Chapter 361

Zhao Jing raised her hand and interrupted him.

"Originally, this is your family's business. I'm not interested in taking part in the work. However, how the Jianting family treats me is obvious to all in the village. Although he is not good at expressing himself, he still wants to get closer to you as a father. So do Xiaozhen and the others."

Zhao Xiaozhen told him more than once that she was very envious of her cousin, cousin, cousin and the others.

Sometimes it's sad, she doesn't understand why her grandpa only cares about her third and fourth uncle's children.

He was very indifferent to her and her brothers. Her father said that her grandfather had such a personality and didn't like to laugh, but she saw him laughing at her cousins ​​more than once.

It wasn't until she grew up that she realized that it was her grandfather who didn't like them and the second uncle's family.

Zhao Changzhu has always known that Zhao Jing's eldest son and his family have made great achievements in their family. Unlike the people in the village, Zhao Changzhu feels guilty about the eldest son. It's just because they are sensible and honest, and he doesn't need to worry about it. I don't know how to get away.

If Zhao Jingyi didn't say it, he really didn't know when he would remember that no matter how old a child is, they all long for the care of their parents.

"I see, old lady, I will change it."

Zhao Jingyi didn't speak, but took a deep look at him before saying, "Don't let me down."

She was reminding him and helping him.

Zhao Changzhu nodded.

As soon as Zhao Jing looked at their speed, it might take a while. There were no stools here, but there were in front. Zhao Jing never wronged herself, so she went to the front to move the stool without saying a word.

Zhao Changzhu thought that Zhao Jingyi wanted to go back, so he glanced at Zhao Qingyan and the others, and after thinking about it, he decided to stay.

After a while, I saw Zhao Jing walking over with a stool in each hand.

Only then did Zhao Changzhu realize that she didn't go back, but went outside to move the stool.

Just when he was distracted, Zhao Jingyi came over and handed him a stool.

"Sit down, they probably will take a while."

Zhao Changzhu was a little flattered: "Thank you, old lady."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm', took another stool and put it behind Zhao Qingling, then went out, and moved the stool in again, she sat down after moving five stools.

Zhao Xiaozhen originally wanted to go to Zhao Jing's family to play with her if she didn't go to work today, but his father arranged a job for her, and said that Zhao Jingyi didn't have time today, so she asked her to go to work obediently.

I had no choice but to go to work on the mountain, but I was absent-minded this morning.

Zhao Suhua noticed from the morning that Zhao Xiaozhen was always distracted, and her work was not as serious as usual, and she only did half of it in the morning: "Xiaozhen, what are you thinking about."

Zhao Xiaozhen came back to her senses, with a bit of grievance on her face: "I want to find my grandparents."

Zhao Suhua: "..." So it's because of this thing that I was listless and absent-minded all morning?

Reluctantly said: "It's fine to go to grandparents after work, now go to work and work hard."

Zhao Xiaozhen sighed and nodded sullenly: "Yes."

Zhao Suhua is very helpless, Zhao Xiaozhen has the same temperament as a child.

But seeing that she was working hard, Zhao Suhua got back to his seat and got down to work.

This scene happened to be seen by Zhao Xiaozhen's second aunt, who said to Wang Guihua not far away, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with Xiaozhen?"

Wang Guihua looked back at the land that Zhao Xiaozhen and the others were in charge of behind her, and said helplessly: "She wanted to go to see my aunt early in the morning. Today, my aunt has something to do, so his father asked her to go to work, so I'm a little upset." .”

Huang Hongli smiled. It turned out to be like this: "Xiaozhen grew up with my aunt. They have a good relationship. My aunt has been away for more than a month, and she finally came back. I definitely want to find her."

Wang Guihua also knew that she would not stop her normally, but not today.

"Normally, that's all. Not today. Let's talk about it later when my aunt finishes her work."

Huang Hongli nodded. Her children are all older than Zhao Xiaozhen. She is now a grandmother, but she has no daughter, so she loves Zhao Xiaozhen, a niece.

ancestral hall.

When it was almost noon, they finished checking, their eyes were dazzled, and their hands were sore from writing.

After they read it, they had to write all the people recorded in Zhaojia Village on their family tree.

The branch family tree is a branch family tree, but the family tree must also be recorded, otherwise they will have nothing to do with the family in the future.

Zhao Jing almost fell asleep as soon as she sat aside, but Zhao Changzhu didn't feel anything.

Seeing them closing the two genealogy books, Zhao Jingyi yawned and asked, "Okay?"

Zhao Qingyan rubbed her old waist and neck and said: "Well, it's all written on it. If it's convenient, just find some time later and recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors."

Zhao Jing nodded: "I'll talk to all the families in the village tomorrow, that's all. Let's talk about recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan when I have time later."

Now the villagers have no choice but to leave the village for a long time, so they can only wait later.

They had no opinion, nodded: "Yes."

As soon as Zhao Jing walked over, put the genealogy tree back into the box, locked it, and put it back in its original place. After putting the key away, Zhao Qingyan and the others also finished it, and left the ancestral hall together.

Zhao Changzhu went back to his home, and Zhao Jingyi took Zhao Qingyan and the others back.

On the way back, Zhao Qingyan said: "We will leave in two days, we still have a lot of things to do."

Zhao Jingyi had expected it a long time ago, and nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Qingyan suddenly thought of something, and looked at Zhao Jingyi with a smile, with a bit of obscenity in her eyes: "By the way, little girl, call my sister to listen."

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingming also looked at her, their intentions were obvious, they called out sister, brother, come and listen.

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched, and she deliberately said, "Maybe I'm older."

The three of them were shocked by these words. What kind of stupid things are they talking about?

Zhao Qingyan poked Zhao Jing angrily and said: "Little girl, what are you thinking, we are the same generation as you, and we are older than you, so you have to call me sister and brother."

Of course Zhao Jingyi knew, but she didn't.

I deliberately teased them, but I didn't want to scream, but said seriously: "I don't believe it, I am the biggest in the village."

Zhao Qingling: "..."

Zhao Qingming: "..."

At first, Zhao Qingyan also thought that Zhao Jingyi was older, so she never dared to let her call her sister.

Now it's finally confirmed, she thought for so long, how could she be easily told by Zhao Jingyi, no matter what, Zhao Jingyi should call her sister.

At her age, she finally has a younger sister who is so much younger than her, and among their ten brothers and sisters, she is the oldest.She would be the first to be called sister by Zhao Jingyi, so how could she let go of this opportunity.

 The new book is in preparation, you can bookmark it~ You can read it when it is officially updated~
  Title of the book "After being bombed: Is my aunt obedient today"

(End of this chapter)

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