Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 316 The Price After Taking Prohibited Drugs

Chapter 316 The Price After Taking Prohibited Drugs
Zhao Jing wanted to say: There is no need.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't say it, just smiled at her and didn't speak.

Zhao Jinxi saw her like this.She felt very helpless, but she would not give up. To be precise, none of them would give up.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know what they were thinking, even if they knew, she wouldn't change her mind.

After breakfast, Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo went out with Zhao Jinxi.

As for the things on the table, someone will come and clean them up later.

At this time, the villagers in the village had just gone to work.

It was just right for Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo to go out with Zhao Jinxi.

But anyone who sees Zhao Jinxi will shout: "Old ancestor."

Zhao Jingyi has calmed down ever since she found out their ages from the system.

Zhao Huaiguo is not very calm, but he is not the kind of talkative person, although he is very curious.

The three characters 'ancestor' have a great seniority.

But thinking about Zhao Jingyi's seniority seems to be almost the same, so I am not so surprised.

This village is not big, and it looks a little poorer than other villages, but in fact this village is not poor at all.

Zhao Jinxi pointed to the mountains in the distance and said, "Our village doesn't look big, but it's actually pretty big. The surrounding mountains are all ours."

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo nodded, they were still a little worse than Zhaojiacun.

Everyone in the field is working hard.

The sun was about to come out, and Zhao Jinxi's complexion was a little strange.

Zhao Jing stretched out her hand to support her, with a look of concern on her face: "Are you okay?"

Zhao Jinxi didn't expect that he couldn't even stay under the sun for an hour now, so he said a little weakly: "It's okay, let's go back."

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo didn't ask any further questions, and nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jingyi helped her to walk back.

System: "She is one of the costs of taking banned drugs."

Zhao Jingyi saw her pale face and extremely weak, and frowned: "Is there any way to solve it?"

The system shook his head: "The system doesn't know yet, but you can wait and see after the upgrade."

At least for now, the system has no solution, and the system itself is not sure whether there is a solution after the upgrade.

Zhao Jing hummed.

System: "The host doesn't have to worry that she's fine, just rest for a while."

She was relieved to have a system.

Fortunately, the distance is not far, otherwise Zhao Jinxi might be in danger.

When they came back, they ran into Xuetong and Zhao Qingming, and their faces changed slightly when they saw Zhao Jinxi's appearance.

He hurried over to help her and took her back.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo were left aside.

The two of them didn't mind, after all, Zhao Jinxi was more important, and the two were behind them.

Zhao Qingyan came over and said: "Master has committed an old problem, you two are not frightened."

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo shook their heads, and Zhao Jingyi said apologetically, "No, I'm sorry."

Zhao Qingyan shook her head, and said comfortingly: "It's none of your business, and you don't know, so don't blame yourself."

Zhao Jingyi still blamed herself: "It's because of us anyway, she is like this, I'm sorry."

Zhao Qingyan said helplessly: "Don't think too much, this matter has nothing to do with you, it's fine, master will be fine in a while."

Zhao Jing looked at the room with the closed door and sighed softly.

Zhao Qingyan winked at Zhao Huaiguo, wanting him to persuade Zhao Jingyi, but Zhao Huaiguo didn't know how to persuade him, he was stupid.

Zhao Qingyan felt very speechless, she was usually good at speaking but now she just didn't know what was going on.

About 10 minutes later, Xuetong came out from inside.

Come to them and say: "Uncle Shi is fine, you don't have to worry."

Zhao Jingyi let out a light breath: "That's good."

Xuetong smiled slightly, looked at Zhao Jingyi with a softer look, and said to Zhao Qingyan who was beside her: "Yan'er, take them to the ancestral hall, where is the master waiting for you?"

Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jing nodded to Xuetong and left with Zhao Qingyan.

After watching them leave, Xuetong turned and entered the house.

ancestral hall.

Apart from Zhao Qingshuang, Zhao Qingwen and Zhao Qingling whom Zhao Jingyi and the others had met, there were a few more new faces here.

Zhao Qingyan introduced to Zhao Jingyi: "These are elders in their eighties and nineties, Qinghe, Qinglian, and Qingyu. If Rou'er can't come, she will be temporarily replaced by Sister Xuetong."

Zhao Qingrou wanted to sit in Beijing, so she couldn't get away.

At the same time, the system also scanned the bodies of these unfamiliar faces: "Like them, they all took banned drugs."

However, the surrounding layout is very solemn.

It's a bit like the ancient ritual.

The system solved her doubts in time: "The host's guess is correct. Their sacrifices are based on ancient sacrifices, which happen to be the only way of sacrifices of big families."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

Just like worshiping ancestors, it is more cumbersome and has more processes.

The system glanced again: "Looking at the layout, it is already doing its best, otherwise I am afraid it will not be so simple."

To be able to gather so many things in this era, I am afraid that it took a long time to prepare for it.

When Zhao Jing heard the system say this, she suddenly felt a little lucky, otherwise she would definitely be exhausted.

Seeing that they had all changed their clothes, Zhao Qingyan said, "I'll take you to change first."

Zhao Jing blinked, looked at the people inside who were all wearing robes, and nodded: "Okay."

Not forgetting that Zhao Huaiguo was still there, Zhao Qingyan said to Zhao Qingling who was standing at the door: "Ling'er, take this junior first to find a place for him to rest, and I will go and change clothes with you."

Zhao Qingling nodded: "Yes."

Looking at Zhao Huaiguo: "Come with me."

Zhao Huaiguo looked at Zhao Jingyi, Zhao Jing nodded to him and said softly, "Go."

Only then did Zhao Huaiguo follow Zhao Qingling.

Zhao Qingyan smiled: "You are a good junior."

Hearing her praise Zhao Huaiguo, Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Indeed, she is very obedient and sensible."

Hearing the pride in Zhao Jing's tone, Zhao Qingyan laughed helplessly: "Well, it's just a little silly."

Zhao Jing frowned slightly, and asked, "How long will the sacrifice be? Can I go back to Beijing this afternoon?"

Zhao Qingyan knew what she was anxious to go back for, she shook her head and said: "The sacrifice will last until the afternoon, and there is one more thing to do after the end, I can't go back today, tomorrow, okay?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

One more thing, what is it?
If you have to wait until the end of the sacrifice, it means that this matter may be very important.

The system didn't know what was going on, but he didn't let go of his vigilance. As long as there was something wrong with the people here, he would immediately give them a set of electric shock service.

Everyone here is old, and their skills are not simple. If the power is low, they can't do it.

Although the main system said there was no danger, the system was still worried.

(End of this chapter)

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