Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 311 Living for the Family

Chapter 311 Living for the Family
This news shocked Zhao Jingyi so much, she murmured in her mind: "In order to revive the Zhao family, they spent their entire lives on it, is it worth it?"

System: "Host, some people live for the family. This situation is normal in a big family."

Zhao Jing knew it, but this kind of situation is usually seen in wealthy or ancient families, on TV, or in novels.

She didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to her.

They took Zhao Jingyi to the best house in the village.

Zhao Jinxi smiled softly and asked: "This is the house we prepared for you a long time ago. Someone will clean it every day. Take a look, is it okay?"

There was a bit of nervousness in his tone, and the others looked at Zhao Jingyi in the same way.

Zhao Jing smiled and nodded: "Thank you, I am very satisfied."

Hearing what she said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Jinyi said gently: "You're welcome, this is what we should do."

It was known from the Su family that Zhao Jingyi was not in good health, so they arranged for her to rest in the room prepared for her as soon as Zhao Jing came.

"I've worked hard all the way. There are things you need in the house. You rest first, and we'll bring you dinner later."

Zhao Jing nodded, but she didn't expect them to be so considerate: "It's troublesome."

Zhao Jinxi waved his hand and said, "No trouble, by the way, the room next door is empty, little brother, you can live next door."

Zhao Huaiguo breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "Thank you."

Fortunately, he didn't arrange himself elsewhere, otherwise he would definitely not want to.

Zhao Jinxi smiled softly, pointed to the nearby yards that were about the same size as this one, and said, "You're welcome, then rest first, and call us next door if you have anything to do."

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo nodded: "Okay."

After explaining what should be explained, they left.

Only Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo were left, Zhao Jingyi said: "You take the suitcase into the house and pack it first, we should stay here for a few days."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jingyi also went into the room they prepared for her to have a look.

next door yard.

A few of them sat together, headed by Zhao Jinyi and Zhao Jinxi.

Zhao Jinyi asked: "The man is his junior?"

Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Jinxi frowned and said, "Brother, do you think that junior looks familiar?"

Zhao Jinyi nodded, pondered for a while and said, "It's a little bit, it looks like the five houses and one lineage back then, does it still need to be checked?"

Zhao Qingshuang pointed at herself in a daze: "Five houses and one bloodline? My bloodline?"

Zhao Jinyi nodded and said, "Yes. That junior looks a little like your cousin."

Zhao Qingshuang was a little excited: "So it might be from my line."

Zhao Jinyi couldn't guarantee it and said: "However, it's just a guess. After all, there are people who look alike."

Zhao Qingshuang nodded, suppressing the excitement in his heart: "I know, but there is also a half probability."

Zhao Qingyan asked: "How is the preparation for the sacrifice?"

Zhao Qingshuang replied: "It's been prepared a long time ago, now that people are here, we can start."

As early as a week ago, they were ready, and only the most critical step was missing, that is, as long as Zhao Jing didn't come, the sacrifice couldn't be carried out.

Zhao Qingyan nodded: "That's fine."

Zhao Jinxi looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late, let's cook."

Several people nodded: "Yes."

They all went to work, Zhao Jinyi and Zhao Jinxi were sitting in the room.

Zhao Jinxi looked at Zhao Jinyi with red eyes and said, "Brother, we finally waited. It was really her. The patriarch was right, and we finally persevered."

In the past few decades, they have changed their identities one after another, endured physical discomfort and went to various places to search, and they were disappointed again and again, which made them unable to persist.

Fortunately, they all persevered.

I can still see the day when the Zhao family recovers.

Zhao Jinyi patted her hand and comforted her softly: "Don't cry, brother knows that everything will be fine after tomorrow."

He was in the same mood as her. They watched how the family was dispersed, and how their relatives left one by one.

After searching for more than [-] years, there was no news, and they were afraid that they would not be able to find him. In the end, the two brothers and sisters took the forbidden medicine left by the patriarch to prolong their lives, hoping to find him later.

Fortunately, they were finally found before they died.

Even if it is death, there is no regret.

Su family.

An Yue sat on the sofa with a worried face on her face: "I don't know, whether they have arrived or not."

Mu Leng nodded, also with worry on his face: "Yes, it's so late."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone on the side rang.

An Yue subconsciously picked up the phone.

"Hello, Yiyi?"

Mu Ling also stared closely.

Su Jingxiao's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hi, Mom, it's me."

An Yue was disappointed when she heard her son's voice.

"Jing Xiao, what's the matter?"

Su Jingxiao heard the disappointment in his mother's tone, and didn't mind saying: "Is the second child at home, let him come to the hospital to pick up Chu Man back."

An Yue was a little surprised, and said with a little more joy on her face: "Xiao Man is back, yes, I understand."

Su Jingxiao: "Yes."

Then the phone season hung up.

Mu Leng: "Xiao Man is back?"

An Yue nodded: "Well, in the hospital, I should have gone to see Xiao Wu when I came back."

Chu Man, Su Jingxiao's daughter-in-law, is also An Yue's own daughter-in-law.

He is a military doctor, but he doesn't work here in Beijing, and the young couple often separate in different places.

An Yue shouted towards the second floor: "Little Crane."

Su Jinghe opened the door and walked out: "Auntie, did you call me?"

An Yue nodded and said, "Yes. You go to the hospital to pick up your sister-in-law."

Su Jinghe was slightly taken aback: "Sister-in-law is back?"

An Yue nodded: "Well, I'll go see your uncle when I get back."

Su Jinghe smiled, just in time to ask his wife when she will come back: "Okay, I'll go now."

He turned around and went back to his room, took a coat, went downstairs and drove to the hospital.

Su Jingxiao's daughter-in-law Chu Man and Su Jinghe's daughter-in-law Xiao Yuanyuan both work in the same place, but the departments are different.

Seeing his son running so fast, Mu Ling helped his forehead helplessly.

"This kid is definitely going to ask Xiaoman about Yuanyuan again."

An Yue smiled: "The young couple haven't seen each other for a few months, I think that's for sure."

Mu Leng also laughed, but when he thought about the fact that their husband and wife separated not long after they got married, they never saw each other twice a year.Mu Leng was a little worried: "That's right, we still have to find a way to get the two of them transferred back, otherwise it's not a solution to always be separated so far."

An Yue also thought the same way: "Yeah, the boss and the second child are in Beijing, and Manman and Yuanyuan are far away. It's not good to be separated all the time."

(End of this chapter)

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