Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 354 Captain: This girl is a bit easy to get beaten when she talks about it

Chapter 354 Captain: This girl is a little easy to get beaten when she talks

Fu Kanghui walked in from the outside, saw Gu Beichuan sitting in the yard and said, "Comrade Xiao Su is waiting for you outside."

Gu Beichuan was a little puzzled, and nodded to Kang Hui: "Okay, thank you Brother Hui."

Fu Kanghui waved his hand, but it was nothing more than a little effort: "You're welcome."

When Gu Beichuan got up and walked out, other educated youths also came back one after another.

When Su Jingyang saw Gu Beichuan, he put his arms around his shoulders and said, "Go home for dinner, let's go."

Looking at Su Jingyang who was very happy, he asked suspiciously: "Brother Jingyang, is there anything happy?"

Su Jingyang couldn't restrain the smile on his face, pretending to be mysterious and said: "You will know later."

Gu Beichuan frowned slightly, making it so mysterious?

There didn't seem to be any happy events recently, and there was only one thing that could make him happy like this.

When Gu Beichuan thought of this possibility, he couldn't help feeling unhappy.

The captain's family.

Zhao Qingyan finished everything that the captain could know.

Wang Guihua and the captain's husband and wife were a little confused by the news.

I couldn't react for a while.

Zhao Qingling looked at the team leader and asked: "Who is the current patriarch of Zhaojia Village?"

The captain came back to his senses and said: "There is no patriarch."

Since the patriarch was removed a few years ago, no one has been chosen, so the position of the patriarch of Zhaojia Village is empty now.

Zhao Qingling frowned slightly, how could there be no patriarch, according to the ancestral precepts, each branch must be managed by a patriarch.

"No patriarch?"

Zhao Jing opened her mouth and said, "The patriarch was removed by me."

Zhao Qingling was puzzled: "Why?"

This is not a question, just a doubt.

Zhao Jingyi didn't intend to go into details: "I can't do it in all aspects, so I withdraw."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan looked at each other, and felt that it must not be that simple, but if she didn't say anything, they couldn't ask: "Then, who owns your genealogy now?"

Zhao Jingyi was puzzled: "Genealogy, in the ancestral hall, do you want to use it?"

Zhao Qingling nodded: "Yes."

Although it has been basically confirmed now, final approval is still needed.

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow, I will take you there."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan nodded: "OK."

Looking at the captain and his wife, Zhao Qingling suddenly remembered something and said.

"If you have doubts in your heart, you can ask your father. If your father is still alive, he should be less than [-] now. Your grandfather should have mentioned it to him."

The captain was a little ashamed. This girl was a little easy to be beaten when she spoke: "My father is still alive, I will ask him."

The captain didn't know that the three in front of him were unfamiliar to him, and they were older than him and his father in terms of seniority and age.

She is of the same generation as Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Qingling stood up and said: "Well, let's go back first, after you finish asking, you can bring your father to find us."

The captain could only nod his head, it seems that he will go back to the old house tonight: "Okay."

Wang Guihua didn't speak, she is still in the circle.

She has never heard of a century-old family, a hidden family, or a branch.

Until the captain sent everyone away, she was still in the circle.

Not to mention her, the captain himself was full of doubts.

After leaving the team leader's house, Zhao Jingyi and the others walked on the road.

At this time, every household is cooking at home and no one is walking on the road.

At this time, Zhao Huaiguo ran out with a bunch of keys and said, "Grandma and aunt, my father asked me to go to the brigade with you to make a phone call."

Zhao Jing almost forgot about it, nodded: "Okay."

It's been a while since I came back, and I haven't called the old man to report his safety.

Zhao Jing looked at Zhao Qingling and they said, "I'll be back when I go."

The three nodded: "OK."

After sending the three of them to the door, Zhao Jingyi went to the brigade headquarters with Zhao Huaiguo.

Passing by on the way, at the gates of people in the village, seeing Zhao Jingyi coming back, they all greeted her and greeted her a few times. Seeing Zhao Jingyi's clothes and the complexion on her face were much better than before.

Everyone was very envious, but they were also very happy for her. Besides them, she finally had other relatives who treated her well and took good care of her.

When Zhao Huaining saw Zhao Jingyi from a long distance, he thought he had misread it at first, but he didn't see clearly until someone got closer.

In an instant, he let go of his feet and ran home.

Zhao Huaiguo was taken aback by this move. Are they so scary?
I haven't seen you for a month, so I don't know you anymore?

Zhao Jingyi roughly knew why he was there, and this scene looked familiar.

Sure enough, in the next second, I saw Mrs. Jiang coming out with a spatula in her hand, followed by her two daughters-in-law. Seeing Zhao Jingyi, she stuffed the spatula into one of them, and walked towards Zhao Jingyi with small steps. Jing walked over.

When Zhao Jing saw Mrs. Jiang, a smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

Mrs. Jiang saw Zhao Jingyi's uncontrollable joy and joy, and the excitement in her eyes couldn't be concealed. She wiped her clothes with her old hand before taking Zhao Jingyi's hand.

Her hands trembled slightly, and one could imagine how excited and happy she was: "Auntie, you're back, are you exhausted?"

Zhao Jing held her for a while, smiled and shook her head slightly: "I'm back, I'm not tired."

When Mrs. Jiang saw that she had returned to the village safely, she was relieved, and she couldn't say what she was worried about: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at the old lady, she always gave herself a lot of simple warmth, just like Wang Guihua and the others: "I made you worry."

Mrs. Jiang patted Zhao Jingyi's hand lightly, and said, "We don't need to worry when we see that you are well. Are you still busy?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Go to the brigade and make a call to report to Uncle that he is safe."

As soon as Mrs. Jiang heard Zhao Jing call her uncle, she understood in her heart that the Su family in Beijing was really kind to her, so she was relieved: "Then go and do your work, there is plenty of time for chatting."

Zhao Jing smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Zhang Wanyu and He Lingling saw Zhao Jingyi and shouted, "Grandma."

Zhao Huaining was a little shy: "Auntie."

Zhao Jingyi also nodded with a smile: "Yes, good."

This scene was naturally seen by other people, and they all greeted Zhao Jingyi who had a good relationship with him and those who had a bad relationship.

Zhao Jingyi didn't treat them differently, she also nodded with a smile.

Then I walked to the brigade with Zhao Huaiguo, spreading the word to ten, ten to a hundred, and the news of Zhao Jing's return spread instantly when she went to the brigade to make a call.

Zhao Xiaoya was about to take some sauerkraut pickled by herself to send to Su Jingyang and the others, when she heard someone talking about it on the way.

I thought I heard it wrong, but I heard it again on the way to Zhao Jing's family.

I already believed it in my heart, as soon as I thought of Zhao Jing's return, Zhao Xiaoya became very happy and excited in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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