Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 343 Su Qingyun Discharged from the Hospital

Chapter 343 Su Qingyun Discharged from the Hospital

So, now in the village, everyone is very honest.

They were indoctrinated with the same idea, so even if their own children made mistakes and were punished, they would not resent even if they were sad.

Because in their hearts, they are the same as Zhao Jinxi, as long as the family can be revived.

Although this kind of concept is a bit extreme, but fortunately they are all rational and abide by their own duties. They will do what should be done, and they will never touch what should not be done.

That is to say, even if Zhao Jingyi refuses to be the patriarch, they will not force her, but in their hearts, she is, and Zhao Jinyi is still the interim, which will never be surpassed.

Half a month, whether it is long or not, time flies by.

Everyone in the Su family had breakfast early in the morning and prepared to go to the hospital to pick up Su Qingyun and go home.

Except for those who couldn't make time to come, basically it could be said that the whole family was dispatched.

On the way to the hospital, Zhao Jingyi asked the system in her mind: "Today is exactly fifteen days old, he should be able to talk, right?"

The system looked at it and nodded: "Today he can talk as soon as he wakes up."

Zhao Jing breathed a sigh of relief, it would be nice if she could talk, and if she could communicate like this, she wouldn't have to keep guessing.

After returning, he can be given the medicine to remove the scars, and the scars on his body will disappear by then.

The system calculated the amount needed for the scars on Su Qingyun's body, and exchanged them for two large bottles of scar-removing ointment the size of a palm.

In addition, she exchanged the medicine for Su Qingyun before performing the mission, and the medicine she exchanged for him when she came here.

There were tens of thousands of trading points, but she was left with less than [-].

Although the system was upgraded later, more than 8000 gift packages were obtained, adding up, it was only a little over 1.

Zhao Jingyi suddenly felt that she was very poor, but fortunately she was not willing to use it.

The system felt Zhao Jingyi's thoughts, and said secretly: "Host, this system can deduct..."

Zhao Jing interrupted the system with a righteous face and said, "No, it's absolutely unnecessary."

System: "..." He hasn't finished yet.

But he didn't give up, and felt that he could still fight for it.


Zhao Jing said nonchalantly, "I won't listen, so kneel down."

System: "..." It's really not a loss.

Why doesn't the host believe me?The book at the beginning was really worth it. The one sold on Pinxixi was not as detailed as the system, and it also had the same picture as the photo, which the host could quickly identify.

Zhao Jingyi suddenly felt that the system was very broken, and she wanted to cheat herself.

System: " are wronged..."

As soon as Zhao Jing ignored him, the car quickly arrived at the hospital.

The car was waiting at the door, Zhao Jingyi followed the old man and the others up together, Su Jingxiao and the others came over first to help pack things and go through the formalities.

Well, they will be there as soon as Zhao Jing arrives.

As soon as Zhao Jing saw Su Qingyun, she walked over and knelt down to look at Su Qingyun who was sitting in a wheelchair and said with a smile, "We are here to pick you up."

Su Qingyun nodded, although the scabs on his face that hadn't fallen off made him look a little scary, but the tenderness and smile in his eyes made people feel that he was very happy.

Seeing his youngest son like this, old man Su felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't show it. Instead, he had a kind smile on his face: "Brother Yun, Dad is here to pick you up."

Su Qingyun looked at the old man, he seemed to be getting older, and his heart ached. He had been blaming his father for not avenging his mother all these years, and had been refusing to have a good talk with him. The day is gone.

Looking at the old man, he nodded, and wanted to open his mouth to respond to him, but he held back, this is a hospital.

What should be paid attention to, what should be explained, has been explained, and they all know that the mild injuries on Su Qingyun's body have all scabbed and fallen off, leaving pink scars. These are new growths of skin, still tender of.

Afraid that Su Qingyun would mind other people's eyes, the Su family protected him tightly.

Many people were curious as to whose family this was such a big battle, but they didn't dare to discuss it because of the extraordinary momentum.

They didn't dare to talk until the person left.

There were those who were acrimonious and said harsh words, which were overheard by the nurse. The nurse had a serious face and argued with them angrily.

When they heard their identities and why they were like this, those people didn't dare to say anything.

The Su family didn't know, but Zhao Jingyi did.

Originally, I wanted the system to punish him a little, but I saw someone defending Su Qingyun.

Zhao Jingyi didn't let the system take action.

Apart from Su Qingsheng who was driving the car with Su Qingyun, the old man and Zhao Jing were the only ones.

Su Qingsheng can't drive fast, she drives slowly.

Old Master Su was worried that Su Qingyun would not be able to think about it: "Brother Yun, don't worry, we will find the best medicine for you."

Su Qingyun looked out of the car window with a long-lost feeling.

Hearing the old man's words, I felt a little more guilty, and said a little hoarsely: "Okay."

Hearing his answer, the old man was relieved when he saw that there was nothing wrong with his face. Su Qingyun could speak without reacting at all.

Su Qingsheng came to his senses with a look of shock.

Zhao Jing watched their reactions with a smile in her eyes.

About the ointment, let's talk about it later.

When going out, Zhao Jingyi put the ointment on the table.

They all knew that Su Qingyun was discharged from the hospital, so they came to the door not long after they got home.

As soon as Zhao Jing saw a large group of people surrounding her, it seemed that she could only postpone it.

After talking for a while, Su Qingyun's face was tired.

The old man asked a few juniors to carry Su Qingyun upstairs to rest.

Everything in the house is tidied up.

Su Jingshen, Su Jingfeng and Su Jingyu, three unmarried juniors, shared a room with Su Qingyun, so that they could take care of Su Qingyun's medicine and convenience.

Seeing the opportunity, Zhao Jing said to the old man, "I'll go up and help."

The old man didn't think much, nodded: "OK."

He couldn't leave now, Zhao Jingyihua and the others nodded, then turned and followed upstairs.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi running up in a hurry, Mr. Liao said with a smile, "It seems that the relationship between your little girl and Brother Yun is as good as the rumors."

The old man glanced at him, and then looked towards the second floor, with deep worry in his old eyes.

"Brother Yun met her first except for Jingyang, and he has the best relationship with her."

Hua Lao and Liao Lao knew what he was worried about, and said comfortingly: "Everything will be fine, we have already asked the people below to help find medicinal materials and doctors, and I believe there will be results soon."

Old Man Su nodded, but he still couldn't control the worry in his heart: "It would be great if that dead old man was here. I don't know where he is now, whether he is dead or alive."

(End of this chapter)

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