Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 313 Is It Too Early To Retire?

Chapter 313 Is It Too Early To Retire?
No matter what she said, Zhao Jing refused to agree, and said earnestly, "No, it's really inappropriate, I'm still a child."

Zhao Jinxi still said patiently: "You really don't have to worry about this problem. With us by your side to help you, you don't have to think so much at all."

Zhao Jinyi also joined in the persuasion: "Xiaoxi is right, with us here, you don't have to worry."

The others said together: "Yes."

right?That's right, Zhao Jing twitched the corner of her mouth, and said helplessly, "No, that's not what I meant..."

Everyone wondered: "That's not what it means? What does that mean?"

Zhao Huaiguo was listening on the sidelines, and he was dumbfounded when he heard that they were going to give the position of patriarch to Zhao Jingyi.

What's happening here?
Is the patriarch so worthless now, handed over so casually?

What else does it mean that the old patriarch has settled down? What does this mean?
Zhao Jinxi thought for a while and asked, "Could it be that you are afraid that my brother will have opinions?"

Zhao Jinyi froze for a moment and said, "I have no objection."

Fearing that Zhao Jingyi would not believe Zhao Jinyi, he added on purpose: "My position as patriarch was originally temporary, and I still have my own position."

When Zhao Jing saw them, her words became more and more outrageous: "No, I'm really not suitable. You've been working for so many years, so just keep going."

Zhao Jinyi shook his head, and said with a serious face: "That's not okay, this is what the old patriarch told us, and we can't go against it."

Zhao Jingyi almost lost her temper, she couldn't do it anyway, she also looked at them seriously and said: "I don't like to make trouble for myself, I promised to come and help, and I'll go back when I'm done, and I didn't say anything else This thing."

What else Zhao Jinyi wanted to say: "But..."

Zhao Jingyi interrupted him: "No, but, if you insist on this favor, I won't help. I'll go back now."

When the patriarch?Don't even think about it, she doesn't want it.

Zhao Jinxi quickly said: "Okay, listen to you, let's eat first, we will talk about this later."

Only then did Zhao Jing's expression soften, and she hummed.

System: "The host is right to disagree."

Zhao Jing hummed, and said, "I don't like trouble, not to mention that the Zhao family hasn't recovered yet, even now there are a lot of things going on."

The system understands Zhao Jingyi's thoughts: "Yes, although the system can't know the situation of the Zhao family now, but the intuition tells the system that it's good for the host not to accept it. Although it's okay to accept it, it's better not to accept it."

Zhao Jingyi doesn't want to be a patriarch, she just wants to wait for the resumption of the college entrance examination, and she will go back to the village and take them to plant fruit trees, take them to live a good life together, and then be a salted fish with peace of mind .

"Accept this life is impossible, isn't it good to be free?"

This is her wish. After working hard, she will become a salted fish and live a small life of raising fish and growing flowers every day.

In addition, from time to time, I would go under the big tree in the village and listen to the people in the village gossip.

It's not too comfortable, isn't it more comfortable than carrying a big burden?
The system sensed Zhao Jingyi's thoughts, and after thinking about it, he thought it was not bad: "Host, you have a good idea."

Zhao Jingyi said with a little pride: "That is, anyway, I have been a salted fish for several years in modern times."

System: "The host can rest assured that you have this system and these are not problems."

There are still more than two years left before the resumption of the college entrance examination, and there is still plenty of time, and it will take a few years to go to school: "We have to wait for more than two years."

By the time she finished her studies, Zhao Jingyi was only in her twenties, still young.

While eating, he said to the system in his mind: "I have been in Beijing for almost a month, and now I want to go back to the village to provide for the elderly."

System: "...Master Host, you are only fifteen or almost 16 years old, isn't it too early for retirement?"

Zhao Jing took a sip of the soup and said calmly, "But I'm not really old."

The system "..." said so, but hasn't it gotten used to it over the years?

Why suddenly, said this again.

Zhao Jingyi didn't speak any more, and concentrated on cooking. I have to say that their cooking skills are really good.

As expected of an old man who has lived for decades, it is rare to be able to cook such delicious dishes in this era.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi eating so deliciously, the chefs smiled.

In their eyes, Zhao Jingyi's age is either a granddaughter or a great-grandson.

The attitude towards her will automatically bring in the love and care that I am an elder towards a junior.

After dinner, they told Zhao Jingyi to let her have a good rest, packed up her things and left.

Zhao Jingyi looked at Zhao Huaiguo and said, "You go wash up first, and I'll explain to you later."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded and turned back to the room.

Zhao Jingyi also went back to her room. Her master bedroom was relatively large, and everything was brand new. There was also a big cabinet filled with clothes, which they had prepared for her in the past half month.

The bed is a double bed, and the bedding is brand new.

Zhao Jingyi sat on the edge of the bed and looked at everything in the room, wondering if she could go back in the afternoon after finishing her work tomorrow.

To be honest, living here is very uncomfortable, and it takes time to get used to a new environment.

It also needs a process, but she doesn't want to.

She still has to go to the hospital to see Su Qingyun, and change his medicine so that he can recover sooner.

System: "The host might as well use the people in Zhaozhuang as an excuse to take out the scar-removing ointment openly and give it to Su Qingyun to use."

Zhao Jing smiled. She had already had this idea when she systematically said that Zhao Jinyi and the others were taking banned drugs: "You're thinking about it with me."

System: "People from the Su family can't find out the weirdness of Zhaozhuang people, so even if they have doubts in their hearts, they won't be able to find out anything."

After all, the people in Zhaozhuang don't like to deal with Jun Fang, even if there is Zhao Jingyi, they are still the same.

Moreover, the Su family has long been aware of Zhao Zhuang's mystery, so they may not ask.

Zhao Jingyi also thought the same way: "Well, you exchange it for me and give it to me when I go back."

Just like Zhao Zhuang's secret, tell the old man that they might just keep it a secret for Su Qingyun's sake.

As long as this matter is resolved, I can go back to Zhaojia Village and continue to live the days of going to and from work every day.

To be honest, such days are full and the time passes quickly.

Tired is a bit tired, but it is good for the body, not to mention that she is full and the whole family is not hungry.

After making a decision in her heart, the last big rock in Zhao Jingyi's heart was relieved, and she felt a lot more relaxed.

After a while, Zhao Huaiguo came out after washing.

Zhao Jing stood up and walked out.

It's already nine o'clock in the evening. After sitting in the car for so long today, Zhao Huaiguo was worried that Zhao Jingyi's body would not be able to handle it and said, "Grandma, it's getting late, why don't we talk about it tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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