Chapter 319
This scene shocked Zhao Jingyi.

To be honest, the system was also taken aback. The scanning distance was limited, so the scanning just now was incomplete, and now it is the most complete. .

Zhao Qingyan looked at the ancient house in front of her, with a bit of nostalgia in her eyes: "This is the foundation of our Zhao family."

Zhao Jing was stunned by the scene in front of her, and asked in a murmur, "Is this the main family of the Zhao family?"

Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Yes, this is the main family of the Zhao family."

When they were young, they played here and grew up here, until the troubled times came, and the patriarch had to disperse everyone.

And the place where they are standing now is the emergency escape channel of their Zhao family.

All other entrances were sealed off, and only here remained.

Zhao Qingyan suppressed the emotion on her face and said: "Master, they are waiting for us in the ancestral hall, let's go."

Zhao Jing nodded once she recovered.

Zhao Qingling didn't say much along the way, and kept leading the way.

Zhao Jingyi could feel that she and Zhao Qingyan were not in high spirits.

I have some guesses in my heart, but they are not very accurate.

The three of them didn't speak all the way, and when they walked in, Zhao Jingyi seemed to have the feeling that she had come to ancient times.

Everything around her was so real, giving her a feeling of being there, and with her long robe, it was as if she was in the alley next to the ancient big family.

Although I don't know how they preserved such a large ancient house so well.

But one thing can be seen, they said that the Zhao family is a big family that has been hidden for a hundred years, and they are not lying.

Moreover, I am afraid that there is a lot of heritage. With the heritage of a big family, coupled with so many years of protection, I am afraid that it is not an exaggeration to say that the things preserved are incomparably rich, especially in later generations. I am afraid that they are not so valuable now, but in later generations, it is incredible. .

The system asked a little meanly: "Host, do you regret not being the patriarch?"

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched: "No."

What's so good about being the patriarch? Looking at the scenery, it is actually a great responsibility.

What's more, they still want to restore the former glory of the Zhao family, and they don't know how much time and energy it will take.

She just wanted to be a salty fish that couldn't be saltier, how comfortable and comfortable that day would be.

If it weren't for the current conditions, she would be able to lie on the spot in minutes.

System: "..." The host's thinking is getting older, what should I do?
The system felt that it should correct the host's thinking: "Master host, your idea is very dangerous, you are only sixteen."

Zhao Jing rolled her eyes and said unhurriedly, "I am middle-aged in both worlds combined. Besides, do you think this is the point?"

System: "..." Although this is true, why can the host say so calmly that he is almost middle-aged?Don't women mind telling their age?

Why is his host different from others?What went wrong?
After a few words, Zhao Jingyi and the others had arrived at the ancestral hall.

And Zhao Jinyi and the others have already prepared everything.

Zhao Jinyi walked towards Zhao Jingyi, and asked with a gentle smile, "Come on, are you tired, do you need to take a break?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "No, let's start."

It is very simple to burn incense, but there is a lot of incense to be burnt, and every incense ash burner must be burnt.

Zhao Jing froze as soon as she looked at the countless spiritual seats in this huge and solemn ancestral hall.

Turning his head to look at Zhao Jinyi: "Do you want me to go to each of them in person?"

Zhao Jinyi nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Jing almost failed to salute the ancestors.

Zhao Jinyi supported Zhao Jingyi quickly, and did not make her kneel down.

Zhao Jing did not give up and asked again: "Are you sure you are right?"

Zhao Jinyi held back a smile and nodded: "That's right."

Zhao Jing showed him a smile that was uglier than crying: "I think I need to rest for a while."

Zhao Jinyi was not surprised to hear her say this, and nodded with a smile: "Okay."

Zhao Qinghe moved a grand master's chair over, and Zhao Jingyi was so absorbed in offering incense to these 1000-odd spiritual seats that she didn't even notice that she was sitting on a grand master's chair made of expensive and top-quality rosewood.

The system thoughtfully gave Zhao Jing an accurate number: "Host, the system calculated for you, there are about [-] spirit positions."

Zhao Jingyi: " shut down the microphone."

System: "..." Did he say the wrong thing again?
The host's mind became more and more difficult to guess.

As soon as Zhao Jing heard this number, the first three were bigger.

More than 1000, not including the ancestral hall outside.

Xuetong brought out a glass of water from somewhere and handed it to her.

Zhao Jing took a look at it, and didn't know what kind of cup it was, so she reached out and took a sip.

The system thought that Zhao Jingyi felt that this was an antique, so she jumped out silently and said, "It's not something expensive, the host can rest assured."

Zhao Jingyi rolled her eyes and said, "I just think it looks good."


Today's host is particularly rebellious, the system sighed, is the host rebellious?
Zhao Jingyi sat for a while, and found that they were all looking at her, waiting for her.

Suddenly I feel a little uncomfortable sitting, everyone has the kindness of the elders on their faces, what's the matter?

Although all of you are old monsters, have you forgotten that you have the face of a young man in his twenties?

Zhao Jingyi originally wanted to ignore their gazes, but with so many eyes, each of them saw her as a child. Well, to them, she was indeed a child, but she didn't have such a view.

In the end, it was really hard for them to see it.Zhao Jing stood up abruptly, and said seriously, "Well, I've rested, let's start."

With a gentle smile on Zhao Jinyi's face, he said softly: "It's only been a while, let's take a break, it won't stop after a while."

Zhao Jingyi: "..." I suspect that you guys want to murder me.

After looking at the spiritual seats in the room, think about myself with slender arms and legs.

Zhao Jing sat down resignedly, let's see, let's see.

Self-hypnosis in mind, not looking at me, not looking at me...

System: "..." This group of devils, they make the host feel bad, and the host makes me feel bad, these devils.

Zhao Qingling glanced at Zhao Qingyan, raised her eyebrows slightly to let her see Zhao Jing's unlovely expression, with a smile in her eyes.

Zhao Qingyan also noticed it, but smiled helplessly.

After about 5 minutes, Zhao Jingyi couldn't take it anymore, so she stood up, and said with a look of death, "I've rested, let's start."

If she doesn't start, she will go crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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