Chapter 349 Zhao Qingming

After Ji Mingxuan left Su's house, he didn't go home, but went to Gu Jin's house.

Today happened to be Gu Jin's rest, so Ji Mingxuan went to Gu Jin's house, and he happened to be at home.

Gu Jin was a little surprised when he saw Ji Mingxuan: "Xiaoxuan, come here when you have time."

Ji Mingxuan greeted first: "Second Uncle Gu, Second Aunt Gu."

Mi Xin smiled gently: "Xiao Xuan, come and sit down."

Ji Mingxuan nodded, seeing that the two of them didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point: "Second Uncle Gu, I'm here to tell you that I'm going to Ning City the day after tomorrow. Have you prepared the things for Xiao Chuanzi?"

Gu Jin was a little surprised: "The day after tomorrow? So soon?"

Ji Mingxuan nodded: "En."

Gu Jin pondered for a moment and asked, "When will you leave the day after tomorrow?"

Ji Mingxuan: "Noon."

There is still one more day tomorrow, and he has already prepared, basically there is nothing left, too much preparation, for fear that he will attract attention in the educated youth, so they discussed it, prepare some first, and prepare slowly later.

"I'm ready here. I don't know if Uncle Gu and the others are ready, so I'll go over tonight and ask, and I'll go home to find you in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Ji Mingxuan nodded, the matter was said, and there was nothing else to do, so he stood up and prepared to leave: "Alright, then I'll go back first."

Gu Jin nodded, thinking that he would go back to pack his things, so he didn't hold back much.


Ji Mingxuan nodded, then turned and left.

Mi Xin looked at the door, a little puzzled, and said, "Xiaoxuan is a pretty good kid, why doesn't Uncle Su agree?"

Gu Jin shook his head and said, "I'm afraid Uncle Su is reluctant, it's not that he disagrees."

Mi Xin nodded, but they were all in the same compound, and it was only about two or three minutes away: "But the two are not far away."

Gu Jin was helpless: "Back then Mingzhu, Mingyu got married, you were not willing to bear it."

Mi Xin smiled, and glared at him reproachfully: "Aren't you the same back then, you're not exactly the same as me."

Gu Jin choked, looked at his wife helplessly, and said softly, "I don't want to part with my daughter, but these two children are compatible, and they both know the truth, so I don't worry, besides, these two children are not far away from marriage."

Mi Xin nodded, but felt that it was a pity. Although she had never met Zhao Jingyi, he had heard Gu Jin say a few words and believed in Gu Jin's a good boy.

"Yeah, it's good to know the root and the bottom. Xiaoxuan is a good boy. It would be a beautiful thing for these two children to be together."

Gu Jin nodded, the relationship between the Su family and the Ji family was good, and it would be even better if they could get closer.

Zhao Zhuang.

Zhao Qing looked at Zhao Jinxi eagerly: "Master, I want to go too."

Zhao Jinxi shook his head, with a serious face: "I have other things, let you and Qingwen do it together."

Zhao Qingwen looked at her, Zhao Qingshuang was a little confused.

But she really wanted to follow along.

However, Brother Qingwen sighed in disappointment, and said in a low tone, "Okay."

Zhao Qingwen patted her head: "It's okay, I'll take you there next time."

Zhao Qingshuang smiled instantly: "Okay."

Zhao Jinxi looked at Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling, and Zhao Qingming, who was always silent beside him, said: "Yaner, Linger, you two go with Qingming."

Zhao Qingming looked up at Zhao Jinxi unexpectedly.

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jinyi put down the booklet in his hand, looked at them and said, "The three of you hand over the things in your hands to other people, and then go back to pack your things. Come to the house at night and I have something to explain to your master, and then you go to Beijing. , go with the patriarch the day after tomorrow."

The three of Zhao Qingyan cupped their hands: "Yes, master, uncle."

They said some other things, and then went about their own business.

Zhao Jinxi went to sit opposite Zhao Jinyi and said, "Go this time and recognize the clansmen. What we have to do has been completed."

Zhao Jinyi nodded and said, "When they leave, let's start preparing."

Zhao Jinxi smiled: "Okay."


Zhao Qingming walked quietly behind, feeling a little complicated in his heart, not understanding why Zhao Jinxi asked him to follow.

Zhao Qingyan stood beside him at some point, and looked at him with a smile: "Why, don't you understand?"

Zhao Qingming was slightly taken aback, then nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Qingyan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Qing Ming, you should go for a walk."

Zhao Qingming has been staying at Zhaozhuang, taking care of Zhao Jinxi and the others, as well as other big and small things.

Zhao Qingyan and the others are different, they are all in other places.

Zhao Qingming pursed his lips and said, "It's good to guard Master and the others."

Zhao Qingyan was helpless: "That's why Master asked you to go out with us."

Zhao Qingming didn't want to go, but he never refused the words of the two elders, so he pinched the corner of his clothes with his fingers: "Yes."

Zhao Qingyan was very helpless, he was good at everything, but he was too quiet.

"Okay, don't think too much about it, are we going to play this time, to do business, and we'll be back when we're done."

Zhao Qingming still only hummed.

Zhao Family Village.

The team leader received a call from his son Zhao Huaiguo at the team headquarters: "What? You're coming back by car the day after tomorrow?"

Zhao Huaiguo nodded, afraid of being scolded, he immediately said: "Yes, my grandparents said it."

Hearing that it was Zhao Jingyi who said it, her tone immediately changed.

"That's it, then as long as you are obedient, remember to take good care of your grandparents, otherwise I will skin you when I come back."

Although Zhao Huaiguo is used to it, every time he hears it, he can't help wondering if he is his own: "Father, I don't seem to be so unreliable."

The captain said calmly: "I just remind you."

Zhao Huaiguo sighed: "Father, don't worry, I promise to protect grandparents."

The captain was satisfied, and he also missed his son in his heart, but he couldn't express: "Well, then hang up if you have nothing to do."

Zhao Huaiguo: "..."

Then hang up in the next second.

Su Jingxiao looked at him with a smile: "Your father hung up on you again?"

Zhao Huaiguo nodded sullenly: "Yes."

Su Jingxiao laughed out loud, then patted Zhao Huaiguo on the shoulder: "Just get used to it."

Zhao Huaiguo was even more aggrieved, and looked at Su Jingxiao accusingly: "Captain, you are not kind."

Su Jingxiao coughed awkwardly, touched his nose and said, "I'm not kind."

Zhao Huaiguo's eyes became resentful: "Look at my jokes, if you don't comfort me, you still laugh."

Su Qinglian pushed the door open and came in: "Who will see you joking."

Su Jingxiao immediately stood up: "Third Uncle."

Su Qinglian took off her hat and hung it up: "Yes."

Zhao Huaiguo also put away his resentful eyes, and stood upright: "Captain Lian."

Su Qinglian nodded and asked, "Did you call back just now?"

Zhao Huaiguo: "Yes."

Su Qinglian handed the ticket to Zhao Huaiguo and said, "The ticket has already been bought for you, let Jing Xiao and the others take you there the day after tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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