Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 368 Zhao Huaiguo's Fiancee Liu Wenjuan

Chapter 368 Zhao Huaiguo's Fiancee Liu Wenjuan
Seeing that they didn't speak, Grandma Xu's face turned black with anger: "Okay, okay, you just spoil her, spoil this girl to be bold, and run to a dangerous place without saying a word next time."

Elder Shen, Elder Lin, and Elder Jiang, look at me and I will look at you.

Mr. Jiang spoke up for Zhao Jingyi with a little lack of confidence: "There won't be a next time."

There is uncertainty in the tone.

No one will believe it.

Zhao Jingyi immediately poked her head out from the side, nodded repeatedly, and looked at Grandma Xu with a bit of coquettish eyes: "Well, there will be no next time, Grandma Xu, please don't be angry, okay?"

Grandma Xu has always liked her the most, and she stopped being angry a long time ago, but she deliberately asked with a tigery face: "Really?"

Zhao Jing nodded like a little chicken pecking rice: "Really, I dare not, Grandma Xu~"

looked at her pitifully.

Grandma Xu had no choice but to say, "Okay, there's really nothing I can do about you."

As soon as Zhao Jing knew that Grandma Xu would not be really angry with her.

Grandma Xu sighed softly, feeling helpless in her heart.

The old Shen and the three looked at each other and then smiled.

They were laughing and laughing here, and the mood of the few old people inside was not very good.

Not jealousy, just envy.

Before they fell to what they are now, apart from Gu Gu, none of them were under the knees of their descendants Cheng Huan.

But now, the world is on each side, and life and death are unknown.

Zhao Jing took out the things in the basket and gave them to Grandma Xu and the others. There were not many things, but everyone had them.

Seeing so many things, Grandma Xu couldn't help but say to her: "You girl, why are you spending money so recklessly, we don't need it, you keep it for yourself, buy some good things to eat, and replenish your body."

Elder Shen agreed with Grandma Xu's words and said it earnestly.

"Your Grandma Xu is right, don't send us things in the future, we don't need them, but you, this body is not good in size, so you need to take good care of it."

Elder Lin and Elder Jiang agreed.

Zhao Jing knew that they would say this early in the morning, so she said what she had thought about long ago.

"These are all my thoughts as a granddaughter. Grandma Xu, please don't refuse. What's more, my health is much better. When I was in Beijing, my uncle asked my cousin to make soup for me every day. I was about to be brought up. Little pig."

Grandma Xu was helpless, she really didn't know how thin she was, and she was still a piggy, how she went when she left, and how she came back, except that her complexion improved a lot, and she didn't have any fat on her body.

"It would be great if I really raised a piglet for you. Look at how skinny you are."

Zhao Jing blinked her eyes, this... She is also very helpless, but there is no way she can't gain weight.

It always gives people a feeling that she is skinny and weak.

Maybe it's hereditary constitution, but that's fine too, being fat makes people suspicious.

After talking to them for a while, Zhao Jingyi left.

There is still a while for them to squint, and they have to go to work later.

Zhao Leyan just woke up and had dinner, she didn't forget that Zhao Jingyi came back yesterday, because it was too late, she didn't go to find Zhao Jingyi, she planned to go in the morning, but she saw Zhao Jingyi with three strangers from a distance Go in the direction of the shrine.

She didn't go, and she should be almost done with her work now, so she went to find her little brother after eating, and said childishly, "Brother Seven, let's go to grandparents."

Liu Yulan came back from the outside and said softly, "Your Seventh Brother is asleep, please come back later."

Zhao Leyan glanced inside, nodded: "OK."

Then he walked to her nurse's room with short legs.

Mrs. Jiang was lying on the kang right now, fanning herself with a palm-leaf fan.

Hearing the voice, he opened his eyes and saw that Zhao Leyan who had gone out came back again, and was a little puzzled: "Le Bao, why are you back?"

Zhao Leyan said: "Brother Seven is asleep."

The old lady Jiang smiled: "I fell asleep, then wait for your seventh brother to wake up, and then let him go with you."

Zhao Leyan nodded.

Then he went to the kang, took off his shoes, stepped on a stool, climbed up the kang, walked to the old lady and sat down.

This in and out can heat her up.

Mrs. Jiang wiped her sweat with a towel that was put aside, and fanned him with her hands.

On the village road.

A pretty girl with two big braids, big black eyes, and old clothes was walking towards the entrance of the village with Zhao Huaiguo.

Zhao Huaiguo looked at her with an unprecedented tenderness in his eyes, and his originally rough temper became a little reserved.

This person was none other than Zhao Huaiguo's target, Liu Wenjuan. When people in the village said that they saw Zhao Huaiguo come back in the town, she asked for leave and came to find him.

Zhao Huaiguo originally wanted to pick her up, but Liu Wenjuan said he wanted to walk with him, so the two walked back halfway.

Zhao Huaiguo is more reserved, he is a rough guy, he is not very good at talking because of his clumsy mouth.

It's obviously a matter of concern, but it's awkward to say it out of his mouth: "It's so hot, you don't wear a hat."

Although Liu Wenjuan didn't have much contact with him, after a few visits, she knew that this man was just a bit stupid, quite simple-minded, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "If you're in a hurry to go out, forget it."

Zhao Huaiguo said cautiously and embarrassedly: "Remember next time."

Liu Wenjuan laughed out loud with a 'puchi' and said, "Okay, listen to you."

This sentence made Zhao Huaiguo feel ashamed, and his face became hot, but he was a little dark, so he couldn't tell when he blushed.

Liu Wenjuan did it on purpose, and she liked Zhao Huaiguo's awkwardness. She was very strong at home, and when she knew that her sister had secretly come to Zhao's Village to bother her future husband's house behind her back, she punished her severely.

She had a good impression of Zhao Huaiguo from the first time she met him, and after getting in touch with him a few times, she found that Zhao Huaiguo, who looked tall and big, was actually a very shy person.

This also made Liu Wenjuan like him, and after learning about the word-of-mouth of the captain of Zhaojia Village and his family, she became even more satisfied.

But it was Zhao Huaiguo who satisfied her the most, because he was particularly shy in front of her.

Looking fierce and not easy to mess with, he is actually a simple and shy man.

Moreover, Liu Wenjuan could feel that Zhao Huaiguo also had a good impression of her. After the two had contacted several times, on the way Zhao Huaiguo sent her back again, Liu Wenjuan asked him if he wanted to settle down.

She still remembered Zhao Huaiguo's reaction at that time, which almost led her into a ditch.

She was scared enough, but fortunately he reacted quickly, otherwise the two of them would have fallen into the ditch.

At first Zhao Huaiguo thought he heard it wrong, but when Liu Wenjuan asked him again, he nodded subconsciously in a daze.

Later, I realized that the whole rigidity was the same as something.

Laughed at Liu Wenjuan, she is not shy like a girl, but he is shy like a big man.

It was also from then on that the two of them established a relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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