Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 326 Wait Another Half Month

Chapter 326 Wait Another Half Month ([-])
Zhao Jing walked over and sat next to the old man.

An Yue sat beside her and served her a bowl of soup.

"Hungry, drink some soup to warm your stomach first."

Zhao Jingyi smiled slightly, and said softly, "Thank you sister-in-law."

An Yue had no choice but to be so polite every time: "You're welcome."

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at the familiar chicken soup, she was also very helpless. It was either chicken soup, bone soup, or trotter soup, with some stewed tonics in it.

To be honest, she was a little scared.

But it's hard to refuse.

So every time, I can only drink it. Fortunately, it is only a bowl. If there is more, she can't eat it.

When they talked about Su Jingjiao again, it seemed that their guess was right.

Su Jingjiao's good news is coming soon.

Almost forgot one thing, An Yue patted Zhao Jingyi's hand lightly.

Zhao Jingyi just took a sip of the soup, before she could swallow it, she looked up at her with a puzzled expression.

An Yue looked at Chu Man and Xiao Yuanyuan, and said to Zhao Jingyi: "By the way, I haven't introduced you yet. These two, this is Chu Man, and this is Jing Xiao's wife. This is Xiao Yuanyuan, Jing He's wife." , The two of them couldn't come back because of work, and they just came back two days ago."

Zhao Jing looked over, and the two beauties nodded to them.

An Yue introduced Zhao Jingyi to the two of them again: "This is your little cousin, call someone."

They noticed it after Zhao Jing came downstairs, and they all mentioned it to their own men, and smiled and called: "Little cousin."

Zhao Jing nodded and continued to drink the soup.

They chatted about theirs, she ate hers, and she didn't need to add food, because there was an empty plate in front of her, which was specially used for her food.

The old man said that there is no way to put vegetables in rice bowls, which affects his performance a bit, so he asked An Yue and the others to set the bowls and chopsticks every time.

Which empty plate came out and put it on the seat where Zhao Jingyi was sitting.

When Zhao Jingyi saw it for the first time, she was dazed. She thought it was redundant and was about to take it away, but the old man said that he specially brought it for her to put vegetables on.

The excuse was that the table was too big for her to hold the dishes, and the rice bowl was too small to fit it.

Zhao Jing was completely taken aback.

Only then did she know that it was the old man who felt that her job had affected his performance, so An Yue did it.

Once or twice, and then Zhao Jingyi got used to it.

If you want to refuse and say no, the old man says it's okay.

What else can Zhao Jingyi say.

After eating, Zhao Jingyi went back to her room to wash up and get ready to rest.

Su Jingjiao's engagement doesn't need her help, so she can do whatever she should.

Early the next morning.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Huaiguo went to the hospital together, and no one else was free.

Now that Zhao Jing went up, she no longer had to be blocked.

You can go in directly.

For the past two days, Su Jingyu has been taking care of Su Qingyun alone.

Seeing Zhao Jing come in, she quickly stood up: "Little cousin."

Zhao Jing nodded, and handed him the things in her hand: "Well, I brought you something to eat."

Su Jingyu took it: "OK."

As soon as Zhao Jing walked over, she said, "Uncle should wake up soon, and slept for a while."

Zhao Jing hummed, walked over and sat on the stool beside the hospital bed.

Zhao Huaiguo was holding a small cloth bag in his hand, which belonged to Zhao Jingyi.

Embroidered with a Chinese character Jing, there is also a cloud.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at Su Qingyun, the wound on Su Qingyun's face had already healed.

With distressed eyes, he stretched out his hand in the direction of Zhao Huaiguo and said, "Give me my little cloth pocket."

Zhao Huaiguo walked over and handed it to Zhao Jingyi.

Originally, I wanted to apply ointment to Su Qingyun, but now I got it, I remembered that this is still a hospital.

If it is used by him now, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

He asked Su Jingyu who was eating beside him: "Jing Yu, when will your uncle be discharged from the hospital?"

Su Jingyu quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, and said: "The doctor said that it will take half a month. If the other wounds on my uncle's body heal quickly, he can be discharged from the hospital in half a month. You can only go back when you are fully healed."

Zhao Jing frowned: "How long will it take?"

Su Jingyu thought about what the doctor said, "It's already pretty fast."

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at Su Qingyun, she thought that she would have to wait another half a month before going back.

Just when Zhao Jing was thinking about whether she should let Su Qingyun get hurt faster.

Su Qingyun woke up.

Seeing that Zhao Jingyi was thinking about something, he didn't call her and just looked at her like this.

Su Jingyu was immersed in the cooking and didn't notice that Su Qingyun woke up.

Only Zhao Huaiguo noticed, but he didn't even want to clean up Zhao Jingyi, so he nodded to him and sat aside.

When Zhao Jing came back to her senses, she was a little stunned: "Cousin Yunbiao, you're awake."

Su Qingyun nodded. Now the gauze on his face and neck has been removed, but his voice is still unable to speak.

Zhao Jing smiled and explained the reason why she didn't come these two days: "I went to a village not too far from Beijing two days ago, so I didn't come to see you."

Su Jingyu cooked in silence.

Don't bother the two of them chatting.

Su Qingyun nodded, indicating that she knew.

Without a systematic translator, Zhao Jingyi may not understand Su Qingyun's meaning clearly, but he nodded.

I guessed it too, maybe Su Jingyu and the others told him.

Afraid he would think too much, he added another sentence: "I have brought a big country with me, so you don't have to worry."

Su Qingyun blinked twice to show that she knew.

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said: "They may be our family. This time I went to see it, and then they may go back with me when I go back."

What can be said and what cannot be said, Zhao Jingyi still knows in her heart, anyway, everyone will know this in the future, instead of letting them guess, it is better to say it herself.

It also keeps them from overthinking.

There is another piece of good news. Zhao Jingyi felt that Su Qingyun would definitely feel better after hearing this, so she said with a smile, "By the way, and also, good things are coming for Jingjiao and that kid from the Hua family."

Su Qingyun was a little surprised, these two finally came together?

Su Jingyu almost choked herself with a mouthful of rice, swallowed it quickly, looked at Zhao Jingyi in surprise, and asked, "What? Why didn't I know about such a big deal?"

Zhao Jing tilted her head to look at him and said, "I also listened to what they said when I came back yesterday, after dinner."

Marriage proposal and engagement were only found out last night, rounding up was only found out yesterday, and the one that was peeked at earlier does not count.

Su Jingyu doubted his life, and he left home for two days, and in just two days, such a big thing happened: "My God, I've been here with my uncle for two days, and such a big thing happened at home , I was the last to know."

Halfway through howling, it suddenly occurred to me that Su Jingyang and the others didn't know, and he wasn't the last one to know: "Hey, no, I'm not the last one, hehe, Xiao Liu and the others don't know yet."

(End of this chapter)

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