Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 356 Is This An Approval?

Chapter 356 Is This An Approval?

The two families are very close, so Zhao Jingyi walked to the door of the house very quickly.

I happened to see that Su Jingyu and Zhao Xiaoya were talking and laughing.

She frowned slightly and said, "It seems that they got along well during the time I was not at home."

System: "Isn't this exactly what the host wants to see?"

Zhao Jing smiled and said nothing.

He was right, she hoped that they could get along well, after all, no one knew how long they would stay here.

What's more, making more friends may not necessarily be a bad thing.

Zhao Qingyan looked at Zhao Jing with a smile: "I'm back."

Zhao Jing nodded and sat down beside her: "Yes."

Zhao Xiaoya and Su Jingyu heard the voice and turned to look over.

Zhao Xiaoya threw her good sister aside in an instant, and walked towards Zhao Jingyi excitedly: "Auntie."

The corner of Su Jingyu's mouth twitched, and she called out, "Little cousin."

Zhao Jing nodded, looking at Zhao Xiaoya, whom she hadn't seen for a month, she seemed to be calmer than before. It seemed that many things had happened in this month.

What restraint, what inferiority, what embarrassment, when she saw Zhao Jingyi, Zhao Xiaoya lost everything.

Skip Zhao Qingyan and the others, walk up to Zhao Jingyi and squat down, grab Zhao Jingyi's sleeve, and look at her dependently: "Auntie, I miss you so much."

As soon as Zhao Jing took her hand, she patted the back of her hand lightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and asked softly, "I miss you too, miss you all, are you not being bullied?"

Zhao Xiaoya didn't want Zhao Jingyi to worry about her, let alone now that she could be alone, she shook her head and said, "No, with Aunt Osmanthus, no one bullies me."

Zhao Jingyi didn't intend to question her, and asked, "That's good, you're hungry."

Zhao Xiaoya shook her head and kept looking at Zhao Jingyi: "Not hungry."

Zhao Qingyan looked at Zhao Jingyi jokingly and said, "This girl looks a bit dumb."

Zhao Xiaoya looked at her and whispered, "I'm not staying."

Zhao Jing touched her head and said, "Little girl is very smart and sensible."

Zhao Qingyan smiled and asked: "Whose family does this little girl belong to?"

As soon as Zhao Jing knew what she meant, so she didn't hide it, she glanced at Zhao Xiaoya, and said to Zhao Qingyan: "Her grandfather's name is Zhao Changlong, he went there a few years ago, Xiaoya grew up with me. "

Zhao Qingyan nodded and said, "The elders."

Zhao Jingyi said with some emotion: "Well, at the age of 75, he is the second longest-lived old man in the village."

Their generation experienced the most difficult times when they were young, and their physical problems became apparent when they got old, and their health deteriorated a lot. None of them could live to be eighty.
The longest-lived person was Zhao Jingyi's grandfather, but he was only one year older, and passed away at 76.

The three of Zhao Qingyan felt a little guilty. Most of the old people in Zhaozhuang were over [-] years old. They walked through many villages, and Zhaojia Village was a little better, but they still couldn't wait for the moment when they came.

The atmosphere suddenly became much lower.

A little sad.

As soon as Zhao Jing saw their guilt, but it was beyond their control, she opened her mouth to break the slightly sad atmosphere: "Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal, everyone will have this day."

Zhao Qingling said in a slightly low tone: "If we could have been a few years earlier, maybe it would have been different."

These words spoke from Zhao Qingyan's heart: "Ling'er is right, if we had found this place earlier, maybe it would have been different."

People of the older generation must know something, but I’m afraid not many, Zhao Jingyi said consolingly: “It’s not too late now, it’s their long-cherished expectation to go back to their hometown, even if it’s many years late, as long as they can go back, It can be regarded as fulfilling the obsession and expectation of so many years."

Zhao Xiaoya was confused, what family, obsession?What is it talking about, and who are these three people?

Su Jingyu stood aside holding the sauerkraut jar, but she was also confused.

Zhao Jingyi didn't intend to explain to them.

Zhao Qingyan, Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingming looked at Zhao Jingyi, especially Zhao Qingyan's eyes were slightly red.

With firmness and solemnity in his tone, he said, "You are right, we will pick them up personally."

Zhao Jing nodded with a gratified smile on the corner of her mouth: "Yeah."

When people are old, the only obsession in their hearts is to return to the place where they were born, their home, and hope that they can return to their roots.

Even if they couldn't wait for that moment in life, they hoped that they could go back after death.

According to their age, they were brought out by the elders of the family when they were very young, but they always remembered where they were from. Talk to them from time to time.

Let them firmly remember that they are waiting for that day to come. If they can't wait, the younger generation will also have that day.

This is the first time Zhao Qingming took the initiative to talk to Zhao Jingyi: "You are much more sensible than I imagined."

Zhao Jing was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Is this considered an approval?"

Zhao Qingming was stunned for a moment. It turned out that she knew, the corner of his mouth raised a curve, and he looked at her with a shallow smile: "Yeah."

Before, Zhao Qingming really didn't pay much attention to her. Even when he went to the ancient house later and saw Zhao Jingyi's tenacity, he didn't pay much attention to her. Even if there was a little bit, it was because of his family relationship.

But it was different now, she was smarter and more knowledgeable than he imagined.

The short time they got along gave him a different understanding of her.

This time, he truly accepted this younger sister from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Qingyan looked at Zhao Jingyi, worried that she would be unhappy, and explained: "Xiao Si has been like this since he was a child, girl, you don't mind, but he is very defensive."

Zhao Qingling added: "He has been like this since he was a child, he has a stubborn temper."

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "It's okay, I can understand."

Zhao Qingyan leaned closer to Zhao Jingyi's ear and whispered: "That's good, you don't think he is handsome and quiet, but he is actually a gentle person. After you get along with him, you will find that he is very gentle. Easy to get along with, not the same as he showed."

The slight smile on the corner of Zhao Qingming's mouth was instantly suppressed, and he changed back to the taciturn Zhao Qingming again, as if it wasn't him who was smiling just now.

Zhao Jing looked at Zhao Qingming who put away her smile and smiled: "I see."

Zhao Qingming raised his eyes and glanced at her, his lips were slightly pursed into a line.

Zhao Xiaoya and Su Jingyu also looked at Zhao Qingming, and they also saw the smile just now.

And what Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling said, they also heard it.

I am not so afraid of Zhao Qingming in my heart.

Su Jingyan's voice came from the kitchen: "Little concubine moves the table, we can eat now."

Su Jingyu responded immediately: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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