Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 334 Seems to know everything

Chapter 334 Seems to Know Everything ([-])

Even though Su Qingyun didn't show it, Zhao Jingyi could feel that he cared about her current appearance.

Su Qingyun nodded slightly.

Zhao Jing fed Su Qingyun a handful of pills.

Su Qingyun opened her mouth slightly, and as soon as the pill melted in her mouth, Su Qingyun felt a faint sweetness, and then the uncomfortable feeling in her throat disappeared.

Zhao Jing looked at Su Qingyun expectantly: "Do you feel it?"

Su Qingyun nodded slightly.

He still can't speak now, but the discomfort in his throat has eased.

As soon as Zhao Jing said half a month, then wait half a month.

Originally, he had given up any hope. He had become a monster and a mute.

No one knew how panicked and helpless he was.

But he can't show it, his old man is not in good health, and the family has done enough for him.

Can't make them worry about him.

And Zhao Jingyi, he couldn't make her worry.

So for so long, Su Qingyun has been enduring herself, restraining herself, telling herself not to think about it, but to care about it.

But this little girl seemed to know everything, and even specially asked for medicine for him.

Seeing him nodding, Zhao Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "This scar-removing medicine is very fast. We'll wait until we're discharged from the hospital and apply it when we get home. Otherwise, it won't be good if someone thinks about it."

Su Qingyun nodded, the pampering in her eyes almost overflowed from her sockets.

At this time, Su Jingyu opened the door and came in from the outside.

Only Zhao Jingyi was seen: "Little Biaogu, is it just you today?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, Daguo was called away by your elder brother."

Zhao Huaiguo left after sending her here.

Su Jingyu understood.

Zhao Family Village.

In the field, Wang Guiliu asked, "Has this aunt gone for more than half a month?"

Li Xiuhe thought about it for a while, then nodded: "Think about the time, we have it."

It's been so long, Wang Guiliu looked at the other side of the ground, busy Wang Guihua: "Aunt Osmanthus, did your Daguo call and say when you will come back?"

Wang Guihua raised her head and wiped the sweat from her forehead: "I didn't say anything."

Her son hasn't called back for almost half a month.

A few days ago, the team leader forgot to tell her, so Wang Guihua didn't know.

In the past half month, Zhao Xiaoya has grown a lot.

Without Zhao Jingyi's protection by her side, she can now be alone.

It's just that every day I worry about whether Zhao Jingyi is doing well in Beijing.

In her heart, she regards Zhao Jingyi as her most important relative besides her grandfather.

It's just because she is not married yet, the gossip in the village keeps going.

But she doesn't care, grandparents said, she is still young, and getting married is a lifelong event.

Wang Guiliu looked at Li Xiuhe and asked, "Xiuhe, isn't your family recruiting Laidi to visit him? How is it?"

Mentioning this, Li Xiuhe got a headache, and Laidi solved it, but Zhaodi was not satisfied with this, and unwilling with that.

"Still watching, her aunt, do you have an introduction?"

Wang Guiliu smiled awkwardly: "I'll help you pay attention."

She dares to introduce it, don't think she doesn't know, her recruits are not very good-looking, and the requirements are quite high.

After looking at a few families, it's either that it's not good here, or it's not good enough to dislike them.

I don't even look at myself.

Wang Guiliu just said it casually, but Li Xiuhe took it seriously.

"Then trouble you."

Wang Guiliu: "..."

Can't you hear such obvious perfunctory?

For the first time, Wang Guiliu disliked himself for talking too much.

I can't wait to slap myself twice, and I scold myself a few words: let you ask, let you talk too much.

Educated youth point.

Zhao Laidi tugged at Zhao Zhaodi's clothes, and whispered: "Sister, this is not good, let's go back."

Zhao Zhaodi said impatiently: "What's wrong, it's not you, what are you afraid of."

Zhao Laidi shrank her neck in fear: "But, but..."

Zhao Zhaodi looked at her with a slightly angry tone: "But what is it, do you want me to marry those poor ghosts?"

Zhao Laidi wanted to say that they were not poor, but before she could say anything, she saw her sister Zhao Zhaodi staring at her unkindly.

Zhao Laidi moved her lips, not daring to speak anymore.

Zhao Zhaodi heard that Gu Beichuan suffered from heatstroke and was still resting at the educated youth point, so she wanted to go in and take care of him.

Zhao Laidi followed Li Xiuhe's words and had to look at her sister before following.

It turned out that she wanted to enter the educated youth spot, and Zhao Laidi ran up to stop her, regardless of her fear.

She knew that her sister was high-minded and wanted to marry someone from the city, but she didn't expect that she would be so courageous that even an educated youth would break in.

Zhao Zhaodi said disgustedly: "If you are afraid, go back, don't follow me."

Zhao Laidi looked at her wrongedly: "I, I, mother told me to watch you, so you can't go."

Zhao Zhaodi was so angry that she was dying, but there was nothing she could do about it, and she said fiercely: "Then you wait for me outside, and hide yourself, so that no one can see you."

After finishing speaking, I will walk over.

As a result, the hand was caught.

Zhao Zhaodi: "..." She was simply pissed off.

Zhao Laidi mustered up her courage to grab her hand, her body was still shaking, and she didn't even dare to look at her.

He still said stubbornly, "I can't go, I can't go."

Zhao Zhaodi was so angry that she said in a bad tone, "Let go."

Zhao Laidi shook her head: "If you don't let go, Mother and Father will be angry."

Zhao Zhaodi was so angry that she wanted to hit someone: "Laidi, do you want to be beaten?"

Zhao Laidi didn't speak.

Zhao Zhaodi raised her hand and wanted to beat her down, but seeing Laidi's body trembling, a sound came to her mind, before they separated, she was beaten, Laidi was obviously very scared, but every time she would help herself to block, it was also like Now that he is like this, even if his body trembles with fear, he still won't move away.

The raised hand couldn't go down, especially when she saw that there was still a scar on the back of her neck.

It was when she was beaten when she was a child, and she was injured when she came to protect her.

Scenes from the past emerged in her mind, and Zhao Zhaodi's eyes were filled with tears: "Why are you so stubborn."

Zhao Laidi heard that her voice was wrong, and looked up at her: "Sister."

Zhao Zhaodi turned her head and said fiercely: "You just rely on me not to hit you."

Zhao Laidi reached out to wipe her tears and said seriously: "Sister is the best."

Zhao Zhaodi said angrily: "It's all about you, it's okay, are you stupid?"

Zhao Laidi smiled and said, "My sister is just in a bad mood."

Zhao Zhaodi scolded: "Fool."

Then walked back.

Everyone is getting ready to leave work, it's not good to be seen later.

Laidi already has a date, she can't let others misunderstand her.

She doesn't care what happens to herself, she doesn't care anyway.

But Laidi can't.

Zhao Laidi watched her sister Zhao Zhaodi go back, with a smile on her face, she chased after her.

(End of this chapter)

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