Chapter 350 Leaving ([-])

Zhao Huaiguo took it: "Thank you, Team Lian."

Su Qinglian smiled and looked at Su Jingxiao who was on the side, and said, "Okay, Jing Xiao will send him back to see if there is anything to clean up."

Su Jingxiao nodded, picked up the hat beside him: "Yes."

The two saluted Su Qinglian before leaving.

Three days later, the train station.

Three cars were parked outside the gate of the train station.

Zhao Qingyan and the others had been waiting at the door for a long time, when they saw Zhao Jingyi and the others coming, they went over to help.

There are a lot of things, and the two of them can't move them all. Some things were sent to the post office yesterday.

Ji Mingxuan arrived late.

"Grandpa Su, Uncle Su, Second Uncle Su, Third Uncle Su."

The old man hummed lightly.

The attitude of the three Su Qingsheng brothers is better.


Ji Mingxuan nodded, and said apologetically, "I've been delayed by something."

Although the old man was upset that Ji Mingxuan missed the niece he had just found before dawn, he had to admit that this kid was good, and he said with a bit of a twist: "Well, take care of one by one along the way, you guys Also pay attention to safety, remember to call back to report that you are safe when you arrive.”

Ji Mingxuan smiled, and solemnly promised: "Yes, Grandpa Su, don't worry, I will take care of them one by one."

With a beginning, Mr. Su looked at Ji Mingxuan, and it seemed that it was not so difficult to accept: "Yes."

Looking at Zhao Jingyi with a look of extreme reluctance, she has told her many times at home, but she still can't help telling her again.

"Yiyi, let them do what you have to do, take care of yourself, uncle is waiting for you in Beijing."

Zhao Jing's eyes were a little red, and the emotion of parting almost occupied her whole heart, that feeling was really uncomfortable.

"Uncle, I will. You have to take care of yourself. You should go to bed early at night. If you are not busy, you can play chess, drink tea, and chat with Grandpa Ji and Grandpa Hua. Don't work so hard."

Old Master Su's old eyes were full of tears, and hearing Zhao Jingyi's words, his reluctance grew stronger. He wanted to take her home now, but reason still suppressed this impulse.

"Uncle knows, you don't have to worry if you have your cousin. As long as it's you, don't be reluctant to eat. Remember to drink soup every day. If you don't have enough money, call back. Uncle asked your cousin to send it to you."

The two talked for a while.

Su Qingsheng and the others couldn't get in a few words, and in the end Su Qingsheng saw that it was getting late: "Dad, the time is almost up."

Only then did the old man reluctantly say, "Go in."

Zhao Jing tried her best to suppress the reluctance in her heart, and said with a smile on her face, "Goodbye uncle, big cousin, second cousin, and third cousin."

Su Qingsheng and the others waved to her: "Goodbye, be safe."

Zhao Qing and the others came to help carry the things and walked into the train station.

Zhao Jing was afraid that she would cry when she turned around, so she didn't look back.

The old man and the others kept watching her go in, until the figure was gone, and they still stood there.

It took a while before Su Qingsheng dared to speak: "Dad, go back."

The old man shook his head, keeping his eyes on the place where Zhao Jingyi disappeared: "Wait a little longer."

After walking for a while, the old man turned around and got on the train when he heard the sound of the train leaving.

In the train station.

Under the protection of Zhao Huaiguo and the others, Zhao Jingyi boarded the train.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling changed places with Zhao Huaiguo and Ji Mingxuan under the pretext that men and women were different.

In addition, the two of them were not as strong as Zhao Qingming, so they had no power to resist.

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan helped Zhao Jing put away her things and asked, "That kid likes you?"

Zhao Jing was slightly taken aback, then nodded: "En."

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling looked at each other and said: "It looks okay, but you are still young, so don't rush to get married."

Zhao Jing's face flushed red: "It's still early."

Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Yes, in a few years."

In a few years, the Zhao family will at least be better than it is now. When she gets married, they will be able to prepare a better wedding for her.

More importantly, it can add a backer to her.

But Ji Mingxuan's carriage was not so good.

Ji Mingxuan looked at Zhao Qingming warily.

And he had never seen this man before, where did he come from?And who are those two women?
There were a bunch of questions in his mind, which he couldn't solve.

And Zhao Huaiguo was very quiet from the beginning to the end. For the two of them, Zhao Huaiguo was worried that Zhao Qingming would not be able to beat them, but in the end, he found that Ji Mingxuan was not his opponent.

Then there is nothing to worry about.

Ji Mingxuan was depressed.

Now it was just the beginning, at night he finally had an excuse and went to find Zhao Jingyi, the two carriages were not far away.

As a result, when he opened the door, he saw Zhao Qingling walking back with three lunch boxes.

The whole person is not well.

Zhao Huaiguo was holding the lunch box behind him, seeing that he was standing motionless blocking the door and he couldn't get out, so he asked, "What are you looking at?"

Ji Mingxuan came back to his senses and walked out: "It's okay, let's go."

Zhao Qingming followed Zhao Huaiguo, and the three of them went to cook.

Zhao Jingyi is in the box where they are.

Zhao Qingling handed the lunch box to the two of them and said: "There's nothing delicious, let's just make do with it."

Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Yes."

There are meat and vegetables, which are actually rich for many people, but in the eyes of Zhao Qingyan and the others, they are not very good. They are used to cooking by themselves, and they are all master chefs for decades, and their craftsmanship is sure There is no way to compare, and besides, they are more particular about food.

After dinner, Zhao Qingyan went to wash the lunch box, and not long after washing up, it was dark.

It will take a few days before we go back, and during these few days, Ji Mingxuan has basically not been able to say a few words to Zhao Jingyi.

While Zhao Qingming was going to the toilet, Ji Mingxuan asked Zhao Huaiguo, "Do you know these three people?"

Zhao Huaiguo nodded: "I know."

Ji Mingxuan frowned, and became even more confused: "What's the relationship between them and you?"

Zhao Huaiguo looked at Ji Mingxuan, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Want to know?"

Ji Mingxuan (*⊙~⊙) choked, isn't this nonsense?I don't want to know what you're doing.

However, he nodded: "Yeah."

Ji Mingxuan thought that Zhao Huai would say it, but he didn't expect him to play out his cards according to the routine: "I won't tell you."

Ji Mingxuan: "..." I really want to beat him up.


Zhao Huaiguo said seriously: "Because my grandparents won't let me tell you."

After hearing this, Ji Mingxuan became even more curious, Zhao Jingyi refused to let it go?Could it be that there is something hidden?
At this time, Zhao Qingming pushed open the door, walked in, looked at Ji Mingxuan, went to his bed and sat down, took out a book with no words on the cover from the box beside him, and read it quietly.

Ji Mingxuan glanced at him, sighed, and finally took out a book and read it quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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