Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 341 Mr. Su: This little fox cub is very cunning

Chapter 341 Mr. Su: This little fox cub is very cunning
Zhao Jingyi: "..."


other people:"……"

Su Qinglian was really helpless. His daughter's brain circuit was a little different from others, and she was a little out of tune at ordinary times. She didn't know if she was lucky if she was a fool.

"Then what have you heard?"

Su Jingmiao glanced upstairs guiltily.Zhao Jingyi was not seen.

Just said the general thing.

After listening, everyone was silent.

After a while, Su Qinglian spoke.

"So that means, Ji Xiaowu has confessed to Yiyi before? This is not the first time."

However, Su Jingjiao's focus was skewed, but she also focused on it. She frowned and asked doubtfully, "Same as them? Who are they?"

Su Jingxiao was puzzled: "They? Who?"

Su Jingjiao shook her head: "I don't know."

The old man gritted his teeth in anger: "This little fox is very cunning."

Others, you look at me, I look at you, Su Jingyao asked: "Grandpa, what should we do now?"

The old man's expression collapsed, and he said angrily: "What else can I do, your little cousin likes it, so what else can you say?"

Su Jingyue clicked her tongue, and said unwillingly: "But this is too cheap, brat."

The sadness in the old man's heart is no less than that of her unwillingness, but he doesn't know what to do. If it's them, he can strongly disagree, but she, he can't help it, there is nothing he can do.

"I don't know, how can there be any way, your little cousin likes it."

The last sentence is somewhat sad.

In the eyes of Su Jingfeng and the others, Ji Mingxuan was not good enough for Zhao Jingyi, the more he thought about it, the more angry he stood up: "Let's go and beat him up."

Su Qingsheng was bored for a few days. Hearing this, she thought it was feasible. She stood up, gritted her teeth and said, "Let's go to his father and his uncle to have a 'chat'."

Especially the last three words "chat a chat" are more or less personal grievances.

Mr. Su glanced at them and said nothing.

Just when they thought the old man would scold them, they heard the old man say: "Go, and 'talk' back with my share."

Su Qingsheng: "..."

Su Jingfeng: "..."

other people:"……"

Su Jingyi said with a strange face: "Grandpa, this is not good, Grandpa Ji is the elder."

Su Qinglin also felt that it wasn't very good. The younger generation went to the younger generation, and the elders went to their elders. The older elder, the old man, should do it himself. How dare they do it.

"Yeah, Dad, where is Uncle Ji? It's not very good for us to do it."

Seeing them talking more and more outrageous, the old man's face turned black, is he that kind of person: "When will I let you fight old man Ji?"

Su Jingfeng scratched his hair and said, "Then, you said that we should get your share back, isn't that what you mean, look for Grandpa Ji?"

Grandpa Su: "..."

He was almost beaten with a stick. He is usually very smart, but tonight, why is his brain not working?

"Why, don't you know how to repay the debts of the father and the son?"

Everyone was embarrassed, Su Qinglin touched her nose and said, "So, that's what you meant, Dad. I thought you asked us to beat up Grandpa Ji."

Seeing that the old man was about to lose his temper, Su Jingfeng and the others hurried to the door: "Grandpa, shall we go then?"

Su Qingsheng said solemnly, and walked out quickly: "Dad, we also passed."

In the next second, a crutch hit Su Qinglian and Su Qinglin's arms, but the old man didn't use much force.

Su Qinglin and Su Qinglian originally wanted to hide, but they were not afraid that the old man would fall, so they accepted it honestly.

Su Jingjiao and the others also kept watching, fearing that the old man would accidentally bend his waist or fall.

This is a man's business, and women don't get involved.

What's more, there are no girls in Ji's family, and none of them are born in Ji's family.

Ji Mingxuan has four older sisters, all adopted, and all of them are lieshi orphans.

Their father was on the same team as Ji Mingxuan's father and Su Qingsheng.

Originally, the old man wanted to adopt them, but Ji Lao was one step ahead of him.

Now the four of them have their own families and their own jobs. When they are not busy, they will bring their children back to Ji's house to have a look, and they will also come to Su's house.

An Yue, Mu Ling, and Qi Yuehua's three sisters-in-law looked at each other, and looked at the old man: "Dad, it's not confirmed yet, do you really want them to go to Ji's house?"

The old man was very calm and said, "It's okay to go and talk."


On the contrary, Su Jingyi thought it was good to have a chat: "Mom, don't worry, Dad and the others are sensible."

Mu Leng patted her angrily: "It's just you."

Su Jingyu covered her arm in pain, moved to the side, and muttered: "I'm not wrong."

The corner of Mu Ling's mouth twitched, this kid.

Upstairs, Zhao Jing's room.

Zhao Jingyi wasn't worried at all, instead she was curious about who was more powerful than her own cousin and how many cousins ​​and nephews were with them.

Secretly asked the system: "Can you see Ji Mingxuan's family?"

System: "Yes, but, host, aren't you worried about Ji Mingxuan?"

Zhao Jing replied without thinking, "Don't worry."

System: "..." For a while, I didn't know whether to sympathize with him or not.

Even so, another virtual panel was called up for Zhao Jingyi.

He has been following Su Qingsheng and the others.

The picture followed all the way to Ji's house. For Su Qingsheng and the others who came suddenly, Mr. Ji and others were very puzzled.

Mr. Ji asked, "Why are you here?"

Ji Xian and his brothers just happened to be there, looking at the Su family, they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

In Ji Xian's generation, there were four brothers, and in Ji Mingxuan's generation, there were five brothers, and Ji Mingxuan was the youngest.

However, Ji Mingxuan's fourth brother, Ji Mingye, is not here, so there is one less person.

The four brothers of the Su family, Su Qingsheng, and Su Qingyun are in the hospital.Except for Su Jingyu and Su Jingyu, Su Jingxiao and the others are not here, the four older ones are all there.

In terms of the number of people, the Su family has two more.

Su Qingsheng smiled and said, "It's okay, Uncle Ji, we have something to do with Ji Xian and the others."

Although Mr. Ji thought it was weird, he didn't think much about it: "I have something to do, then you talk, I'll go up and rest."

Su Qingsheng said quickly: "No need, we can just go out and chat."

Mr. Ji thought there was something important to do, so he nodded: "It's okay, then you go."

Ji Xian: "..." No, Dad, we haven't spoken yet, haven't you seen that all of them have bad intentions on their faces?
Ji Mu felt that he could save it: "can't you say it at home?"

Su Qingjing said with a smile: "Let's go out and chat, it's getting late, Uncle Ji will have to rest soon, it's not good to make Uncle Ji rest if you make noise, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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