Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 364 At his house, prying his treasure...

Chapter 364 At his house, prying his treasure...

The captain let go of his clenched fist, and said in his usual tone, "Daddy asked this suddenly."

Zhao Changzhu couldn't figure out what the eldest son was thinking, so he sighed and said, "It's okay, it's just that it developed suddenly and I ignored a lot of you brothers and sisters."

Although the team leader didn't understand that his father was not like this last night, why did he change after going to the ancestral hall today, but he still didn't say what was in his heart: "Father, you think too much."

Zhao Changzhu looked at the eldest son whose face remained unchanged, even though he didn't say anything, Zhao Changzhu still felt it.

"I know, nothing I can say now will make up for my negligence towards you all these years."

The captain didn't speak, and the atmosphere froze again.

Zhao Changzhu was very sad, but he blamed no one, blamed himself for neglecting these children for so many years.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know what happened at the captain's house, and even if she knew, she wouldn't interfere, she said everything she had to say.

The rest depends on what Zhao Changzhu, a father, does.

Now they are eating, white porridge with a few stir-fried side dishes.

Not long after they finished their lunch, the two sisters Su Jingyan took the initiative to clean up and wash the dishes.

After a while, Su Jing came back from outside pushing his bicycle expressionlessly.

Seeing Su Jingyang, Zhao Jingyi was not surprised. She didn't let the system check the letter, but she probably guessed it in her heart.

Zhao Jing looked at him, as if she didn't notice that he was in a bad mood: "I'm back, have you eaten yet?"

When Su Jingyang heard Zhao Jingyi's words, the fire that was about to explode in his heart instantly subsided, and his expression became the same as usual.

Patronizing and angry, he had forgotten it at first, but he remembered it when he got off work. After reading it, he immediately asked for leave and came back without eating.

"Not yet, come back in a hurry, is there any food at home?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes, we just finished eating, and there are vegetables and porridge."

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked to the kitchen, and Su Jingyan and Su Jingyan came out with vegetables and porridge.

Su Jingyang looked at Ji Mingxuan with anger in his eyes, but when Zhao Jingyi and the others came out, he suppressed it.

Ji Mingxuan: "..."

Sighing helplessly, it seems that he knows.

Zhao Jing put something on the table and said, "Eat first."

Su Jingyang let out an 'hmm'.

Zhao Jing said to Su Jingyan: "After you two wash the dishes, wipe off the sweat on your body and take a rest."

Su Jingyan nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Qingyan also went back to their room, leaving space for them two.


Su Jingyang drank a few sips of porridge, made sure that Zhao Jingyi and the others went back to the room and closed the door, and asked in a subdued voice.

Ji Mingxuan looked at him, and instead of saying to Su Jingyu calmly, "I like her, I don't know when it started, so I quit my job in the laboratory and came to find her."

Su Jingyang clenched his hands tightly, and his heart became even more angry, so what his grandfather said to guard against pigs was to guard against him, but unfortunately he didn't know it at all.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, but he couldn't scold him loudly, he could only grit his teeth and stare at him: "So you have premeditated."

Ji Mingxuan frowned, did he premeditate?It should be, so I nodded and admitted openly: "You can also say the same."

Su Jingyang looked up, clenched his fists even tighter, and said through gritted teeth: "We are brothers, don't you think it's inappropriate for you to do this?"

Ji Mingxuan was silent for a while, then looked at him seriously: "We will be brothers in the future."

Su Jingyang: "..." I'm TN.

"What do you mean."

Ji Mingxuan explained very seriously: "I'm with her, it doesn't affect that we are brothers, we can talk about our own things."

He had already thought about it in his heart, if they couldn't accept their opinions, it would be fine.

Su Jingyang: "..." I always knew that he had a thick skin, but I didn't expect him to be so thick-skinned. Damn, I really want to punch him to death.

Can't do it, can't do it... Su Jingyang said in his heart several times to suppress the thought of beating Ji Mingxuan.

Looking up at him: "My little cousin knows you like her."

Ji Mingxuan nodded, since he wanted to know anyway, he simply said everything: "Yes, I confessed to her."

Su Jingyang had a faint guess in his heart, but when he really heard it, he still couldn't help but want to kill the brother who grew up together in front of him.

Su Jingyang took a deep breath, suppressed the impulse, and asked, "When did it happen?"

Ji Mingxuan felt that no matter how much he endured, he knew that although Su Jingyang was very angry, he could still control himself, so he thought for a while and said, "It was only ten days ago."

Ten days ago, in Beijing...

Maybe it's still at his house...

So the brother in front of me who grew up with him confessed his love to his little cousin at his house, pried his family's treasures at his house...

The more Su Jingyang thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, and he became even more angry, and finally suppressed the idea of ​​killing him again.

But fortunately, his reason is online, and he controlled the impulse: "Then what will my little cousin say."

Ji Mingxuan looked at him and said seriously: "She rejected me at first, and then I confessed my love, and she said to consider it."

Hearing Zhao Jingyi's refusal, he breathed a sigh of relief, but within a second, Su Jingyang's heart shattered instantly when he heard the last sentence.

It means to think about it, that is to say, the little cousin is tempted by this dead fox.

Su Jingyang almost cried, and drank two bowls of porridge angrily.

Ji Mingxuan: "..." What kind of move is this?Stupid?
Ji Mingxuan knew why they reacted so strongly, but he felt that Zhao Jingyi was still young, had just been found, and was abducted by him before he could take good care of her. He could understand all this.

"I know the bottom line, and I'm serious about her, and the two families will be very close by then, so it will be convenient to go back and forth. She can go back and live whenever she wants, and meet whenever she wants, isn't it good?"

Su Jingyang paused with his hands, then angrily took two mouthfuls of vegetables, stuffed them in his mouth, and chewed hard, swallowed them down.

Even if he is right, they are brothers, brothers who grew up together.

He is going to marry his little cousin, and they are not brothers anymore.

The seniority is also messed up, brothers become uncles, and I want to cry just thinking about it.

What will you call me in the future?Brother Xuan or Uncle Biao?

The more Su Jingyang thought about it, the more sad he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt wronged. His brother was under his nose, and he was interested in his little cousin. He didn't tell him, and he confessed his love to his little cousin at his home.

When his grandfather came to him, he urged him to guard against pigs, and he was lonely in the end.

"No matter how good you say it, it's useless, and there's no way to make up for the harm you did to me. I treat you as a brother, a brother, and you are actually my cousin. It's so unkind, woo X﹏X..."

(End of this chapter)

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