Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 366 After All These Years, Did You Give Them A Little Good Face?

Chapter 366 After all these years, have you given them any good looks?

Seeing that she was speechless, Zhao Changzhu thought she had been hit by him, and his expression became even uglier: "Although the eldest and second child were not born by you, they have treated you as their own mother and filial piety for so many years. What about you? After so many years, have you given them a little good face?"

He didn't deny that all of this was because of him, if he had said it, maybe it wouldn't be like this.

The old lady Huang was shocked, her face flushed with anger, and she pointed at Zhao Changzhu with trembling fingers: "Old man, what do you mean, you haven't said it for so many years, and now you suddenly say this, are you blaming me? "

Zhao Changzhu didn't speak, but the meaning was obvious.

Old Mrs. Huang's tears of grievance fell from her eyes, and she scratched at Zhao Changzhu: "Zhao Changzhu, you have no conscience, and both of you father and son have no conscience."

Zhao Changzhu's back hurt from being caught by her, he couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up abruptly, distanced himself from her, and looked at her angrily, with disappointment in his eyes.

"I have no conscience? I have no conscience. Ever since I married you, I handed over the whole family to you to take care of. I have no conscience. I saved you and treated you so well. I have no conscience. I neglected my son and daughter because of you. I have no conscience, I am alienated from me because of your son and daughter."

The old lady Huang stopped crying abruptly, staring blankly at Zhao Changzhu who was so angry at her for the first time.

Everything he said was true. She was an orphan girl from the next village. At that time, her parents starved to death in the famine, and her uncles wanted to sell them for food.

She didn't want to, but how could she, a little girl, resist so many people? Just as she was about to hang herself with a hemp rope, she was rescued by Zhao Changzhu who was passing by.

This scene happened to be seen by her uncles and uncles, and Zhao Changzhu was responsible for everything.

Five catties of grain, and she was sold to Zhao Changzhu. Zhao Changzhu was unwilling, but so many people saw that the two of them had contact.

If he doesn't agree, they'll sue him for being a hooligan.

It didn't matter if he was alone then, but he had a few children.

In the end, I had to grit my teeth and work together with the villagers to get the five catties of grain together.

Marry Huang Tao, the old lady Huang, into the door.

At first she was kind to the children, but after she had her own child, she changed.

It's just that they didn't treat the captain badly.

Zhao Changzhu was tired at work, so he didn't notice this at all, and gradually ignored it after a long time. At that time, the captain and his younger siblings were very obedient and obedient.

Knowing that his father works hard every day, he never makes him worry.

Because it is too sensible, it is easy to be ignored.

Later, when the third, fourth, and fifth children were born, Zhao Changzhu's pressure became even greater, and his attention was all on the younger ones.

The captain and his younger brothers and sisters are more sensible, and they will help with cooking, washing clothes and so on when they come back from work every day.

Slowly, they also discovered that this stepmother's attitude towards them was getting colder and colder. The only thing they were thankful for was that she hadn't withheld their food.

It didn't say that they were abused, but it just diverted Zhao Changzhu's attention and sight to the children she gave birth to.

As time passed, the relationship between their father and son gradually became estranged.

Not to mention, according to the ancestral rules of Zhaojia Village, the family must be separated after marriage, and unless they are the only child, they must live separately.

After the separation, they became even more distant.

The captain found a good family for his younger brothers and sisters. Wang Guihua, the sister-in-law, treated her uncle and sister-in-law as her younger brothers and sisters.

Pulling away, get back to business.

After Zhao Changzhu persuaded him to speak out what was in his heart, the anger in his heart subsided a bit, but his face was still ugly.

Mrs. Huang argued with some lack of confidence: "Yes, you saved me back then, but I never treated your son and daughter badly, and abused them."

Zhao Changzhu was very disappointed, and even regretted saving her in the first place: "I didn't abuse her, I didn't treat her badly, do you really think I'm a fool?"

The old lady Huang was too guilty to look at him.

Zhao Changzhu felt more and more guilty towards the captains and blamed himself.

As sad as I was, I was so disappointed in Mrs. Huang.

"Huangtao, Huangtao, do you really think I don't know anything? I don't say it because I don't want the children to be disappointed in you. The boss doesn't say it because I don't want to cause a family quarrel over a trivial matter."

Mrs. Huang didn't dare to speak. Although she and Zhao Changzhu had quarreled, but like today, it never happened once, which made her very scared.

Their quarrel was clearly spread, Zhao Jianbai originally wanted to enter the house to persuade him, but he stopped when he heard what Zhao Changzhu said.

He never knew that his mother was such a person, and there was a side he didn't know.

I didn't understand it when I was a child, but I understood it when I grew up, but it was too late. His mother told the brothers not to get too close to his elder brother.

If they don't listen, his mother will be unhappy, and the more times they do, the more they will gradually lose their courage.

Even if Mother was indifferent to the eldest brother and the others, she didn't treat them badly in all aspects, so he didn't force it.

But now, after listening to what my father said, what else did his mother seem to do, they don't know.

The reason why Dad is so angry is because he went to the eldest brother's house today, and Mother pretended to be sick and was unhappy.

He couldn't figure it out, why?The elder brother is also a child of the father, even if the elder brother wants to live with the elder brother and the second brother, it is reasonable, why does the mother want to do this.

Let alone his father, he was a little angry, Zhao Jianbai let out a long sigh.

Then he turned and left, his parents were arguing, what's the use of him going in, it's wrong to help this, it's wrong to help that.

Might as well let them figure it out themselves.

Liu Qingcao came out of the kitchen, heard the sound of arguing inside, and saw her man walking out of it.

With a worried face on his face, he asked, "Brother Bai, did Mom and Dad quarrel?"

Zhao Jianbai nodded, and said softly, "It's okay, is the meal ready?"

Liu Qingcao saw that he didn't want to say more, and didn't want to ask too much, so she nodded and said, "Soon, you can eat with fried pickles."

Zhao Jianbai was not in a good mood, nodded, and then walked to the main hall and sat down.

Liu Qingcao wiped her hands, walked over and sat beside him, and said softly, "Father and mother have lived for most of their lives, it's normal to have a few words occasionally, don't think about it."

She didn't know what happened, but there was no life without quarrels and bickering.

Zhao Jianbai twitched the corner of his mouth and said 'hmm'.

Liu Qingcao held his hand, and jokingly said: "Okay, don't be so sullen, it's not good for parents to come out and see, I don't know, I thought I made you angry."

Although the two of them are old couples and are soon to be grandparents, they have a good relationship and it doesn't affect them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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