Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 360 Only tell them what they should know

Chapter 360 Only tell them what they should know
Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm' and said, "Let's go in and talk about it first."

After speaking, he raised his foot and stepped forward, opened the door of the ancestral hall and walked in.

Behind her were Zhao Qingyan and the others, followed by Zhao Changzhu.

Zhao Jingyi didn't even need to ask where the genealogy was kept, there was a system, so she took them straight to the back of the ancestral hall.

The front is similar to the back, except that there is no yard like the front.

There is an ordinary wooden box on the entire high platform.

Zhao Jingyi looked at the wooden box above and said, "The family tree is right there."

Zhao Changzhu still wanted to confirm it once, and heard Zhao Jingyi answer it himself: "Auntie, are they really from the same family?"

Zhao Jing nodded and looked at Zhao Changzhu: "Well, I don't know what you should call your family for the time being. If you want to know anything, just ask them. I'll go and get the genealogy."

Zhao Changzhu: "Yes."

As soon as Zhao Jing walked to the next step, she went up and took down the wooden box on the high platform.

The last time I saw this box was at Grandpa Zhao Xiaoya's funeral. Today is the second time I saw this wooden box.

Zhao Jing picked up the wooden box with both hands, and took it down with a serious face.

What Zhao Changzhu wanted to know, Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling answered him one by one.

After getting the answer, Zhang Changzhu burst into tears. After waiting for so many years, he finally got it.

The three of Zhao Qingyan also felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Zhao Jing came over with the wooden box in her hands.

He sighed lightly and said, "You are not young, you can't cry like this."

Zhao Changzhu could hear the concern in Zhao Jing's words, but he couldn't control it, crying like a child who has been greatly wronged: "Girl, I thought I would never wait for this day in my life."

Zhao Jing had no choice but to put the wooden box on the table beside her, and said, "Now that it's time, you should be happy. You are too old, so you can't be so excited."

Weeping in front of Zhao Jingyi, Zhao Changzhu didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, as if he had found a backer, he said with a bit of grievance in his tone, "I can't help it."

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched: "You have to learn to control your emotions."

Zhao Changzhu was stunned. The old aunt's words didn't sound like comforting words, so she wiped her face tremblingly.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling didn't know what to say, this was the first time they met a comforter.

Zhao Jingyi didn't care, Zhao Changzhu was in poor health and old, so what if he fainted from emotion.

In addition, she was originally a stupid person who couldn't comfort others, and it was her limit to be able to say so many comforting words.

Zhao Jing coughed lightly and said, "Let's look at the family tree first."

As he spoke, he groped around the table, and then pressed it, and a small drawer slowly appeared, which contained the key to open the wooden box.

Zhao Jingyi took out the key from inside and unlocked the wooden box.

A thick and black book with four large characters of Zhao's family tree written on it.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingyan looked at each other, all three of them had surprise in their eyes.

Then Zhao Qingming lifted the cloth covering the box that Zhao Qingyan was holding, revealing a large pitch-black box.

The shape is similar to the one on the table, but this wood is a good thing.

The whole body is black, like ink, oily and shiny, and the age is definitely not less than a thousand years old.

The system is already so envious that it wants to electrify.

Suddenly, I feel that the things in my host space are not as good as this one.

Zhao Jingyi: "..." Are you polite?
Closer to home, the contents here are the same as the box that Zhao Jingyi put on the table.

It's all a family tree. As for how they brought it, it's all thanks to Su Qinglian.

He helped, that's why Zhao Qingyan and the others could bring this here so easily.

Zhao Qingming took out a key that was tied around his neck with a rope from his bosom.

Unlock the lock on the box and take out a family tree that is thicker than the one on the table.

The family tree of the Zhao family is also written on it.

Zhao Jing stepped aside to let them check: "Come on."

Zhao Qingming and Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Yes."

As soon as Zhao Jing walked up to Zhao Changzhu, seeing that he had calmed down, she breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Everyone as old as you knows this secret, right?"

Zhao Changzhu nodded, and he and his peers basically knew everything except the accidental death without time to explain: "Yes, they all know about Lao Gentou."

If some left early, those from the generation of the captain also knew about it, and they all kept in mind to keep this secret, unless someone really came to look for it and confirmed their identity before they could tell, otherwise they couldn't say it.

Zhao Jing thought about it for a while, and glanced at Zhao Qingyan and the others. She already knew in her heart that Zhaojia Village and Zhaozhuang in Beijing City belonged to the same family, and now she just waited for them to tell the result after reading it and officially confirm it.

So she has to prepare in advance.

"Okay, I see. You can tell your eldest son when the time comes, write out the list of people who know, go door to door, and notify, come here early tomorrow morning."

Zhao Changzhu was stunned for a moment and asked, "Auntie, are you going to tell them?"

It's not that Zhao Jingyi didn't think about other things, and she didn't plan to say everything, but only told them what they should know, and they had to recognize their ancestors no matter what.

"It's been able to keep the secret for so many years, even if some of them are not very good-natured, but they have done one thing, and they still have to tell what they should know, so that every family has a bottom line."

Zhao Changzhu nodded, he believed that Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Qingyan looked young, but he could feel that there was a reason for the family to let them come.

So he has no opinion.

"Okay, I'll go to the old man later and tell him."

Zhao Jingyi gave a "hmm" and looked at him and made a point: "Move around more often, they are all my children, don't be unfamiliar."

Although he did a good job, Zhao Jingyi knew very well that as a father, he had a lot of estrangement with his son.

You don't need to think about it, it's because of Mrs. Huang.

They are all sons. On the surface, it looks like the water is very flat, but in reality, Zhao Changzhu, the father, is estranged from the captain, as well as his deceased wife's two sons and daughter.

Zhao Changzhu blushed and bowed his head in shame: "Nephew understands."

Zhao Jingyi wouldn't bother to say it if it wasn't for the sake of him calling her a aunt or the captain's father.

"Jian Ting is an honest man, and Jian Yuan is also very honest. Your two sons are good in every way. Even if it's not obvious that you, a father, alienate them, do you think they can't feel it? Let me tell you a few more things, Da Jun is more promising than any of your grandchildren."

Zhao Changzhu was even more ashamed, he could hear the meaning of Zhao Jing's words: "Girl, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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