Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 315 Haven't we passed this stalk?

Chapter 315 Haven't we passed this stalk?
Facing Su Qingyun's 'death threat' eyes, Su Jingyu was very helpless: "Well, let me tell you, you know that you are bullying me. My little cousin went to a village not far from the city, and she said she would be back in two days."

Without Su Qingyun opening his mouth, Su Jingyu explained it himself.

"It seems that there is something very important to do, and grandpa knows it, but he doesn't tell us."

Su Qingyun closed her eyes and rested after listening.

Since the old man knows, it's all right.

Su Jingyu sighed and said, "Uncle, Ji Mingxuan likes him so much that he likes little cousin. I have always regarded him as my brother, but he actually wants to be my cousin."

Su Qingyun knew about it a long time ago, and made a note for Ji Mingxuan in her heart, and she will have a 'chat' with him when she recovers.

Seeing that Su Qingyun was silent, Su Jingyu didn't mind, and continued to talk about the pain in his heart: "Oh, what do you think he thinks, how could such a good person do such a thing, it's a pity that I have always regarded him as Brother, it hurts so much."

Su Qingyun couldn't speak, otherwise she would definitely reply to him: That's because you are stupid, this damn fox cub has such obvious thoughts, I only know now, who is to blame.

It's a pity he can't speak.

Su Jingyu didn't know either, but in his uncle's heart, he was disgusted.

He is now immersed in his own sadness, while talking to Su Qingyun about his grievances and sadness.

Of course, he also knew in his heart that his uncle must be thinking how he might dislike him.

But he doesn't mind, because he has no place to tell the pain in his heart, his two best friends and brothers.

One misses his sister, the other misses his little cousin, it's really hard for him.

After listening to him babbling a lot, Su Qingyun fell asleep.

Su Jingyu originally wanted to say something, but when he heard his uncle's even breathing, he felt bad all over.

Feeling even more miserable, he sighed a long time, went to the side of the accompanying bed and lay down, looking at the ceiling.

Early the next morning.

Zhao Jing woke up early in the morning.

I looked at the time and found that I had already turned around and entered the space, and asked the system to pay attention to the outside.

Focusing on Su Qingyun's scars all over his body, he ignored the injury to his voice: "Is there any medicine to restore vocal cords?"

System: "Yes, host."

In the next second, what Zhao Jingyi needed was called out and displayed in front of her.

Zhao Jing looked at so many in front of her, a little dazzled: "Which one can make him recover the fastest?"

System: "The most expensive one."

Zhao Jingyi's eyes fell on the green pill at the bottom: "Yes."

Seeing the price, the corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched: "520 trading points?"

System: "Yes host."

Zhao Jingyi said angrily, "What about the robbery?"


The price has always been like this, never before, and it is still a conscience price.

Why was it robbed? The system took a look at Zhao Jingyi's remaining trading points, which were [-] points.

I didn't dare to speak in silence.

There is still a shortfall of more than 1000 and nearly [-].

Inexplicably a little guilty.

Zhao Jingyi didn't plan to use her stockpile to trade anymore, so she turned her eyes to the cheapest one above and asked, "Three nines, how long will it take to recover after using it?"

The system immediately replied: "Half a month."

Half a month is not too long, I looked at the most expensive one and asked, "Then what about the most expensive one?"

The system subconsciously said, "Immediately."

Zhao Jing felt a little better when she heard that, more than 5000 will be effective immediately, that's okay, but too fast is not good, too eye-catching, the three nines are not bad: "Too fast, not good."

The system said courteously: "Nine hundred and ninety-nine is just right, host."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, that's it."

The system exchanged it for her immediately: "Okay, Master Host."

Zhao Jing asked suspiciously: "By the way, are you sure you didn't secretly hack my exchange point?"

The system almost didn't cry, he was too wronged: "Absolutely not, all exchanges are recorded."

Then the records were called out, and all of them were displayed in front of Zhao Jingyi.

In my heart, I greeted all the systems that Zhao Jing had read in the novel.

As for the reason, because in the past few days, Zhao Jing saw that the systems in those books were too black-hearted.

It’s okay to hack the trading point of your own host, but also cheat your own host.

Fortunately, it was a fake, otherwise he would definitely report it to the main system and be severely punished.

In fact, Zhao Jingyi didn't distrust him, she just wanted to blow up the system to see how dishonest he was.

After all, she hadn't forgotten those two sheep, thinking about it now made her heart ache.

What a loss, what a loss.

Sensing Zhao Jingyi's thoughts, the system: "..." Haven't we passed this stalk?

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at the transaction account, it was basically all medicines for Su Qingyun.

I feel a little pain in my heart, and this is already the most favorable price given by the system, otherwise her trading point would definitely not be enough, and she would have to pay back.

System: "After deducting 99 transaction points, the remaining transaction point balance is [-]."

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

My heart is bleeding. I was already poor, but now I am even poorer.

The system didn't dare to make a sound, trying to reduce its sense of existence.

Zhao Jingyi looked at an extra white jade porcelain vase on the bed, and what it was marked on it thoughtfully.

Sighing, he turned around and left the space after putting his things away.

Not long after, Zhao Jinxi knocked on the door.

Zhao Huaiguo went to open the door, and Zhao Jing opened the door and walked out.

Zhao Jinxi smiled and greeted them both: "Good morning."

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo: "Good morning."

Zhao Jinxi picked up the basket in his hand and said, "Be hungry, I'll bring you breakfast."

Zhao Jing smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Zhao Jinxi walked in and asked, "How did you rest last night?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Very good."

Zhao Huaiguo went to wash up, Zhao Jinxi moved out a table from the kitchen, and Zhao Jingyi helped move the stool.

Zhao Jinxi took out the porridge and white bread, and said, "Breakfast is relatively simple, and the sacrifice can begin when everyone is ready."

Zhao Jing nodded, she didn't know who to wait for, they just arranged, and she didn't understand the rest: "Okay."

Zhao Jinxi served Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo a bowl of chicken porridge: "Well, let's eat first. Do you want to go for a walk? I can take you for a walk around the village later."

Zhao Jingyi was thinking about this, looked at her and asked, "Is it convenient?"

Going out for a walk just allows the system to look around here.

Zhao Jinxi nodded and said with a smile: "It's convenient, you can treat yourself as your own home here, we don't have so many rules here."

Zhao Jingyi didn't take her words seriously, even if she said it from the bottom of her heart: "Then I will trouble you."

Zhao Jinxi waved his hand and said, "No trouble, it just happens to let you get familiar with everything in Zhuangzi."

(End of this chapter)

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