Chapter 317 Sacrifice
The system is very empty now, and many things have gone beyond his knowledge, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Zhao Qingyan led Zhao Jingyi into a small courtyard behind the ancestral hall from the other side.

It's not very big, like a small courtyard, Zhao Qingyan introduced: "This is the courtyard where the master and uncle come to live for a few days every month."

Zhao Qingyan pushed open the door of one of them, and there were a lot of clothes inside, and none of them were cheap, the style seemed to be ancient clothes.

"There are two rooms for the master and uncle, and the other two are for storing things."

The system immediately estimated: "The price of everything here is not low, whether it was before or now, and the host has made a fortune."

Zhao Jingyi: "..." It wasn't her who sent out the hammer.

System: "Ahem, I forgot for a while."

Zhao Jing just rolled her eyes at the system.

Zhao Qingyan had already walked in, and took out a water-blue dress from a large box, and a set of pretty jewelry on it.

Zhao Jingyi was stunned, what was going on here?
Just when Zhao Jingyi thought that the priest would wear this, she saw Zhao Qingyan put the clothes in her hand aside, and took out two sets of dusty robes that looked a little 'aged' from the box again.

Recalling that Zhao Qingling was also wearing a gray robe just now.

After Zhao Qingyan put away the water-blue dress, she said to Zhao Jingyi, "Let's change."

Zhao Jing nodded, took one of the robes in her hand, and put it on.

System: "The host is more valuable."

Zhao Jingyi looked helpless: "Which one of these do you think is worthless?"

The system choked.It seems to be: "..."

However, the host reacted so quickly, as expected of his master host.

Zhao Jing's old face turned red. Was that aloof emotion system killed by a ghost?She had a sudden convulsion, which made her feel embarrassed.

After changing her clothes, Zhao Qingyan gave Zhao Jing a new haircut and took her out.

It's about ten o'clock in the morning.

When Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Jing came in, everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Jingyi.

Especially the three elders, their reaction to seeing Zhao Jingyi was the same as that of Zhao Jinyi and the others when they arrived last night.

Zhao Jingyi has calmed down.

Not long after, Zhao Jinxi and Xuetong also came.

Zhao Jinyi looked at Zhao Jingyi with a gentle smile on his face: "I should have told you about Yan'er, so I won't introduce any more."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Jinyi looked at Zhao Qingming who was on the side.

Zhao Qingming nodded.

Zhao Jinyi glanced at everyone present: "Let's start when everyone is here."

Everyone: "Yes."

Zhao Jing stood beside Zhao Jinyi in a daze, what should she do?

Zhao Huaiguo stood in the most inconspicuous corner, but because of his size, he was not overlooked.

Behind Zhao Jinyi are the spirit tablets of the ancestors of the Zhao family, of course this is only a small part.

First burn incense to the ancestors, Zhao Jingyi naturally wanted it, and after the incense was burnt, the real sacrifice began.

Zhao Jingyi only needs to follow Zhao Jinyi, whatever he does, Zhao Jingyi can follow suit.

There are not many procedures, but one is the most important and the last one. They don't know what it is, and she can't understand what they read.

This starts with two hours...

(Fill the line by myself)...

04:30 in the afternoon, after the sacrifice.

Zhao Jingyi felt a little dizzy all over.

system? "Master host, are you alright?"

Zhao Jing said sullenly, "It's okay, but I'm a little dizzy."

At the same time, Zhao Huaiguo also noticed that Zhao Jingyi's face was not quite right, and strode over, with concern and worry on his face: "Auntie, are you okay?"

Zhao Jing nodded, and said with a soft smile, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just a little tired."

Zhao Huaiguo helped her to sit aside.

Zhao Qingling walked over with a glass of water at some point.

Although there was no expression on his face, there was concern in his eyes: "Are you okay?"

Zhao Jing nodded, took a sip of water, and felt better: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, just take a rest."

Everyone else went to prepare for later events, so they were not in the ancestral hall.

Zhao Jingyi didn't look so good after they left
Zhao Qingling came back to get things, and went to pick up a glass of water when she heard the sound.

Seeing that Zhao Qingling was still here, with a bit of worry in her eyes, Zhao Jingyi smiled and said: "Go and do your work, I'll be fine if I take a rest."

Although she said so, Zhao Qingling was still worried, hesitated for a while and said: "If you are too tired, I will go and explain to the master that tomorrow will continue."

Zhao Jing shook her head, she wanted to go back to treat her cousin early tomorrow, and it would take another day to figure out what to do, what a waste of time.

"I'm really fine, don't wait until tomorrow."

Zhao Qingling looked at her for a while, then nodded, then got up to get things and went out.

The system has been paying attention to their movements, and found that they have reached the hillside not far behind the yard just now.

After the system scanned it once, it froze.

There is room below.

Halfway through the trace, out of range.

The system told Zhao Jingyi about this.

Zhao Jingyi was a little surprised, but don't panic, according to what Zhao Qingyan said, she will go there later, so don't panic.

The answer will be revealed shortly.

System: "Host, I have a hunch that this Zhaozhuang hides a big secret, and it's a very deep secret."

Zhao Jingyi said calmly as if she had guessed it a long time ago: "Isn't the Su family also the same?"

The system choked.

Well, indeed, such as Zhao Jingyi and the jade pendant in the hands of the old man.

It's a huge secret, and that's one of the reasons why Zhao Jing beat Zhao Huaiguo at that time.

Because there was a vague mention in the original text, although it was not obvious, it was also noticed by Zhao Jingyi.

But Zhao Jingyi did not tell Zhao Huaiguo about this.

Zhao Huaiguo didn't want Zhao Jingyi to continue when he saw that Zhao Jingyi was uncomfortable.

But he also understood Zhao Jingyi's temperament.

There is no way for me to stop her, and I can only try my best to protect her.

After about 10 minutes or so, Zhao Jingyi's expression eased a lot.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling walked in from the outside. On the way, Zhao Qingyan learned from Zhao Qingling that Zhao Jingyi's complexion was not very good, so as soon as he came here, he immediately asked with concern: "Girl, are you okay?"

Zhao Jing shook her head and smiled slightly: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, I'll feel better if I take a rest."

Zhao Qingyan saw that there was nothing wrong with her face other than a little pale, but she was still not at ease and told her: "That's good, if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell us, your body is the most important thing, understand?"

Zhao Jing saw that the concern on their faces didn't look fake, and smiled: "Well, I know, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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