Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 339 This old man is too shameless.

Chapter 339 This old man is too shameless. (twenty)

Gu Jin and Gu Heng, the three brothers, went home after warning Gu Feng.

Before they went to Mr. Gu's place, they had already discussed it together.

If the old man disagrees and let them continue to clean up Gu Feng's mess, then in the future, they will not go to see the old man except when necessary.

If the old man agrees, then they don't have to make trouble.

Gu Jin's wife, eldest son Gu Dongyang, and two daughters and sons-in-law were also there.

They also knew about the matter, and when they saw him come back, they hurriedly asked.

Mi Xin is also Gu Jin's wife and the aunt who takes care of Gu Beichuan the most.

"Brother Jin, how are you doing?"

Gu Jin nodded, looking at his wife, son and daughter, the anger in his heart dissipated a bit.

"Dad has agreed. From today on, none of you should help your uncle, and tell your subordinates to do whatever you want."

Gu Dongyang, the grandson of Gu's parents, has exactly the same personality as Gu Jin, but he is better than Gu Jin, and he loves every younger brother, especially the youngest brother, Gu Beichuan. For Gu Beixiang, in their eyes, he is not .

Gu Dongyang had never been in Beijing before, and he only came back in the last few months. He wanted to trouble Liang Ling, but was stopped by Gu Jin.

What he is most worried about right now is Gu Beichuan's situation: "Xiao Si, should we find a way to get him back?"

Gu Jin shook his head. Although Gu Feng is stupid, he is not stupid enough.

"No, it's fine where Xiao Chuan is. When he comes back, he's caught in the middle, which makes it difficult."

If Gu Beichuan comes back, he will definitely let Gu Beichuan go back to live. If he gets into trouble again at that time, he can't solve it. If they don't help him, he will definitely threaten him to talk to them.

Gu Heng has already told them the news he got from Ji Mingxuan.

Knowing where Gu Beichuan is living well, he has nothing to worry about.

Gu Dongyang still felt uneasy, that woman Liang Ling was cruel, and he was afraid that she would do something again.


Gu Jin told the news that Gu Heng had received, and then said: "He is protected by someone, so you don't have to worry about anything happening to him."

Gu Dongyang has heard about it, but can she really protect Gu Beichuan: "Grandpa Su found that niece?"

Gu Dongyang expressed some disbelief and suspicion.

Gu Jin didn't really believe it, but Ji Mingxuan had no reason to lie to them, and he also noticed that they had secretly helped Gu Beichuan in the past two years.

"It has already been checked by someone, and the result will be known in two days, and it will be clear by then."

Gu Dongyang nodded, now he can only do this: "En."

Gu Jin looked at his wife, children, and son-in-law, sighed and said, "You and I have to bear these years of hard work."

Pang Chengchao, who is also the husband of Gu Jin's second daughter, Gu Mingzhu, said with a smile, "Dad, we are all one family, and a family should share weal and woe."

Ge Liang nodded in agreement: "Brother-in-law is right, otherwise we are a family."

The husband of Gu Jin's youngest daughter, Gu Mingyu, Ge Liang, these two were the children of Gu Jin's former subordinates. Later, these children saw each other, and Gu Jin was not the old-fashioned type who insisted on matching him.

They all know each other, the two families are familiar with each other, and the children like each other, as long as they live a good life, as a father, he has no disagreement.

They are very open-minded parents.

Ji family.

Mr. Ji looked at Ji Mingxuan who had just come back after it was getting dark: "Where did you go? It's been a whole day today."

Ji Mingxuan looked suspiciously at the old man who usually doesn't ask these questions, why is it so sudden today: "I have something to deal with."

Mr. Ji frowned, did he go to work?Didn't you say that you saw that little girl from the Su family getting into this kid's car?
"Someone saw today that you sent that little girl from the Su family to the hospital. How far are you two now?"

Ji Mingxuan raised his eyebrows: "How do you know that?"

Mr. Ji said calmly, "You don't have to worry about it."

Ji Mingxuan: "Then I won't say anything."

Mr. Ji: "..."

This brat is mad at him.

Ji Minghua came over and said, "I told you, I saw it when your sister-in-law and I came over."

Ji Mingxuan raised his eyebrows: "Brother, I'm not a child, you can't fool me."

Ji Minghua was helpless: "Your sister-in-law and I went to Fang's hometown."

Ji Mingxuan reluctantly believed: "She didn't refuse."

The corner of old man Ji's mouth raised, but soon fell again, and said arrogantly: "I didn't refuse, okay, but it's not all due to my old man."

Ji Mingxuan almost couldn't hold back, rolled his eyes and said, "You think too much."

The old man was upset at these words, and he thumped his walking stick twice: "What do you mean I think too much, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't know how many times you have been rejected."

Ji Mingxuan: "..." Obviously I did my best, this old man is really shameless.

Ji Minghua looked at the two people, raised his eyebrows and asked, "It seems that a lot of things have happened during my absence."

Mr. Ji slapped Ji Mingxuan on the shoulder: "If you have half the ability of your brother to chase your sister-in-law, you don't need my old man to work so hard."

Ji Mingxuan: "..."

Ji Minghua looked at Ji Mingxuan with a chuckle.

Ji Mingxuan said with a half-smile: "Sister-in-law always likes elder brother, and I remember you didn't say that at the beginning."

Ji Minghua glanced at the location of the kitchen, but fortunately his wife didn't hear it, so she glared at Ji Mingxuan, and cursed inwardly: Brat.

Ji Mingxuan pretended not to see it.

Su family.

As soon as Zhao Jing went upstairs after eating, An Yue stood up, and she finished eating too.

Call Zhao Jingyi: "One by one."

Zhao Jing stopped and looked at her with a puzzled expression.

An Yue smiled and said, "I have something to tell you, just wait for me, I'll wash my hands."

Zhao Jingyi became even more puzzled, and nodded, "Okay."

The others continued to eat, but the old man seemed to have something on his mind, and the others were also weird.

The system said uncertainly: "Host, could it be that they knew that you took Ji Mingxuan's car to the hospital this morning?"

Zhao Jingyi was stunned: "How did they know?"

System: "Host, you forgot, two people saw it."

Zhao Jing blinked and didn't remember for a while.

After a while, I realized that the two guards, but they probably wouldn't do such a thing, would they?

System: "Not sure."

At this time, An Yue came over and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go up."

Zhao Jing nodded and went upstairs with her.

Going to her room, An Yue closed the door.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at her, could it really be because of what happened in the morning?

An Yue pulled Zhao Jingyi to sit down, and asked hesitantly, "Yiyi, my sister-in-law asked you something, don't think too much about it, we have no intention of monitoring you."

(End of this chapter)

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