Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 321 Tired Zhao Jing 1 Still Wants Him to Look Good

Chapter 321 Tired Zhao Jingyi Still Wants Him to Look Good ([-])

Zhao Jing smiled at the two of them, she was so tired, lying on the soft quilt, her hands on both sides were pinched by the two of them, she was a little drowsy.

At the same time, Zhao Huaiguo outside was not so good.

Standing at the door and waiting since it was still dark.

When it was dark and no one came back, I slowly began to worry.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhao Huaiguo became even more worried and couldn't sit still, but she still remembered Zhao Jingyi's explanation that she asked herself to wait in the yard.

Until after eight o'clock, no one came back. Zhao Huaiguo was struggling in his heart. He was obedient and went out to look for it. Of course he wanted to go out to look for it, but what if his grandparents came back and didn't see him.

But on the other hand, he was worried that something would happen to her.

Suddenly caught in a dilemma.

At this moment, in the secret road, Zhao Jingyi and the others have already begun to come back.

Zhao Qingling carried Zhao Jingyi on her back because Zhao Jingyi fell asleep.

Tired enough to fall asleep.

So I can only carry it back.

Men must not be able to recite, men and women are different, and even if they are seventy or eighty years old, they can't do it.

So, Zhao Qingling, Zhao Qingyan and Xuetong took turns to carry it.

Both Zhao Qingshuang and Zhao Qinglian are not as tall as Zhao Jingyi, and Zhao Jinxi just fell ill today, and her body is still a little weak, so she can't either.

So this important task can only be entrusted to three of them.

Zhao Qingyan originally wanted to be the first to recite it, but Zhao Qingling left without saying a word and carried Zhao Jingyi on her back.

Outside, Zhao Huaiguo couldn't wait any longer, he gritted his teeth and muttered in his heart: Wait a while, I haven't seen anyone for a while, so I have to go out and look for anything.

As long as we don't see Zhao Jing coming back, Zhao Huaiguo can't rest assured.

If anything happens, his parents can't forgive him, and he can't forgive himself.

Time passed bit by bit, Zhao Huaiguo kept looking in the direction of the ancestral hall.

My heart sank little by little.

Just when he was about to find Zhao Jingyi, he saw a light moving in the distance.

Zhao Huaiguo didn't dare to blink his eyes, he just stared at the light.

When someone approached, Zhao Huaiguo's heart was half relieved.

However, without seeing Zhao Jingyi's figure, Zhao Huaiguo's heart tightened, and his heart that had just relaxed was raised again.

The hands hanging by the legs were tightly clenched, the muscles of the whole body tensed, and the eyes became cold little by little.

And his anger was so obvious that Zhao Jinyi and Zhao Jinxi had already noticed it when they walked ahead.

Zhao Jinyi helplessly said to Zhao Jinxi: "This junior probably thinks we did something to the little girl."

Zhao Jinxi smiled, with admiration in his eyes, he was so good at them all alone, without any fear: "This temper is worthy of our Zhao family."

Zhao Jinyi glanced at his sister helplessly, and was quite satisfied with Zhao Huaiguo's reaction in his heart, but he was a little impulsive: "You, this little guy, is still a bit reckless."

Zhao Jinxi didn't think it was a problem, and said with a smile, "I'm still young, so I can teach you how to teach."

While speaking, he was almost in front of Zhao Huaiguo.

When Zhao Huaiguo saw the person on Zhao Qingling's back, all his anger dissipated instantly.

His complexion was a bit uneasy, and he skipped Zhao Jinxi's two brothers and sisters and ran over.

He thought that Zhao Jingyi was ill, her eyes were red, and she was already blaming herself.

After taking it and taking a closer look, Zhao Jingyi fell asleep.

Zhao Huaiguo's first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief, just to fall asleep.

Zhao Huaiguo was almost frightened to death by this shock, but seeing that she was fine, the worry in her eyes dissipated.

As soon as Zhao Jing slept soundly, Zhao Huaiguo was frightened and her eyes were still red.

Zhao Qingling said softly: "She is asleep, don't worry."

Zhao Huaiguo hummed, and followed aside, ignoring the others.

Zhao Jinxi and Zhao Jinyi looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

Zhao Jinyi suddenly said: "Don't say it, this temper is like Elder Zhao Ming."

Zhao Jinxi was slightly taken aback, but in retrospect, it was indeed like that, and smiled.

"It seems that I really need to find a chance to take a trip."

Zhao Jinyi hummed, and said, "I need to verify the identity of the little girl."

This verification is not to suspect that she is not from the Zhao family, but to know her seniority, so as not to make a mess at that time.

The Zhao family attaches great importance to seniority, and this cannot be messed up. Even if two people disagree, there must still be proper etiquette.

Zhao Jinxi nodded, but suddenly thought of Zhao Jingyi's seniority, and what Zhao Huaiguo called her, and had some guesses in her heart, and said.

"This kid is called the little girl's grandparents. There is a Jing in the little girl's name, which is a bit similar to our two Jin. Brother, do you think it is possible that she is from our generation?"

Zhao Jinyi was silent. This guess is not impossible. It is possible if you are old and happy.

The more Zhao Jinxi thought about it, the more likely he felt: "Brother, do you want to have a look at the genealogy?"

Zhao Jinyi was stunned, genealogy please?Are you in a hurry?
However, the generation of the elders is still a single character, and then their brocade characters, and then there are men’s Qing characters and women’s light characters, and then there are long characters, Jian characters, and then there are Huai characters, and the men and women of the Huai characters are separated. The woman is a small character, and the lower part is a Chinese character...

That seems to make it more likely.

But in case it's a coincidence, it's a bit of a fuss to ask for a genealogy.

Just when Zhao Jinyi was struggling, Zhao Huaiguo had already started to chase people away.

Zhao Jingyi had already rested, but fell asleep from exhaustion, so Zhao Huaiguo didn't have a good attitude towards them.

"Please go back, since grandma and aunt have already rested, everyone should go back to rest too."

Everyone: "..." Did this kid make a mistake?

This is their territory, ah, no, it's not anymore, but it doesn't seem to be his, right?And why does he look like I'm upset?
Are the juniors now so disrespectful of the old and the young?
Zhao Huaiguo didn't care about them, Zhao Jingyi wanted to make him look good when he was tired, and wanted to fuck him up.

Then a large group of people were pushed out by him, and the door was closed.

Zhao Qinghe jumped angrily with a baby face on his face: "This damn child doesn't respect the old at all."

Zhao Qingyan said with a smile: "Xiaohe, you are over 70, why are you fussing with the younger generation?"

Zhao Qinghe: "..."

Does he look alike?He's clearly only in his twenties, anyway, he won't admit that he's over 70.

Zhao Jinxi was used to their bickering, but now everyone was tired all day, and said: "It's getting late, let's all go back and rest."

Zhao Qingling said lightly: "I'll go prepare some food for the little girl."

After speaking, he walked to his residence.

Zhao Jinxi glanced at her with a faint smile on his lips.

"Ling'er seems to like this girl very much."

Zhao Qinglian smiled softly and said: "This girl looks sensible and has a good temper. If it were me, I would like it too."

Zhao Jinxi smiled even wider: "That's true."

(End of this chapter)

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