhao Huaiguo said uncomfortably: "Well, girl, can you stop looking at me like this?"

Because after leaving from the gate of the compound, Zhao Qingling has been looking at him for a long time, making him uncomfortable.

Zhao Qingling looked puzzled: "Junior, why are you shy?"

Zhao Huaiguo choked, and his wheat-colored face turned even redder: "Girl, you keep looking at me, and I'm not called a junior."

Zhao Qingling rolled her eyes, and said solemnly: "You are a junior, so why can't you call me. And you should call me aunt."

Zhao Huaiguo was a little angry: "Why are you talking like this, girl?"

Zhao Qingling frowned: "You don't believe me?"

Zhao Huaiguo did not speak.

Zhao Jingyi smiled and said, "Stop teasing him."

Zhao Qingling was annoyed: "I'm telling the truth."

Zhao Qingyan said helplessly: "Linger, everything is uncertain now."

Zhao Qingling sighed, and said lightly: "Forget it, anyway, you will call sooner or later."

Zhao Huaiguo didn't want to talk to her, looked at Zhao Jing and asked, "Auntie, where are we going?"

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling looked at Zhao Jingyi in surprise: "Auntie?"

Zhao Jing said calmly, "Go to Zhaozhuang."

Zhao Huaiguo was stunned, Zhao Zhuang?Also surnamed Zhao: "Zhaozhuang is such a place, where are we going to do it?"

Zhao Qingling said: "You will know when you arrive."

After answering Zhao Huaiguo for Zhao Jingyi, he looked at Zhao Jingyi and said, "But girl, your seniority is a bit high."

Zhao Huaiguo said proudly: "That's right, my aunt is the oldest person in the village, even people in their 80s and [-]s should call me aunt."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan looked at each other, this seniority is so high?

Forget it, let's not talk about seniority for now, if it's all wrong, it's over.

Zhao Huaiguo thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so he asked, "You two also have the surname Zhao?"

Zhao Qingling raised her eyebrows and asked back: "What do you think?"

Zhao Huaiguo glanced at Zhao Jing and saw her nodding, a thought flashed in his mind and looked at the two of them in shock: "The surname is also Zhao, so it could be..."

Zhao Qingling thought he had guessed it, and looked at him with admiration: "The boy's reaction is fast enough, not bad."

In the next second, Zhao Huaiguo's words stunned the two of them, and he said with disbelief: "I didn't expect my ancestor to have a family in Beijing."

Zhao Qingling was overwhelmed by his words, and it took him a long time to react.

Zhao Qingyan is okay, and should be fast, most of her attention is on driving.

Zhao Qingling is not so good, what does this junior mean, what does it mean to have a family, this sentence is easy to be misunderstood.

Gritting his teeth, he said with a fake smile: "Stinky boy, your brain circuit is different from others."

Zhao Huaiguo scratched his head naively and said with a smile, "Thank you for the compliment."

Zhao Qingling: "..."

Zhao Jingyi couldn't help laughing out loud with a 'poof'.

The corner of Zhao Qingling's mouth twitched.

Zhao Qingyan was also very helpless, this junior obviously did it on purpose.

However, it's rare to see Ling'er deflated.

Talking and laughing along the way, time passed quickly, and they arrived at Zhaozhuang before dark.

People from Zhaozhuang have been waiting at the entrance of the village for a long time.

Seeing them coming, I saw the excitement in their eyes from afar.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo looked at each other.

The population of Zhaozhuang is less than two-tenths of that of Zhaojiacun.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling got off the car and said, "Let's go."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Huaiguo followed behind Zhao Jingyi, carrying a suitcase.

The system scanned their situation and reported to Zhao Jingyi: "The host has a normal lifespan except for the few in front."

Zhao Jingyi was a little surprised, and asked, "Is there anything abnormal in this village?"

System: "No."

Nothing abnormal was found in the others, the age of the other villagers is normal, only those few are the same as Zhao Qingling and the others: "However, there are two people who are closer to your host blood relationship. "

Being closer means that they may still be in the same vein: "Huh? Who is it?"

System: "These two are the man and woman standing in front, and they are brothers and sisters."

Zhao Jing nodded and said, "When you finish your work here, you can upgrade, otherwise there are too many unknowns, and I'm not used to it."

Even if Zhao Jing didn't say anything about the system, he still had this plan. Not only Zhao Jing was uncomfortable, but he was also uncomfortable. He was used to knowing everything. So many things popped up now that he couldn't find them now, which made the system feel uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.

"This system also thinks in this way. When the host returns to the Su family safely from here, the system will be upgraded, and we will work hard to upgrade it in the future."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

Coming in front of them, Zhao Jinyi and Zhao Jinxi saw Zhao Jingyi's face so excited that their hands were shaking.

Xue Tonghong said excitedly: "Like, it's too similar."

Zhao Jingyi was stunned, what did she look like?like who?

Zhao Huaiguo was always on guard. These people gave him a very dangerous feeling, especially the man and woman standing in front.

Zhao Qingyan said: "Master, let's enter the village."

Zhao Jinyi came back to his senses and said, "Yes, yes, yes, go in first."

Zhao Jinxi said to the villagers behind him: "You all go away, let's talk about tomorrow."

The villagers are very obedient: "Yes, old ancestor."

Old ancestors?How old is this?

Zhao Jingyi asked the system in her mind: "How old are the men and women in the system? Can you tell?"

Although the system has no way of knowing their identities, their ages can still be scanned: "The male is 130 and five years old, and the female is 120 and nine years old."

Zhao Jingyi: "..." I can't see at all how this is done.

Scanning one is also scanning, and scanning two is also scanning. The system simply scans out their ages and tells Zhao Jingyi: "The other people are basically between 75 and 85 years old."

Everyone can be her grandma, grandpa, and grandpa.

"It's just incredible."

The system told Zhao Jingyi the result of the scan.

"They should have taken banned drugs to prolong their age and keep their appearance at their youngest. When the system scanned their physical condition, they found a problem. They looked like normal people, but They are infertile, which means they have no offspring, and they cannot stay in the sun for a long time, otherwise their skin will be burned and their bodies will be weaker than normal people."

After Zhao Jing heard it, she was stunned. Could it be that such a big price was just to revive the Zhao family?
(End of this chapter)

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