Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 325 You Can Deceive Others, But You Can't Deceive The System

Chapter 325 You Can Deceive Others, But You Can't Deceive The System ([-])
Zhao Jingyi could clearly see the worry in his eyes, and when she saw her, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhao Jingyi could feel that he was worried about her, her heart skipped a beat, and she whispered softly: "Is he worried about me?"

Looking at Zhao Jingyi like this, the system still doesn't understand: "Yes."

She was also moved by Ji Mingxuan, but she didn't admit it. To be precise, she was avoiding it.

Zhao Jingyi was very complicated in her heart, bit her lips lightly: "Why, I obviously rejected him."

The system sighed and looked at the official wiring that was about to light up: "Master, you are actually moved, aren't you?"

Zhao Jing subconsciously denied it, but she couldn't utter the words: " could it be, the two of us are not from the same world."

System: "Last time when Ji Mingxuan confessed to the host, although the host refused, it also affected your heart as the host. Even if the host tried his best to restrain and suppress it, even if the host deliberately ignored it, he still couldn't hide it. You, the host, are attracted to him. "

Maybe others don't know Zhao Jingyi, think she really doesn't like Ji Mingxuan, or think she is too young to understand anything, but the system knows that she has a good impression of Ji Mingxuan.

Even if the official wiring flickers on and off, even if she shows everything, she can fool others, but not the system.

As long as Ji Mingxuan saw that Zhao Jingyi was fine, he would be relieved.

As for the others, no matter how difficult it is, he will never give up.

He lived in the same village and the same family as Zhao Jingyi, so he couldn't say he knew her completely, but at least he knew her better than many people in the Su family.

As long as it is what she likes, he is willing to accompany her to do it.

He believes that he will impress her one day. Brother Nan has been chasing Sister Jingjiao for so many years, isn't it the same.

He can also, as long as she has no one she likes, as long as she doesn't dislike him, he is willing to stay by her side and take care of her all the time.

Zhao Jing was stunned by the system's words.

Is she moved?She really likes him?

As soon as Zhao Jing was stopped by these two questions, she subconsciously took two steps back.

The whole thing seemed a little dazed.

The system sighed: "What is the host afraid of? As the host, no matter what it is, he is no worse than him, so what are you worried about as the host?"

Once Zhao Jing doesn't speak, is she afraid?It seems that there is no, it seems that there is.

worry about what?Zhao Jingyi herself didn't know.

Anyway, she is very confused now, and her mind is also confused.

The system is not talking, let her figure it out for herself.

No one else can intervene in this kind of matter, only Zhao Jingyi can figure it out for herself.

And Ji Mingxuan, who was standing at the door, saw that Zhao Jingyi had walked away, stood downstairs for a while, and then went back.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Jingyi sat on the bed and hugged her legs with her chin resting on her knees.

Suddenly he asked, "Is he my official match?"

The system looked at the official wiring that was almost on, and replied: "Yes."

As soon as the voice fell, the official wiring lights up.

Looking at the illuminated official wiring, the system felt a little complicated.

His cubs have grown up.

In fact, he should have understood a long time ago that we can stop him for a while but not for a lifetime.

The line would still light up eventually, but he just didn't want him to light it up so quickly.

But that's good too, if Ji Mingxuan dares to make his cub angry, he will give him a set of electrotherapy services.

What's more, if you are too old, you can't stay. His family looks small, but the age of the soul is not young.

There was no talk about it in modern times, so it's no wonder she behaved like this.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know the old father's heart.

There is only one sentence in her mind, he is her official spouse.

I rejected the official assignment myself.

Zhao Jingyi wasn't sure if she remembered it right, and asked: "I remember you said that my official match is because I like him, and he also likes me to make it clear, to be sure, right?"

System: "Yes."

Then call out the official distribution board and display it in front of Zhao Jingyi.

The frame of the partner who was originally dim and without a name has been lit up, and there is a name.

Host character: Zhao Jingyi.

Gender: Female.

Age: 15 years old (two months and three days to turn sixteen.)

Official partner: Ji Mingxuan.

There is also a red line with a pink halo in the middle.

Zhao Jingyi looked at the panel stupidly.

Not moving at all.

After a while, it was getting dark, and Zhao Jingyi said, "Go and upgrade, I'm fine."

System: "Okay, host."

In the next second, the cold and long-lost mechanical voice sounded: "This system upgrade will take three days. The countdown enters the system upgrade period, and it cannot be paused halfway."

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment: "It's been so long."

System: "Yes, host."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Then you go."

System: "Okay, host."

In the next second, the sound of the system is no longer heard.

As soon as Zhao Jing found out, he had already fallen asleep and leveled up.

Fortunately, she can enter and exit the space at will.

On the other side, Zhao Huaiguo's room was bustling.

Several members of the Su family ran to his room and asked him where they went and what they were doing, it was so mysterious.

Zhao Huaiguo promised Zhao Jingyi not to speak, so no matter how hard they tried, they would never let go.

Even if Su Jingxiao stepped forward, it would be useless.

Su Jingfeng laughed angrily: "Good boy, you have a tight mouth."

Zhao Huaiguo pretended not to understand, and said cheekily, "Thank you for the compliment."

The Su family brothers: "..."

They had no choice but to look at Su Jingxiao: "Brother, your people, you come."

Su Jingxiao: "..." He said it as if he, the captain, could do it all.

Zhao Huaiguo folded his clothes neatly.

Several of their brothers came in turn, but they couldn't pry his mouth open. Su Jingxiao didn't feel that if he opened his mouth, he would say it, so he asked, "Did my little cousin not let you say it?"

Zhao Huaiguo paused his hand, looked up at them and nodded.

Su Jingxiao understood, glanced at them and said, "Okay, let's go."

Su Jingfeng and the four of them looked at each other and understood.

No wonder I couldn't get it out no matter how I asked, it turned out that my little cousin refused to let me talk.

When Su Jingshen walked to the door, he paused and said, "Don't be too busy, let's go down to eat together."

Zhao Huaiguo: "Yes."

the other side.

In Zhao Jingyi's room, just as Su Jingjiao was about to knock on the door, Zhao Jingyi opened the door from the inside.

Su Jingjiao put down her hand and said, "Little cousin, it's time to eat."

Zhao Jing nodded: "OK."

The two went downstairs together, and they were already seated.

As soon as Zhao Jing walked behind and looked at them, he could feel that each of them was very happy.

Especially Su Jingjiao, although she was almost the same as usual, but the aura of indifference on her body seemed to have faded again.

Could it be that the matter between her and that Hua Zhinan has already been settled?
(End of this chapter)

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