Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 320 The most crucial step

Chapter 320 The most critical step ([-])

Zhao Jinyi and the others didn't notice at all, but wanted to persuade Zhao Jingyi to rest for a while.

Zhao Jing said without waiting for him to speak: "Start early, go back and rest early."

Zhao Jinyi thought she was tired, so he nodded without persuading her.

Looking at the others, he nodded slightly.

Zhao Qinghe, Zhao Qingming, and Zhao Qingwen nodded and walked aside to move the table over.

Zhao Jing looked at a table of incense: "..."

She could already imagine how tired she would be after a while.

System: "Don't worry, the host. After a while, the system will help you replace the ordinary water with medicinal spring water. After drinking it, the host will not feel tired."

Zhao Jing nodded and sighed in her heart, that was the only way to go.

Zhao Jinyi led Zhao Jingyi to tell her where to start, then stood aside and looked at her.

Zhao Qingming was in charge of delivering incense to her, and Zhao Qinghe and Zhao Qingwen were in charge of holding the incense and lighting it up.

All eyes on her, this is the last step, but also the most critical step.

Everyone has no idea whether she can hold on, after all, this is not a joke, even an adult may not be able to hold on.

Everyone changed on the surface, but in fact they were extremely nervous.

The two most nervous were Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling. They both knew that Zhao Jingyi was exhausted just now, and Mr. Su told her to take good care of her and not to let her be tired.

So the two of them know Zhao Jingyi's situation best, and after some observations of her in Beijing and the attitude of the Su family towards her, they have already discovered it.

It's not a lie, it's just that under the care of the Su family, her complexion has improved a lot, but she doesn't grow any flesh, she is still thin.

In addition, they didn't know that the system had disguised Zhao Jingyi, making her look weaker than normal people.

So when they heard Zhao Jingyi's situation, they would believe it, and they didn't go into it.

Mr. Su wanted to take her to the hospital several times for an examination, or ask the doctor to see if there was any way to cure or adjust her.

But they were all rejected by Zhao Jingyi, and afraid that they would say it too many times, Zhao Jing didn't mention it after thinking about it for a while, they went to the hospital and asked the doctor, what should Zhao Jingyi pay attention to in this situation, or what needs to be done.

The doctor told the old man and them all the things to pay attention to, that's why they have all kinds of nourishing soups when Zhao Jingyi was in Su's house.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling have met each other several times, and they never doubted it in their hearts.

As a result, Zhao Jing didn't grow any flesh after all kinds of supplements, but her complexion improved a lot, and each of the Su family gained a few catties.

Zhao Qingling and the others told Zhao Jinyi and the others about Zhao Jingyi's situation, but they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, so they might still have some doubts in their hearts.

Now they are really worried about whether Zhao Jingyi can hold on.

But there was nothing she could do, she had to do it herself.

This is what the old patriarch said.

Time passed bit by bit, Zhao Jingyi went from being relaxed at the beginning, to feeling a little sore later on, and finally feeling sore and weak.

Zhao Jinxi didn't know when she appeared beside her with a glass of water: "Drink some water."

Zhao Jingyi's complexion was not very good, there was tiredness between her brows, and her lips were a little pale.

A spiritual seat bowed three times, and her head was dizzy from the shaking.

Seeing Zhao Jing like this, the system felt distressed, and hurriedly said: "Host, this system has already changed the medicinal spring water, you can drink it at ease."

Zhao Jing hummed and nodded to Zhao Jinxi: "Thank you."

Zhao Jinxi shook his head slightly, looking at her with distressed and worried eyes: "It should be us thanking you for your hard work."

Zhao Jing was startled for a moment, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "It's not hard."

She also has a purpose in doing this. Since the Zhao family has a relationship with her and the Zhao family village, if the Zhao family develops in the future, it will be good for her, or for the Zhao family village.

Otherwise, why would she work so hard and not draw anything?Impossible, she is not the Virgin, no matter what, it is always good to have another way out.

After drinking the medicinal spring water, the fatigue on the body has been relieved, the hands are not so tired, and the head is not so dizzy.

Zhao Jingyi took a deep breath and continued to burn incense.

Zhao Jinxi also pushed aside, her gaze followed Zhao Jingyi.Don't dare to be distracted.

Similarly, Zhao Qingming and the others, Zhao Qingshuang, Zhao Qingyu, and Zhao Qinglian were the same as Zhao Jinxi, paying attention to them and giving them water as soon as possible when they needed it.

It was only halfway up, and the sky was getting dark.

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan went to take down some boxes from the ancestral hall.

Revealing the night pearls to illuminate.

The system said sourly in Zhao Jingyi's mind: "It's really luxurious, illuminated with night pearls."

Zhao Jingyi has no time to talk to him at the moment.

The system finds things for itself to do.

The entire Zhao family's ancient house was swept inside and out.

He also swept out all the treasures hidden by others.

Roughly estimated the price.

The whole system is autistic.

45:[-]pm to around [-]:[-]pm.

Zhao Jing's old waist is almost useless, and it's finally finished.

She was about to cry, she was exhausted to death.

If it wasn't for being supported, Zhao Jingyi felt that she should have been lying dead.

Two siblings, Zhao Jinyi and Zhao Jinxi, came over and said to Zhao Jingyi gratefully, "Thanks for your hard work."

The others also looked at Zhao Jingyi gratefully.

As soon as Zhao Jing didn't have the energy to speak, she waved her hand, she wanted to go back to rest now.

In order not to make them suspicious, Zhao Jingyi did not change the water in the system.

This made the system very distressed. The Zhao family's huge wealth was in the system's heart, not as important as Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jinxi looked at Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan and said: "Yaner, Linger, you two help the little girl to rest in the wing, we will go back later."

They still have one last thing to do, they can only let Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling support Zhao Jingyi to rest.

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan nodded, Annie Xuetong and Zhao Qing took Zhao Jingyi in both hands, and helped her walk out slowly.

Leave the rest to them.

After a busy day, everyone is actually quite tired, but Zhao Jingyi is the most tired one.

Because many times she needs to do it.

Fortunately, the one in the wing room is not far away, it is completely pure ancient style.

As soon as Zhao Jing went in, she didn't smell moldy or dusty.

Presumably someone often comes to clean it.

And it's not old at all, they must have some way to keep these things so intact.

Zhao Qingyan helped her sit down on the bed, gently rubbed her head and said: "You have a good rest, the two of us are here with you, if you need anything, just tell us."

The tone is very gentle, more gentle than usual.

Zhao Qingling didn't speak, but silently squeezed Zhao Jing's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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