Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 344 System: They Are Good or Bad

Chapter 344 System: They Are Good or Bad

Elder Hua and Elder Liao shook their heads. Even if the ancient head was there, Brother Yun might not be able to fully recover.

The old doctor's skills are great, but they are not enough to restore the body of a nearly disfigured person to its original appearance.

What's more, he may not make a move.

Hua Lao didn't know how to comfort him: "Everything will be fine."

And upstairs.

As soon as Zhao Jing saw that she couldn't help at the moment, she walked out and walked to her room.

He took the ointments that had been placed in advance one by one, and came to Su Qingyun's room.

Before they could open their mouths, Zhao Jingyi told them what she had thought up a long time ago.

"This is the scar-removing ointment I brought from the Zhao family. The three of you help to rub it on your uncle's scabbed scar. Once in the morning and evening, I believe it will return to its original appearance within half a month."

Su Jingshen asked suspiciously: "The Zhao family? Little cousin, the Zhao family you went to before?"

Zhao Jing nodded, this cost her more than 2 yuan in the transaction: "Well, don't worry about using it, this is very rare."

Su Jingfeng looked at his brothers: "This..."

Su Qingyun knew what they were worried about, but he believed in Zhao Jingyi: "Listen to your little cousin."

Su Jinghe was stunned when he heard Su Qingyun's voice: "Uncle, your voice..."

The corners of Su Qingyun's mouth turned up: "Okay, your little cousin begged for the medicine from the Zhao family."

Su Jingxiao frowned slightly, subconsciously raising her vigilance.

"How could this Zhao family have such a powerful medicine, and how did they know about Uncle's situation?"

Zhao Jingyi knew that they would doubt it, so she didn't panic, she blinked and said, "I said so."

The corner of Su Jingxiao's mouth twitched: "Little cousin, did they give you medicine after you told them about my uncle's injury?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "I asked them if they had any medicine, and they asked me why I used it."

What Su Jingfeng didn't understand was, how could they have such a good medicine, and they were willing to give it to Zhao Jingyi: "But how could they be willing to give it?"

Zhao Jingyi: "..." Good guy, these juniors are really vigilant, and there are more and more problems.

Just when Zhao Jingyi was about to reveal some of her relationship with the Zhao family, Su Qingyun explained for her.

"I'm willing to give it because of your little cousin's face. Why are you asking so many questions?"

When Su Qingyun spoke, they had nothing to say.

Zhao Jing put the ointment aside: "I'll put the ointment here, you guys rub it on him, I'll go out first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went out, closing the door by the way.

Su Qingyun looked at the closed door, frowned, and looked at her nephews: "You guys did a good job."

Su Jingxiao and the others felt a little embarrassed and guilty.

Su Jingxiao explained: "It's not that we don't believe it, little cousin, it's just that we are worried about this medicine..."

Su Qingyun looked at them sharply. She thought that they would be smarter if he didn't speak, but they disappointed him too much.

"Doubt, puzzlement, you can keep it in your heart, there is no need to question it in front of her, the medicine she has worked so hard to get, I am full of expectations, a few words from you, take the medicine she worked so hard to get in front of her What do you say? Ulterior motives? Or what?"

Su Jingfeng wanted to explain: "Uncle..."

However, Su Qingyun didn't listen: "Think about it for yourself, Xiao Yu stay here and help me apply the medicine."

Su Jingyu was the only one who never said anything about Zhao Jingyi.

Because he understands how important Zhao Jing is to Su Qingyun better than his brothers.

Moreover, how important Su Qingyun was to Zhao Jingyi.

Su Jinghe and the others were kicked out, but there was no sign of Zhao Jingyi outside the door.

There was no downstairs either. They looked at the closed door at the end, and the four of them looked at each other.

Is she mad?
Zhao Jingyi saw clearly from the room, and knew what they were talking about.

She wasn't angry, but she still felt a little uncomfortable.

I went back to the room because I wanted to go to the toilet, so I went back to the room.

The system is also a little angry: "Host, are they stupid? How could the host harm Su Qingyun? What's more, they are all good things for him. No one here can make them, even the one who doesn't know what to do The same goes for the old man."

Zhao Jing smiled softly and said reassuringly, "They're just used to it because of work, it's not a problem, and they don't know anything about the Zhao family."

The system reluctantly accepts this statement.

Looking at the situation in Su Qingyun's room, the system said, "Su Jingyu is much more likable than when we first met."

Zhao Jing smiled: "Indeed, his personality is actually very similar to Jingyang."

The system made a comparison and said, "It's more interesting and sensible than the older ones from the Su family."

Zhao Jing was helpless, the system was quite vengeful, but what she said was true.

Su Qingyun's room.

Su Jingyu wiped a few places for Su Qingyun, and asked after a while, "Uncle, how do you feel?"

Su Qingyun's brows were originally frowned, but she felt a cool and comfortable feeling coming from the scar ointment, and her brows unconsciously relaxed: "It's cool, very comfortable."

Seeing that he had no other reactions, Su Jingyu was relieved.

Concentrate on painting Su Qingyun.

The scab fell off in many places, so it was still quick to apply.

If the scabs haven't fallen off, don't worry about him first, and apply them when they fall off.

Moreover, Su Qingyun's voice has recovered, and her voice is the same as before.

It was a pleasant surprise.

Since what happened last time, Ji Mingxuan got better and was beaten up by a few of them, and was warned one by one. Now at Su's house, he is very blatant.

His relationship with Su Jingyu has also reconciled.

Although the old man and the others were still a little upset with him, they knew that Zhao Jing was also attracted to him, so they didn't say anything else.

After a while, as soon as Zhao Jing came out of the room and walked to the corridor, Ji Mingxuan kept looking at her.

His eyes are so obvious that it is difficult for people to ignore them.

Fortunately, Zhao Jingyi gradually got used to it.

Hua Zhinan and Su Jingjiao sat together.

Ever since knowing Ji Mingxuan's feelings for Zhao Jingyi, it has become quite complicated.

Originally he was the elder brother, but if Ji Mingxuan was with Zhao Jingyi and married Su Jingjiao, he would be a head shorter in this generation.

But in him, he seemed to see the original self.

Zhao Jing came down and took a look at the sofa, only Ji Mingxuan and the old man were left with empty seats.

Just a little speechless: "..."

Although everyone is talking and chatting again, they are also concerned about where she will choose to sit.

Zhao Jing coughed lightly and said, "I'll help in the kitchen."

After speaking, he went to the kitchen.

System: "They are good and bad."

Zhao Jing's ears warmed up: "Maybe it's a coincidence."

Seeing Zhao Jingyi's hurried back, Lin Qing whispered to Aumanman beside her with a smile in her eyes: "This little girl is shy."

(End of this chapter)

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