Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 322 Rough work, tiring work, a few of them are enough

Chapter 322 Rough work, tiring work, a few of them are enough ([-])

None of the few present didn't like her.

Of course, it must be partly because she is the key to restoring the Zhao family's prosperity, and it is also the reason they are looking for someone.

Part of it was because they were very satisfied with her tenacity in the ancestral hall today.

After all, if you are not familiar with it, it is impossible to like it very much from the beginning, that is too fake.

After talking for a while, they each went home. After all, they were tired all day.

There are still many things to do in the future.

At 09:30, Zhao Qingling made some food and brought it over, and went back after explaining.

Zhao Huaiguo did not dare to sleep deeply, for fear that Zhao Jing would wake up in the middle of the night, and he would not know.

She wakes up from time to time to listen to the movement, but this time Zhao Jing fell into a deep sleep, starting after ten o'clock and busy until seven or eight o'clock in the evening, she was exhausted.

Therefore, this time Zhao Jing slept deeply and soundly.

She hadn't worked much for more than half a month, and she was exhausted by this movement.

Sleep through until 07:30 the next morning.

Only then did you wake up, feeling sore everywhere.

Zhao Huaiguo didn't see Zhao Jing waking up when it was almost dawn in the middle of the night, so he went to sleep at ease, so he hasn't woken up yet.

As soon as Zhao Jing let the system look outside, she turned around and entered the space, took a bath, and came out after washing up.

Only after drinking a glass of medicinal spring water did he relieve his discomfort.

Originally thinking about having nothing to do, I went to the yard and asked the system to play a Tai Chi video for myself to learn.

As a result, as soon as he got into a good posture, he heard a knock on the door.

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

Helpless, she had no choice but to open the door, the person who came was Zhao Qingling, Zhao Jingyi was a little surprised, why was she so early?
Zhao Qingling saw that the person who opened the door was Zhao Jingyi, she was a little stunned, she came back to her senses and asked: "You're awake, is there any discomfort on your body?"

Zhao Jing shook her head with a smile: "No discomfort, why are you so early?"

Zhao Qingling picked up the lunch box she was carrying and said, "I'm afraid you will be hungry."

Zhao Jingyi was a little surprised, this Zhao Qingling seemed to have almost the same attitude towards everyone, indifferent, especially unfamiliar people.

She didn't expect to have this side, and it really surprised her.

"Thank you."

Zhao Qingling shook her head: "It should."

The elders of them originally wanted to listen to the patriarch and assist the patriarch to carry forward the family.

So no matter whether Zhao Jing accepts it or not, since she has offered incense to the ancestors, the patriarch is also hers.

It's just that she didn't want to, and they didn't force her, because she was still young after all.

Besides, there are a few of them who are old and immortal, so there is no need for her thin arms and legs to work hard. If she bumps into her, she will be the one who loves her.

These rough and tiring jobs, a few of them are enough.

As long as she is happy.

In Zhao Qingling's heart, Zhao Jingyi is already regarded as her junior. If she gets married and has offspring, her granddaughter should be as old as Zhao Jingyi.

It's just that she can't do it in this life.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know what she was thinking, but just felt that Zhao Qingling's mood suddenly became low.

Some doubts, what's the matter?What did she say wrong?
But soon Zhao Qingling adjusted her emotions, said with a slight smile on her face: "Eat, I haven't eaten all night, I must be very hungry."

Zhao Jing didn't ask any more questions, she just pretended she didn't notice, she smiled and nodded: "I really don't feel it if you don't say it, but it seems to be true when you say it."

Zhao Qingling was a little helpless, took out three bowls and a big bowl of noodles from the lunch box: "I don't know what you like to eat, so I cooked some noodles, you can try it."

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at the noodles in the bowl, she felt appetizing, and her stomach became even hungrier.

Zhao Qingling looked at her like this, and found it a little funny.

He served her a bowl with chopsticks.

There was a hint of imperceptible pampering in the tone: "Eat quickly, little greedy cat."

Who can refuse a big beauty, who has a face of a royal sister, but speaks softly, the contrast is simply fatal.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at her, she smirked a little, and then started to wolf down the cooking.

She almost starved to death, and this noodle was just right in every aspect, and the soup had a bit of scallion fragrance.

With the bone soup, one mouthful of noodles and one mouthful of soup, it is not perfect.

While eating, Zhao Qingling looked at Zhao Jingyi's delicious food, and felt very happy.

Two people have a big bowl of noodles, half of which is gone.

Zhao Jing ate two bowls by herself.

Zhao Qingling was full after eating just one bowl.

After eating the last mouthful of noodles, Zhao Jing touched her stomach with a satisfied face.

“Delicious and satisfying.”

Zhao Qingling had a gentle smile on her face: "Like to eat?"

Zhao Jing nodded without thinking, "I like it."

Zhao Qingling originally said that she likes to eat, and she will make it for her tomorrow morning, but when she got to the point of her mouth, she remembered that she was about to leave: "Next time you want to eat, tell me, and I will make it for you."

Zhao Jing smiled happily: "Okay, thank you."

Seeing that she agreed, Zhao Qingling's eyes became more tender: "Thank you, we are all from our own."

Zhao Jingyi giggled silly.

System: "She may really think of you as her granddaughter."

Zhao Jing was slightly taken aback: "According to her age, she can indeed be her granddaughter."

System: "..." Well, indeed.

Zhao Jingyi could also feel the change in Zhao Qingling's attitude towards her.

Although I don't understand why she suddenly changed her attitude towards herself, but this feeling is not bad.

The two of them had just had a full meal, and they sat and chatted in the yard, the sun hadn't even reached here yet.

Zhao Huaiguo also came out of the house, and when he saw the two of them in the yard, he was taken aback for a moment.

Then he walked over and asked with concern: "Grandma, you are awake, do you feel any discomfort?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "No, everything is fine, don't worry."

Zhao Huaiguo felt relieved when he saw that Zhao Jing was in good spirits. He scratched his head and said, "That's good. Last night, when I saw you being carried back, I was so worried."

Zhao Jingyi smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "If I'm sleepy, I fell asleep."

The main reason is that the massage techniques of the two of them are so simple that it is difficult not to sleep, and she is really exhausted.

Looking at the way the two of them got along, Zhao Qingling thought it was quite interesting, and said with a light smile: "Go wash your face and brush your teeth, and have breakfast."

Zhao Jing nodded, and said seriously, "Yes, go wash your face and brush your teeth, and have breakfast. This noodles are delicious. I ate two bowls."

Zhao Huaiguo looked at half a bowl of noodles left on the table and nodded, "Okay."

She nodded to Zhao Qingling, then went to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Zhao Qingling was a little surprised, this kid.

Did she forget how he chased people away last night, even the master and the others were deflated.

When Zhao Qingling thought of the scene last night, a smile appeared on his face.

Zhao Jingyi was a little puzzled, why was she so happy all of a sudden: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Qingling told her what happened last night.

Zhao Jingyi: "..." This silly boy.

(End of this chapter)

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