Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 365 Su Jingyang: I'm afraid of being cut

Chapter 365 Su Jingyang: I'm afraid of being cut

Facing Su Jingyang who was crying aggrievedly suddenly, Ji Mingxuan felt a little guilty.

It seemed that he was really not very kind. He touched his nose and said, "No one can control feelings like this."

These words were like stepping on Su Jingyang's tail, and the anger turned into a chatterbox: "If you can't control it, you like my little cousin. If you can't control it, can't you like others? You have to like my little cousin..."

Ji Mingxuan: "..."

Fortunately, he still restrained his voice, otherwise it would be difficult for Zhao Jing to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Ji Mingxuan looked at him seriously and said, "No."

Su Jingyang: "..."

Ji Mingxuan said firmly: "I only recognize her, and it can only be her."

Su Jingyang choked, and sighed weakly, forget it, his little cousin is like this, what else can he do, stop it?How to stop it?Tell her little cousin not to agree.

He was afraid that if he said it out, his little cousin didn't love him anymore.

Forget it, the dog's life matters.

"What can i say."

Ji Mingxuan understood what he said, and he accepted it.

Ji Mingxuan smiled: "We are still brothers."

Su Jingyang rolled his eyes and said, "I'm afraid of being cut off, but before you get married, you are my brother."

Ji Mingxuan was very happy, but he still said seriously: "Thank you, brother."

He was the first to get angry, but he didn't stop him.

Su Jingyang said awkwardly: "Thank me for what, it depends on whether my little cousin agrees or not, and it's useless for you not to agree."

Ji Mingxuan shook his head with a smile, and said seriously: "No matter what the result is, I respect her. Even... I will guard her and prevent others from hurting her."

Even if she still rejects him in the end, then he will change his identity and protect her, as long as she can be happy and happy.

Su Jingyang knew what he wanted to express, and he didn't seem to be so angry anymore.

After eating, Su Jingyang rode his bicycle back to the town to go to work.

Originally, he was asking for leave, but now that it has been dealt with, there is no need to ask for leave anymore, and he can go to work to earn money to buy food for his little cousin.

He promised his old man that he would take good care of Zhao Jingyi.

And the few of them living in her house are already a burden for her, so they have to take good care of her no matter what.

Zhao Changzhu's home.

It was the first time that Zhao Jianbo and the others didn't see the two elderly people at home when they came back from work, and they didn't make lunch.

The fat daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law went to his father's and his mother's room by themselves to cook. They opened the door and saw that his mother's expression was not very good. She walked in cautiously and asked with concern: "Mom, what happened?"

The old lady Huang didn't want to worry her son, she shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's just a little uncomfortable."

Zhao Jianbai is very filial. Hearing his mother say that he felt comfortable, he immediately became nervous: "Where is it uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the village doctor?"

The old lady Huang shook her head: "No, I'll just lie down for a while and I'll be fine."

Zhao Jianbai was still worried: "Let's go and have a look, or my son won't be at ease."

The old lady Huang shook her head, lay down and said, "Mother is really fine, just lie down for a while and you'll be fine, and the meal will be ready in a while, call me, you go out."

Zhao Jianbo couldn't resist her, so he could only nod his head: "Mother, rest first, my son will be brought in after dinner."

The old lady Huang gave an 'hmm'.

Zhao Jianbai walked out, Liu Qingcao came out after listening to the movement, and asked, "What's the matter, mother?"

Zhao Jianbai sighed, and said worriedly: "Mother is a little uncomfortable, you and the eldest daughter-in-law are a little tired, so you should finish the meal."

Liu Qingcao nodded, feeling a little uneasy and said, "Okay, do you want to ask the village doctor to come over and show mother?"

Zhao Jianbai shook his head and said, "Mom won't let me, let's see later."

Liu Qingcao didn't say anything more: "Well, I'm going to cook."

After speaking, he turned and went into the kitchen to cook with his daughter-in-law.

Zhao Jianbai was puzzled, why is his father not at home?From the morning, he felt that his father and his mother were not quite right.

It felt like they were keeping something from them for two months.

It's just that if they don't talk about it, it's not easy for him as a son to ask more questions.

Just when he was wondering, he saw his father coming back from the outside, and his face seemed to be not very good.

Zhao Jianbai walked out immediately: "Father, where have you been?"

Zhao Changzhu glanced at him and said, "Go to your elder brother's house."

Zhao Jianbai froze for a moment, went to the elder brother's house?Doesn't daddy dislike going to elder brother's house?

He vaguely felt that his mother's discomfort was related to his father's visit to his elder brother's house, but he didn't want to think too much about it, and said, "Mother said she was a little unwell, father, go and see mother."

Zhao Changzhu frowned, feeling a little more unhappy, but he didn't show it: "Uncomfortable? Why are you uncomfortable?"

I already guessed it in my heart, it was fine in the morning, but when he went to the old man, he felt uncomfortable.

What does it mean?Can't he go to his son's house?
The more Zhao Changzhu thought about it, the angrier he became and the worse his complexion became.

Zhao Jianbai saw that his father had a bad face, thought he was worried about his mother, so he didn't think about it, and said, "I don't know, maybe I'm tired."

Zhao Changzhu didn't want his third son to know, so he didn't say anything: "Yes."

Leaning on a walking stick, Mrs. Huang walked into the room. Seeing Zhao Changzhu walking in, Mrs. Huang turned over with a cold expression on her face.

Zhao Changzhu pretended not to see it, and said to his third son who was supporting him, "Go out."

Zhao Jianbai froze for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

When turning around to go out, he closed the door by the way, hesitated for a moment, and walked away.

Zhao Changzhu looked outside the house. The third son had already left, and his face became even darker and uglier.

Sitting on the other side of the kang, not talking, the air pressure in the room is a bit low.

The old lady Huang was even more aggrieved. What does this old man mean?
He even gave her a bad face when he came back, why is this house no longer in use?

Obviously he has something to hide from himself, what does it mean now, he is not happy, and his face is dark.

Instead, do you think it's your own fault?

The two of them didn't speak, they froze, Zhao Jianbai was worried and approached cautiously, he didn't hear the quarrel inside, he was relieved.

Feel free to go to the main hall, sit down and rest.

In the end, Mrs. Huang couldn't hold back, wiped away her old tears, got up and sat looking at him: "What are you doing, old man?"

Her words made Zhao Changzhu very dissatisfied, and her tone became a bit more serious: "I'm going to my son's house, what else do I need to do?"

Mrs. Huang looked at him in disbelief: "Old man, what do you mean by that?"

Zhao Changzhu looked at her, his face was stinky and ugly: "What do you mean? What do you mean? I went to my son's house and you felt uncomfortable. You pretended to be sick. What do you mean?"

Mrs. Huang couldn't say a reason for a while: "I..."

She was really upset, but she didn't pretend to be sick. She said she was uncomfortable just because she didn't want her son to ask more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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