Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 340 Without hesitation, I heard everything by accident.

Chapter 340 He didn't hesitate for a moment, and he heard everything by accident.

Zhao Jingyi was even more confused, so what happened?
"Okay, sister-in-law, tell me."

An Yue frowned with concern: "Are you going to the hospital in Ji's Xiaowu's car today?"

Zhao Jing was helpless, it was really because of this matter: "Well, he dropped me off on the way."

An Yue frowned slightly: "Just drop in?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

The worry on An Yue's face deepened: "One by one, tell your sister-in-law the truth, do you treat Xiao Wu of Ji's family well?"

Zhao Jing's ears warmed up, and she pretended to be calm and said, "Why are you asking like this all of a sudden?"

An Yue herself is someone who has been there, seeing Zhao Jingyi like this, she doesn't know anything: "You are still young, so finding a partner can be a few years later."

Zhao Jingyi looked at her with some surprise. She thought she was here to persuade her not to get along with Ji Mingxuan, or to directly object, but she didn't expect him to say: "Sister-in-law, I haven't made up my mind yet."

An Yue was stunned: "Haven't thought it through yet, did he confess his love to you?"

Zhao Jingyi didn't intend to hide it, she nodded, "Yeah."

An Yue didn't expect Ji Mingxuan to move so fast, she underestimated him: "When did it happen?"

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said, "It just happened a few days ago."

An Yue thought about it carefully: "A few days ago? When did he come to the house?"

Zhao Jingyi: "Yes."

If you don't have any precautions, you will be at your own home: "..."

Don't say that the old man wants to beat him this time, An Yue thought about it, and after a while, she asked, "Then what do you think?"

Zhao Jing shook her head, she was in a mess right now, she didn't know whether she should agree or not, it was like two villains were fighting in her heart, one agreed and the other disagreed, and she couldn't make up her mind.

"I haven't made up my mind yet. I want to wait until Cousin Yun is discharged from the hospital and he will take care of himself."

An Yue understood, and asked, "Do you like him?"

Zhao Jing hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't know."

She is not sure, maybe she is too familiar, sometimes she may be a little shy, but most of them are very normal to get along with.

Seeing the uncertainty on her face, An Yue's heart sank again and again. She liked it in her heart, but she was not sure.

If she likes it, is it still useful for them all to stop her?An Yue's heart was very complicated at the moment.

After thinking about it in my heart, I finally respected her choice and said softly: "It's okay, just think about it slowly, we are here for everything."

Zhao Jing threw herself into An Yue's arms, leaned on her shoulder, and said in a soft and dependent tone, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

An Yue's heart softened, and she gently stroked Zhao Jingyi's hair: "We are all a family, no need to say thank you, no matter what happens, we will face it together with you."

Zhao Jingyi felt the long-lost maternal love in An Yue, although she also felt it in Zhaojia Village, but An Yue gave her the most similar feeling, gently closing her eyes to enjoy the short and long-lost familiar maternal love.


Downstairs, they had already had a good meal and packed their things.

Right now, she is sitting in the lobby waiting for news from An Yue.

Su Jingfeng looked upstairs and there was no movement: "I have a bad feeling."

The old man was the first to retort: ​​"Don't talk nonsense."

Su Jingmiao silently raised her hand: "I have it too."

The old man: "..." These two ugly things.

Su Jingying looked at everyone, and whispered: "Grandpa..."

The old man said with a tiger face: "Little girl, don't talk."

Su Jingyu: "..."

The old man was told by them that he also had some bad premonitions in his heart.

However, as long as the result is not yet known, there is still room for it.

In fact, in the old man's heart, it's not that he thinks Ji Mingxuan is bad, but that he thinks that Zhao Jingyi is still young, and he wants to keep her for a few more years and take good care of her.

I don't want someone to take his place before he started taking care of her.

He grew up watching him since he was a child, and he knows how to be a human being. If you want to entrust him, of course he is the best at present.

Su Qingsheng was the only one who knew besides Su Jingmiao, but he didn't dare to tell the old man.

What was the result? He already knew the answer in his heart.

The same is true for Su Jingmiao, in their hearts, Zhao Jingyi is still young, and they are not in a hurry to talk about marriage.

About half an hour later, An Yue came down from upstairs.

Everyone looked at her.

As soon as Zhao Jing was in the room, she also watched the situation downstairs through the virtual panel.

Zhao Jingyi asked more or less nervously, "What do you think they will say?"

The system shook its head, but carefully observed the situation of everyone below: "Su Qingsheng, and Su Jingmiao are a bit strange."

Zhao Jing was puzzled: "Strange?"

The system looked at them and listened to what An Yue said. The two of them looked surprised, but they seemed to know it a long time ago, or they had already guessed it.

"Well, they seem to know something, did something happen during the three days when the host was away?"

Zhao Jing frowned, as if she knew it?Could it be...


Zhao Jingyi probably had a guess in her heart: "Maybe they accidentally bumped into me talking with Ji Mingxuan outside."

The system said in disbelief: "Apart from the last time he confessed his love to you, have you and Ji Mingxuan been alone together?"

Zhao Jing's ears warmed up: "Only the second day after you upgrade."

System: "..." I don't know about such a big deal.

The system feels a little sour.

Zhao Jing touched her nose.


The old man said with some difficulty: "So, it's interesting to talk to that kid one by one."

An Yue was a little worried: "Dad..."

The old man shook his head: "I'm fine."

Su Qingsheng was afraid that the old man would not be able to accept it, so he quickly said, "Dad, it's just for fun."

The old man nodded, but his face was still full of worries: "Yes."

Su Qingjing looked at him with some doubts: "Brother, do you know something, what?"

Su Qingsheng: "..."

Su Jingmiao suddenly felt guilty, her eyes flickering.

Su Jingyao frowned: "Xiao Si, what's wrong with you?"

Su Jingmiao was taken aback: "I, I, I accidentally heard at the gate that day, my cousin and Ji Xiaowu were talking in the small garden next to the gate."

Su Qingsheng: "..."

other people:"……"

Su Jingying suddenly remembered that when she went up to beat her up that day, she felt very guilty. At first she thought it was because she knew that she already knew that she was hiding things from everyone, so she was guilty, but it turned out not to be.

He was so angry that he wanted to give her a fistful: "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Su Jingmiao said a little aggrieved.

"Aren't I afraid that my little cousin will misunderstand me? Besides, I really didn't eavesdrop on purpose that day. I just returned to the gate and was about to open the door to come in, but I heard it. At that time, I didn't want to go in or not , I didn’t hesitate for a moment, and I heard everything by accident.”

(End of this chapter)

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