Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 324 I want to marry Jingjiao

Chapter 324 I Want to Marry Jingjiao ([-])
Hua Zhinan scratched his head, and smiled naively, but he was afraid of what might happen, so he made two preparations: "Isn't it because I don't know what to do?"

An Yue and Su Qingsheng just came in, when they heard this sentence, they asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Su Qinglian didn't speak, and looked at Hua Zhinan with a smile.

Hua Zhinan became even more nervous, and subconsciously let go of Su Jingjiao's hand, like a boy from another family who was afraid that his parents would find out that he was taking advantage of his daughter.

"Aunt Yue, Uncle Su."

An Yue nodded, and asked with a puzzled look: "Xiao Nan is here, you said something urgent on the phone, what happened?"

Su Qingsheng changed his shoes and came over: "Yes, is something wrong? Call us back in a hurry."

Hua Zhinan shook his head quickly, and said nervously, "No, no, nothing happened, just, just, just..."

An Yue and Su Qingsheng kept looking at him, waiting for him to speak.

Hua Zhinan was even more nervous. He wasn't so nervous about how dangerous the mission was. Now facing his future father-in-law, he was so nervous that he wouldn't say anything.

To be honest, Su Jingjiao saw Hua Zhinan so nervous for the first time.

The rest of the Su family watched as no one spoke, and he had to say the words himself.

It scared An Yue to death.

"What's wrong with you kid today, you can't even speak clearly."

Hua Zhinan gritted his teeth: "I want to marry Jingjiao, I hope Aunt Yue and Uncle Su will agree."

An Yue was stunned, but Su Qingsheng was calm and looked at Hua Zhinan in surprise.

Then he looked at the rest of the family, especially the old man, and his eyes fell on his daughter: "What about you, Xiaojiao."

Su Jingjiao stood up and said, "Dad, I have him in my heart, and I also recognize him."

Su Qingsheng looked at her daughter, her expression unchanged, and her tone of voice was a little casual: "I remember that for so many years, your mother, your grandpa and uncle and I asked you many times, and you said you didn't think about it. Now Why did you let go all of a sudden?"

Su Jingjiao stood up straight and replied seriously: "Because at that time I wasn't sure if I would die."

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

Su Qingsheng didn't understand it before, but now he actually understands it, but he still asked: "The reason."

Without hesitation, Su Jingjiao told the reason why she kept rejecting Hua Zhinan.

"Because I haven't avenged my grandma, I haven't brought down the Li family, because I'm not sure if I can live with him, so before I'm not sure if I have the ability to accompany him, keep a distance from him Is the best, but now I'm sure, I have that ability."

After hearing these words, Hua Zhinan's eyes were a little red, and he held Su Jingjiao's hand tightly.

Although I knew it, when I heard her say it from her mouth, I still couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

Su Qingsheng sighed and asked, "Have you made up your mind? Are you sure you want to marry him? Don't you regret it?"

Su Jingjiao glanced at Hua Zhinan, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and when she looked at her father, she nodded seriously and seriously: "Yes, I've thought it over, I'm sure, I don't regret it."

Su Qingsheng respected her daughter's decision, so she had nothing to say: "In this case, let your parents come to propose marriage and make a report."

Hua Zhinan breathed a sigh of relief, as happy as anything.

Su Jingjiao also smiled.

Everyone is happy, these two lovers finally get married, they grew up together, they can be said to be childhood sweethearts.

And both parents watched them grow up.

Su Jingfeng suddenly remembered that the eldest sister was getting married, and the family was not complete: "Do you want to call Xiaoliu and the others back?"

The old man said lightly: "It's still early, and if you're engaged and married, let's talk about it next year. This year, the Su family is too popular. As soon as the Li family collapsed, your eldest sister will get married. It's not good."

The others nodded, and Hua Zhinan also understood, but as long as he can be with Su Jingjiao, he is already very satisfied.

Although he also wanted to get married so that they would be married for life, Grandpa Su was right, the Su family was too popular.

There are already a lot of people staring at them, what will people think of a wedding now.

Hua Zhinan didn't stay long, he had to go back and tell his family the good news.

It will be ready in these two days, and if it is fast, it will come to the door to propose marriage and get engaged in two days.

If it is slow, it will take a few days.

The engagement of the two is a big event, so it must be well prepared.

Not only the Hua family is busy, but so is the Su family.

Three in the afternoon.

Ji family.

Mr. Ji looked at his little grandson and sighed: "I still haven't found out where she went?"

Ji Mingxuan shook his head, his face was tired, and the beard stubble on his chin came out.

Mr. Ji has nothing to do with him: "There is no movement in the Su family, which proves that she is safe. What are you worried about?"

Ji Mingxuan didn't speak, and he didn't know what he was worried about. He was worried that because of his confession, she would alienate him, that she would not tell him when she went back, or that he and her would never have anything to do again.

Au Manman and Lin Qing, the two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, came back from the outside and said, "Don't worry, I'm back."

Ji Mingxuan stood up and looked at her.


Au Manman interrupted him, knew what he wanted to ask, and said directly: "Okay, I know what you want to ask, she is very good, when I came back just now, I saw her get off the car, and now she is in Suzhou. home."

Ji Mingxuan heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Mom."

After speaking, I went upstairs.

Aumanman sighed, the brat doesn't even know how to do it, and he doesn't know what his mind is thinking.

I was worried, and instead of going to Su's house to ask, I was thinking wildly at home.

Not long after, Ji Mingxuan came down from upstairs. He groomed himself up, shaved his beard clean, and seemed to have taken a shower.

He went out in a hurry.

Don't even think about knowing where he is going.

Su family.

As soon as Zhao Jing came back, Mr. Su's worried heart completely fell.

Seeing her come back intact, Mr. Su was indescribably happy.

Zhao Jingyi could feel how worried the old man was about her: "I made you worry about uncle."

Mr. Su patted her head lovingly and said, "It's good to be back, you're exhausted, do you want to go up and have a rest?"

Others also nodded in agreement: "You go up to rest first, if there is anything else, we will talk about it when we have dinner earlier."

Zhao Jingyi didn't refuse, and nodded: "Okay."

Under their watchful eyes, Zhao Jing went up to the second floor, and just as she reached the door, the system said, "Host, Ji Mingxuan is here, right at the door."

Zhao Jing paused, then continued to open the door and enter the room.

Originally, I wanted to ignore it, change clothes, take a shower, take a rest, and act like I don’t know anything.

However, he still came to the window.

At a glance, I saw Ji Mingxuan standing at the door, looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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