Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 335 Unlock New Function: Hidden Plot

Chapter 335 Unlock New Function: Hidden Plot ([-])
Zhao Laidi knew that although her elder sister was always fierce to her, she still loved her very much. She would not say anything good but would leave a copy for her.

And my sister was never willing to beat her. Even if she talked too much sometimes, she would apologize to herself when she went to bed at night.

So Zhao Laidi doesn't take these things to heart.

three days later.

Shen Qingyue's matter settled down after Su Jingyue and Su Jingchan went to Shen's house.

Shen Ping has been locked at home all this time, not letting her go out to cause trouble.

What they said that day was heard by Jiang Mei's neighbors, and they spread the matter, and the gossip was resolved.

However, because of this, Shen Qingyue's reputation plummeted.

Because the Qian family knew that the Shen family was the one that stabbed their father in the back in order to stay in the capital, they intentionally started to keep their son busy and reduce the contact between the two of them.

Qian Tianlin was reluctant at first, but Jin Hongyu told him that he was engaged now, and he had to work hard, not like before, not for himself, but also for Shen Qingyue.

Only then did he agree, it's just that he couldn't stop because he was so busy, and he was so tired every day when he went home, he got up early in the morning to work.

Let alone meeting, there is not even enough time to rest.

She didn't even know what Shen Qingyue was doing.

The life of the Shen family was also difficult. Back then, everyone turned a blind eye to him because of Elder Shen's face.

Over the years, their family has spent so much time killing each other, that now they are being excluded whether it is in the compound or at work.

Shen Ping couldn't do anything, he could only grit his teeth and swallow the breath, and when he got home, he would get angry with Shen Qingyue, and sometimes he would do it.

The whole family was flying like dogs and dogs, Shen Qingfeng didn't know what he was busy with, and he rarely saw people.

Zhao Jing woke up.

The voice of the system came to mind: "Host, the system has been upgraded."

Zhao Jing rubbed her face and smiled, "What's new?"

The system said mysteriously: "Do you want the host to guess?"

Zhao Jing refused without thinking, "No."

The system felt a little pity: "Okay."

System: "Unlock new features, hide plots,"

"Since the host has triggered a hidden plot, this hidden plot will be automatically unlocked."

In the next second, a virtual panel appeared in front of Zhao Jingyi.

All the plots about the Zhao family who have lived in seclusion for a hundred years are all above.

The Zhao family was a big family hundreds of years ago, and the previous patriarchs were all talented fortune tellers.

300 years ago, the fifth patriarch of the Zhao family calculated that the Zhao family was facing a catastrophe of extermination, and the only way to save it was to escape from the world.

Since then, the whole family has moved. As for where to move, no one knows.

She avoided the world until the troubled times, and then when the troubled times came, the Zhao family had to disperse their clansmen.

And Zhaojia Village is one of them.

As soon as Zhao Jing saw that it was mentioned later, they never gave up searching.

"Then if I didn't come, wouldn't they be able to restore the Zhao family?"

System: "Yes."

Zhao Jingyi thinks it shouldn't be, Zhao Jinyi and the others are not bad.


System: "Zhao Jinyi and the others died during the search. The Zhao family's ancient house has been sealed up. No one knows everything inside. It was not discovered until decades later."

Zhao Jing was silent for a while. They all took banned drugs, which couldn't last long in the sun, plus other side effects.

"Then have I changed their trajectory now?"

System: "Yes host."

Zhao Jingyi never thought that she could accidentally save someone.

There is still a doubt that has not been solved: "So I am with them?"

The system calls out the relationship between the characters on the virtual panel: "Your father is of the same generation as Zhao Jinyi. According to their seniority, they are your uncle and aunt, and the host is of the same generation as Zhao Qingyan."

"Same generation? But Zhao Jinyi and the others are Jin characters, and my father does not. Is there any other reason for this?"

System: "Yes, the name on the genealogy is Zhao Jinyan, Zhao Yan is your father's name when he was walking outside, and later he became Zhao Yan after calling him."

Zhao Jing nodded, it turned out to be like this, looking at the relationship between the characters above.

As expected, he was in the same row as Zhao Qingyan and the others.

Zhao Qingyan saw her grandfather's name, and there was another Zhao Huan in the same row. She remembered that the system told her that Zhao Jinyi and the others said that Zhao Huaiguo looked like Elder Zhao Huan: "My grandfather is a branch elder?"

System: "Yes, the host's grandfather and Zhao Ming are brothers, and they were the two of them back then. They took their branch to Ning City, and settled down in Zhaojia Village."

Zhao Jing nodded, and continued to look down, only to see an unfamiliar name under her grandfather's name.

"Who is Zhao Jinkai next to my father's name?"

Xiu Mo looked at the name and said, "He is your uncle of the host, my dear, but he died not long after he was born. Your grandma, the host, was also injured during that delivery, and your father was born later."

Zhao Jingyi didn't expect that she had an uncle, and she didn't hear her grandma mention it in her memory.

"My dad doesn't know either, right?"

The system nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Jingyi suddenly remembered that she had more than 1000 spiritual positions last time, and she didn't know if her uncle was among them.

"The last time I offered incense, was there a spirit seat for my uncle?"

System: "Yes."

Zhao Jing nodded: "That's good."

Zhao Jingyi suddenly saw something with a lock next to it: "What are these locks?"

The system said helplessly: "This is the hidden story behind, but the host hasn't triggered it yet, so I can't check it, and even the system doesn't know what it is."

Zhao Jing curled her lips: "Okay."

System: "Since the host triggered the hidden plot, this system has also been upgraded to a third-level system, and the host will be rewarded with a big gift package."

Zhao Jing blinked, there are gifts for upgrading and triggering hidden plots?

"What is it?"

The system shook its head: "The host clicks to open it himself, and this system doesn't know."

He was very speechless, the system felt that he must have been rejected by the main system, and he would not let him know anything after the upgrade.

If that's the case, how else would he act as the host's caring little padded jacket.

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched, which was the same as asking three questions: "How did I find out about this upgrade? You don't know anything about it?"

The system almost didn't cry: "This system doesn't know either."

Zhao Jingyi ignored him and opened the big gift bag.

System: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining 880 trading points, a super agricultural encyclopedia."

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

The trading point is okay, but what the hell is this super agricultural encyclopedia?

System: "In the agricultural encyclopedia, including planting, breeding, making fertilizer, etc... the host can use it."

(End of this chapter)

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