Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 355 They are not old, they just live a little longer than them

Chapter 355 They Are Not Old, They Just Live A Little Longer Than They
Can't wait to appear at Zhao Jingyi's house right now.

Suppressing the excitement in my heart, I quickened my pace and walked towards Zhao Jing's family.

It's just that she doesn't know that Zhao Jingyi is not at home now, but in the brigade headquarters.

brigade department.

Zhao Huaiguo dialed the phone and handed it to Zhao Jingyi.

Not long after, the phone was picked up on the second ring.

The old man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, is it Yiyi?"

Zhao Jing had a soft smile on her face: "Hey, Uncle, it's me. I'm in the village."

Hearing Zhao Jingyi's voice, the old man was relieved: "Did you just arrive?"

Although Zhao Jingyi couldn't see the old man's current appearance, he could tell from his tone that he was very worried about himself, and he was relieved when he heard that he had arrived safely.

"It's been a while, and I'll call you when I'm done."

When the old man heard Zhao Jingyi say that he had arrived for a while, he felt relieved: "That's good, are you tired, have you eaten?"

Zhao Jing was afraid that the old man would be worried, so she hurriedly said, "Not yet, Jingyang and the others are making it at home, and we can eat it when we get back."

The old man was relieved when he heard that Su Jingyang and the others were cooking at home.

"That's good, these boys and girls, you can order them at ease, remember to take care of yourself, if they are disobedient, you can call and tell uncle..."

The next 10 minutes or so were all about the old man's concern for Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jingyi agrees, agrees.

Seeing that it's getting late, he didn't continue to say, "Okay, it's getting late, you should go back to eat early and have a good rest. You've been tired for so long, so I'll call later."

Zhao Jingyi responded obediently: "Okay, then take care of your health and go to bed early at night."

After saying a few more words, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Huaiguo waited outside the door, and came in when he heard there was no sound inside.

Zhao Jingyi looked at him and said, "Let's go, we're going back."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded, and as soon as Zhao Jing came out, he locked the door and left the brigade headquarters.

Halfway through the walk, Zhao Jing said to Zhao Huaiguo, "You go back first, I'll go to the little girl's house and ask her to come over for dinner."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded: "Okay."

Then walked home, Zhao Jing went to Zhao Xiaoya's house.

When approaching Zhao Xiaoya's house, I happened to meet He Lian playing outside with her daughter.

He Lian also saw her and nodded to her.

Zhao Jingyi also nodded to her, and then prepared to go to Zhao Xiaoya's house.

The system suddenly said: "Host, Zhao Xiaoya is not at home."

Zhao Jing was stunned, isn't she at home?Where can he go when he is not at home?
Without Zhao Jing opening her mouth, the system will take the initiative to make a five-kilometer radius within three seconds.

"Host, I found it, Zhao Xiaoya is at your house."

Zhao Jing was slightly taken aback, she knew she was back?
System: "The news of the host's return has already spread in the village."

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

Well, she underestimated the speed at which news spread in the village. Even if every household is cooking at home now, it will not affect them.

Zhao Jingyi could only turn a corner and walk home.

Zhao Jing's family.

When Zhao Xiaoya came home, she didn't see Zhao Jingyi, but instead saw three good-looking strangers.

The whole person was stunned, looking at their temperament and the shape of their gestures, a feeling of inferiority rose from their hearts.

Going in for a while is not not going in, nor is it not going in.

Standing at the door like this, Zhao Qingyan looked at her and asked, "Are you looking for a girl?"

Zhao Xiaoya nodded cautiously, and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

Looking at her clothes and age, Zhao Qingyan guessed that she might be a girl from the village who came to play with Zhao Jingyi.

"She went out to make a phone call. She will be back in a while. Come in and sit down."

And there was a pannier on his back, it seemed that he knew Zhao Jing would bring something to her when she came back.

Zhao Xiaoya nodded and walked in with her head down.

In the kitchen, Gu Beichuan stood at the door and heard the voice coming out. When he saw Zhao Xiaoya, he knew that she was reserved and said, "You are here. Sister Yiyi has gone out and hasn't come back yet. Come here."

Seeing a familiar person, Zhao Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the strap and walked over.

"I wanted to send some sauerkraut here, but on the way I heard they said that my grandparents had returned."

Gu Beichuan nodded, helped her put down the pannier and said, "Well, I guess I'll be back in a while."

Su Jingyu came out from the inside, saw Zhao Xiaoya smiled, and said, "Sister Xiaoya is here, we just said that the meal will be ready soon, we are going to call you."

Seeing Su Jingyu, Zhao Xiaoya finally had a smile on her face. The two of them always worked together and got to know each other slowly. While talking, she took out a small black jar from the back basket and handed it to her. To her: "Little sister, I brought you sauerkraut. Didn't you say you wanted to eat it?"

Su Jingyu looked surprised. She was just saying something casually, but she didn't expect Zhao Xiaoya to finish it. She took the jar and looked at Zhao Xiaoya with admiration: "It's done? Wow, Miss Xiaoya, how are you?" sharp."

Zhao Xiaoya blushed, and said with some embarrassment: "This is what my grandparents taught me."

She ate a little bit at her place and thought it was delicious, but she didn't have much, so she still wanted to eat it. She said something at that time, but Zhao Xiaoya really made it for her.

"That's also very powerful, I don't even know how to do it. When I get paid, you can teach me too, okay?"

But she can't eat her food all the time, so when she plans to distribute food, she has to learn.

Zhao Xiaoya nodded: "Okay."

Seeing the two girls chatting so well, Gu Beichuan walked into the kitchen silently.

Zhao Qingyan and the others watched, feeling a little emotional in their hearts.

Zhao Qingling suddenly said, "It's nice to be young."

Zhao Qingyan raised her eyebrows, she would not admit that she was old: "We are not old, we just lived a little longer."

Zhao Qingming agreed with these words: "Yes."

They are not old, they just live a little longer than them.

Zhao Qingling looked at Zhao Qingming in surprise, she didn't expect this kid to have such a side.

But there's nothing wrong with saying that.


When Zhao Jingyi approached the door of the house, she was stopped by Zhao Jianchun's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li looked at Zhao Jingyi in surprise, and asked with a smile, "Grandma, when did you come back?"

Zhao Jing stopped and said with a smile, "Did you eat when you got off work?"

Mrs. Li nodded, and asked with a smile: "It's ready, would you like to have some food at home, aunt?"

Zhao Jing shook her head and declined politely: "No, the house is ready, wait for me."

Mrs. Li looked at the smoke rising from the kitchen of Zhao Jing's family, and nodded, "That's it, then come to eat at home next time."

As soon as Zhao Jing saw that they had already set up tables inside, she said, "Okay, next time, I'll go back first and talk later."

Mrs. Li nodded, knowing that Zhao Jingyi was tired after sitting on the train for several days, and probably hungry, so she didn't leave her to talk: "Okay."

 The new book is in preparation, you can bookmark it~ You can read it when it is officially updated~
  Title of the book "After being bombed: Is my aunt obedient today"

(End of this chapter)

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