Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 312 Chu Man, Xiao Yuanyuan

Chapter 312 Chu Man, Xiao Yuanyuan
No, I must tell my man tonight.

Let's not talk about other issues first, for fear of affecting the relationship between husband and wife.

What's more, they have been married for four or five years, and it is not an option to continue like this.

The door of the hospital.

Chu Man looked at Xiao Yuanyuan who was at the side and joked with a smile, "No accident, your guy will show up in 3 minutes."

Xiao Yuanyuan wasn't shy at all, and said with a smile, "It's the same with yours."

Both of them had happy smiles on their faces.

After laughing for a while, Chu Man's brows and eyes were a little sad: "I don't know if I can pass the application for transfer."

Xiao Yuanyuan shook her head: "I don't know, go back and ask grandpa."

Chu Man nodded, and told Xiao Yuanyuan her plan.

"That's the only way to go. If I can come back, I think I will have a child in the next two years. My parents don't rush, but I know that they also want to have grandchildren. Grandpa is also getting old. Seeing other people's children is very sad. I’m sure I want to hug my great-grandson too.”

Xiao Yuanyuan smiled and said, "I'm planning to tell you about this too."

The two are classmates and good girlfriends, and they are still sisters-in-law now.

Chu Man smiled and said, "It would be great if we could conceive and have a baby together."

Xiao Yuanyuan said with a smirk on her face, "Yeah, take advantage of the annual leave and 'work harder'."

Chu Man blushed like a monkey's butt, and called coquettishly, "Yuanyuan."

Xiao Yuanyuan tilted her head and looked at her maliciously: "Hey, don't you want to?"

Chu Man blushed so badly, she turned her head and said, "You're talking like that, I'm ignoring you."

Xiao Yuanyuan covered her mouth and smiled: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

A car is coming from a distance.

The enthusiasm on Chu Man's face also receded.

He smiled and said, "Your man is here."

The smile on Xiao Yuanyuan's face was even wider, and she said, "Come and pick us up."

Chu Man rolled her eyes and said, "I'm here to pick you up, my sister-in-law is just going along."

Xiao Yuanyuan smiled even more happily.

Su Jinghe was still stunned when he saw the two of them.

His wife is also back.Su Jinghe thought he had misread it until the car stopped, he got out of the car, and saw his wife.

Everyone was stunned.

Chu Man looked at him so stupidly, covered her mouth and said jokingly, "Why don't you even know your own wife?"

Su Jinghe came back to his senses, strode over, hugged Xiao Yuanyuan into his arms, and called out in a low voice, "Yuan'er."

Xiao Yuanyuan hugged back, buried her head in Su Jinghe's chest, deeply lusting after his breath: "Brother He."

Chu Man smiled, carried her luggage, walked to the car and put it away, so that the young couple could have a good get-together.

Zhao Zhuang.

Zhao Jingyi's residence.

Zhao Jinyi and the others took all the prepared meals to Zhao Jingyi's residence.

Zhao Jingyi stood at the door of the room and watched them bring all the things here. It seems that they will have dinner here tonight.

Zhao Qingyan came over: "You are hungry, you can eat now."

Zhao Jing smiled lightly and said, "Fortunately, thanks for your hard work."

Zhao Qingyan shook her head: "It's not hard."

The two are not very familiar with each other, but they are familiar to others.

Zhao Qingyan said: "After dinner, you should have a good rest and start tomorrow."

Zhao Jing hummed.

Zhao Jinxi put the last dish on the table and said, "Why are you two standing there, come over and sit down to eat."

Zhao Qingyan replied, "Here we are."

Turning to her with a smile, he said, "Go and eat French food."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

The two walked over together, and Zhao Huaiguo also followed Zhao Jing as soon as he saw Zhao Jing walking over.

Good guy, I don’t know if I don’t get close, but I’m startled when I get close, the meat and vegetables are complete, chicken, pork, and fish.

This is way too rich.

Zhao Huaiguo looked at Zhao Jingyi and asked her what to do.

Zhao Jinyi smiled and said, "Don't be surprised, just sit down and talk while eating."

Zhao Jing nodded and hummed.

Zhao Huaiguo and Zhao Jing stood next to each other, and waited for everyone to sit down.

Zhao Jinyi personally served Zhao Jingyi a bowl of soup, put it in front of her, and said, "Although the Zhao family is not lonely anymore, this food is still affordable, so don't be surprised."

Zhao Huaiguo didn't understand, but he probably understood a little bit. The Zhao family he said used to be very rich.

Zhao Jingyi didn't speak, but listened to him.

Zhao Jinyi didn't mind continuing to say: "I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, it doesn't matter, I will solve it for you after the matter is over tomorrow."

Zhao Jing looked at him and nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jinyi smiled, this little girl is very smart: "By the way, I haven't given it to you yet, let me introduce you."

Zhao Jinxi took it and said, "I'll do it."

Zhao Jinyi nodded: "Alright."

Zhao Jinxi first introduced himself and Zhao Jinyi: "I am Zhao Jinxi, this is my brother and my senior brother Zhao Jinyi."

He continued: "Brother is now the interim patriarch of the Zhao family, and I am the great elder."

Zhao Jing nodded, and Zhao Huaiguo nodded accordingly.

After Zhao Jinxi introduced himself, he went to Zhao Qingyan and the others.

"This is Xuetong, who is also the next great elder of the Zhao family. You both know Yan'er and Ling'er, the second and third elders, Shuang'er is the seventh, Qingwen is the fifth, Qingming is the fourth, and there is Rou'er I don’t know if you’ve seen her before, but she’s ranked sixth, eighth, ninth, and tenth are not in Zhuangzi right now, but I’ll introduce you sometime.”

As soon as Zhao Jing wondered whether the elders were so casual, she heard Zhao Jinxi say, "Everyone of them is the descendant of the elders of the ancestors of the Zhao family."

It turned out to be the case.

Just when Zhao Jingyi thought it was over and she could eat in peace, Zhao Jinxi's next sentence stunned her.

"After tomorrow, the position of patriarch will be handed over to you."

Zhao Jing refused without even thinking about it: "No."

Zhao Jinxi thought that she had such a big reaction because she felt that she had taken Zhao Jinyi's position, so she quickly comforted her and said, "This is originally yours."

Zhao Jingyi still shook her head: "No."

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding why it didn't work.

Zhao Jinxi asked: "Why?"

Zhao Jing said solemnly, "I'm not suitable."

Zhao Jinxi still didn't understand that she didn't need to do anything to be the patriarch: "What's not suitable, you are the next patriarch, it was stipulated by the old patriarch, there is nothing inappropriate."

Zhao Jingyi didn't expect that she would say something like this when she came here: "I'm still young, I can't afford it."

Zhao Jinxi smiled, it turned out that she was worried about this problem: "This is even less of a problem."

Zhao Jingyi: "..." Isn't that a problem?This is obviously a big question, okay?

What's more, she is still a child, how can a child be the head of a clan.

What's more, what did their old patriarch think, how could they make such a joke and let a child be the patriarch.

"It's a serious problem."

Zhao Jinxi said with a smile: "It's not serious, and we will help you."

(End of this chapter)

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