Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 362 An ordinary life is what I want

Chapter 362 An ordinary life is what I want
Zhao Qingyan looked at her helplessly: "Can we still lie to you about this?"

Zhao Qingming was more direct, with a deep voice, and said seriously: "Go back and show you the family tree, the family tree will not lie."

Zhao Jing was stunned, looking at him with astonishment.

Zhao Qingling felt that this method was quite good, and also said seriously: "Yes, if you don't believe me, we'll show you when you go back later."

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched: "Don't bother."

Zhao Qingyan put her arms around her shoulders and said: "Don't worry, those of us who are sisters and brothers will love you very much."

After speaking, it was accompanied by an extremely gentle expression, no matter how you look at it, it feels a bit wretched.

Zhao Jingyi: "..." What kind of tiger-wolf words are these?
Zhao Qingling choked on Zhao Qingyan's words, and said with a little embarrassment on her face: "Ahem, cough, sister Yan'er."

Zhao Qingming lowered his eyes slightly and pretended not to hear.

Zhao Qingyan touched her nose, with a slight embarrassment on her face: "I mean, we will treat you like our own sister."

Zhao Jingyi pretended not to understand their implication.

After a few words, the four returned to the door of the house.

It's almost noon now, and Ji Mingxuan has already started preparing lunch. The weather is relatively hot. It's already October, and the temperature hasn't dropped yet. It's still high temperature. The scorching sun seems to melt people.And it hasn't rained in two months.

Zhao Qingyan took the box back to her room and put it away carefully.

As soon as Zhao Jing went to the kitchen, she wanted to see if there was anything she could do to help.

As soon as he reached the door of the kitchen, he saw Ji Mingxuan coming out with a large bowl of porridge, which was still steaming.

Zhao Jing stepped aside subconsciously.

Thinking that she was frightened, Ji Mingxuan put the porridge on the lid of the water tank, looked at Zhao Jingyi with concern, and asked, "Didn't I frighten you?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "No, are you okay?"

Seeing that she was really fine, Ji Mingxuan felt relieved, smiled and said, "I'm fine, I can have lunch now."

As he said that, he picked up the porridge and walked to the main hall, put it on the table, then went back to the room, took out the electric fan, plugged it in, and blew on the porridge.

The wind was strong enough that both Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingming could be blown while sitting on one side, and the cool wind dissipated the heat from the main hall.

As soon as Zhao Jing walked into the kitchen, she saw that the dishes were already prepared, and they were almost cooked.

This is for the amount of food eaten by several people. To be honest, she doesn't have to worry about it, because there are many things that she doesn't use very much, and they are all obtained by Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang's two missions.

Every time I come back from get off work, I bring some back. After a long time, her cellar is almost full.

Living with them, she was worried that they would discover her secrets. Su Qingyun loved her so much, and bought her too many things. Every month, she would send something to her. fall.

In her house, some things that have not been stored in the Kang cabinet for a long time are consumed quickly, and the rest are piled up into mountains.

In addition, Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang didn't know what Su Qingyun bought her, so sometimes even if Zhao Jingyi took out something from the space, they had never seen it before, and they would not doubt it.

They all thought it was something new that Su Qingyun had found for her.

They didn't even need Zhao Jing to explain, they had already figured it out for him.

When Ji Mingxuan walked in, he found that Zhao Jingyi was adding firewood to the stove. The kitchen was very hot. He was worried that Zhao Jingyi couldn't take it anymore, so he strode over, took the firewood in her hand and put it away, pulled her up, and said: " It's hot here, you go out and blow on the fan, I'll fix it soon."

As soon as Zhao Jing was pulled up, she was a little dazed, but she soon came back to her senses, heard what Ji Mingxuan said, and said, "I'll help you two to make things faster."

How could Ji Mingxuan let her take it with him in the kitchen, he knows how hot it is to cook.

"I can do it by myself. You go out and blow on the fan to cool off. It's too hot here. Be obedient."

As he spoke, he grabbed her wrist and walked out.

Zhao Jing couldn't screw him, so she could only follow him out.

Ji Mingxuan took Zhao Jingyi to the main hall and asked her to sit down: "You sit and rest, and let the air cool off. I'm the one to do the kitchen."

After giving instructions, he walked back to the kitchen.

Both Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingming saw this scene.

Zhao Qingming originally thought that Zhao Jingyi was still young, and Ji Mingxuan shouldn't have too much physical contact with Zhao Jingyi, which is not good.

It's just that when he heard Ji Mingxuan's words, he didn't speak.

What's more, he also saw that Zhao Jing was also interested in him.

Although he is her elder brother, he is only a cousin and cannot interfere too much, but if Ji Mingxuan treats her badly in the future, they will not let him go.

Whatever Zhao Jingyi wants to do, they just need to support her behind her, as long as it is not something that hurts others or herself, but they all know that Zhao Jingyi is not that kind of person, and this bottom line will not be touched.

Zhao Qingling looked at Zhao Jingyi with a faint smile and said, "This kid originally thought he had nothing but good looks, but he didn't expect to be considerate."

Zhao Jing blushed, she could hear the joke in Zhao Qingling's words.

He whispered, "He's not just like that."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Jing were not surprised when she heard this, she raised her eyebrows: "It seems that you know him very well."

Zhao Jing coughed lightly. She knew more about it from the system, and after getting in touch with him, she got some understanding: "It's okay."

Zhao Qingling frowned slightly at first, but soon let go, and said with a sigh.

"Although I don't quite understand what you like about this kid, I believe there must be something about him that attracts you, and although I haven't seen anything outstanding about him so far, no one can say what will happen in the future. allow."

As soon as Zhao Jing knew what she wanted to express, she felt a little strange in her heart. Looking at Zhao Qingling, she was the first one who didn't stop her and Ji Mingxuan.

This surprised her and moved her a little. She knew that many people didn't understand why she was attracted to Ji Mingxuan. Anyone could do what he did.

And it looks ordinary, there is no particularly big move, not as enthusiastic as other boys' pursuit.

But in Zhao Jingyi's heart, she doesn't need that kind of life, what she wants is a plain life, he is there when she needs it, and he is still there when she doesn't need it, the vigorous relationship is naturally envied by everyone.

But an ordinary life is also enviable, and it is rare.

Ji Mingxuan knows what kind of life Zhao Jingyi likes, and also knows what she needs.

Zhao Jing raised a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth, and spoke calmly.

"An ordinary life is what I want, just like my father and mother, there are no gorgeous words, no touching love words, only the most inconspicuous actions, plain words, and a sincere heart. "

(End of this chapter)

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