Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 369 When the time comes, our family, you call the shots

Chapter 369 When the time comes, our family, you call the shots
The next day, Zhao Huaiguo went shopping with his father and mother in the town, and then went to Liujia Village to make an engagement with Liu Wenjuan.

It was also from then on that Liu Wenlan fell in love with Zhao Huaiguo.

At first, Zhao Huaiguo didn't know Liu Wenlan's intentions, and when he talked to him several times, Zhao Huaiguo replied politely because she was Liu Wenjuan's younger sister.

As a result, he felt that the way she looked at him was not right, so Zhao Huaiguo didn't dare to talk to her anymore.

His actions were seen by Liu Wenjuan, and she was even more satisfied with her future husband in her heart.

The Liu family is different from the captain's family. Liu Wenjuan is the eldest daughter, and also the daughter of old man Liu's deceased wife.

This is not a secret in Zhaojia Village, but everyone will say that Liu Wenlan and Liu Wenjuan are siblings at the time.

So others thought that the two of them were born by the same mother, but they were not.

Liu Wenlan and Liu Wenjuan are only two years apart, and Liu Wenjuan's mother passed away about five or six months after giving birth to Liu Wenjuan.

As for the cause of death, it was because she found out that her husband was having an affair with her cousin.

So she was pissed off, and later her cousin, Liu Wenjuan, used that as an excuse to marry Liu Wenjuan's father and become Liu Wenjuan's stepmother.Liu Wenlan was born the next year.

Both Liu Wenjuan's grandmother and grandfather didn't like the daughter-in-law married behind her son.

Liu Wenjuan was raised by her grandparents. Although they live under the same roof, her father and the so-called stepmother have nothing to do with Liu Wenjuan.

So Liu Wenjuan was protected by her grandparents at home, and her stepmother did not dare to treat her harshly.

Including the bride price and dowry given by the captain's family after her engagement, his grandparents helped her keep it.

The dowry was bought by Zhao Huaiguo himself with the money he had saved over the years. There were three major pieces, the dowry was sent home by him, and some was saved by Wang Guihua.

After a while, Zhao Huaiguo looked at her and said, "Juanzi, I have something to tell you."

Liu Wenjuan looked puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Huaiguo was very nervous: "If I join Jun, do you agree?"

Liu Wenjuan froze for a moment, join the jun?

Looking at Zhao Huaiguo, he asked, "Are you going to join the team?"

Zhao Huaiguo saw that he had arrived at the entrance of the village, and he couldn't make out what she said for a while, so he said, "I'm still thinking about it, so I'll ask you."

Liu Wenjuan didn't answer, but asked, "Auntie, do they know?"

Zhao Huaiguo nodded. He called back and said: "I called back when I was still in Beijing."

Liu Wenjuan nodded: "Auntie, what do they say?"

Zhao Huaiguo said truthfully: "My mother and the others told me to make my own decision, but I have to ask you what you think."

Liu Wenjuan smiled and asked, "Then do you want to go?"

Zhao Huaiguo didn't know what to say for a while, he wanted to go in his heart, but if he went, he wouldn't be able to come back within three years, and if Wenjuan married him, he would face separation from him, and he wouldn't see each other for three years.

He can't guarantee whether Liu Wenjuan is willing or not, and it's unfair to her. Three years is not long or short.

Liu Wenjuan saw his hesitation, smiled and said, "Just tell the truth."

Zhao Huaiguo was taken aback for a moment and said, "I want to go."

Liu Wenjuan smiled and said, "Then go."

A pair of big black eyes are like bright stars, and the smile is like the moon.

After Zhao Huaiguo finished speaking, he thought he would hear Liu Wenjuan's unhappy words, but what he didn't expect was that she would agree.

And without a trace of hesitation.

The whole person was stunned, stopped and looked: "Juanzi, do you agree?"

Liu Wenjuan tilted her head and blinked her big eyes at him: "Otherwise?"

Zhao Huaiguo was happy in his mind, but he was afraid that Liu Wenjuan would not be clear and quickly said, "If I go, we won't be able to meet each other for three years, so you still agree?"

Liu Wenjuan really doesn't know about this, but three years have passed in the blink of an eye, so she doesn't worry, "Three years? It's okay. After we get married, I just happen to be able to take care of my aunt and the others at home."

After Liu Wenjuan said the last sentence, her face became a little shy.

Zhao Huaiguo grinned like an idiot: "Thank you, Juanzi."

Liu Wenjuan hesitated for a moment, reached out to hold Zhao Huaiguo's hand and said, "You don't need to say thank you to me."

The first time Zhao Huaiguo was held by a girl, he was dumbfounded, his ears were red, and he stared blankly at the hand being held.

It was also the first time for Liu Wenjuan to hold hands with a boy, and she was nervous and shy.

Zhao Huaiguo came back to his senses, clasped Liu Wenjuan's hand subconsciously, looked at her seriously and said: "Juanzi, I will treat you well in the future, when we get married, we will not separate for the time being, you and my mother Live together so you can take care of each other."

Before she could speak, Zhao Huaiguo continued: "We will separate when I come back. When the time comes for our family, you will be the master."

Liu Wenjuan knew the customs of Zhaojia Village. After the son got married, it was the ancestral rule to separate the family.

Now that she heard Zhao Huaiguo say this, she was not angry, and nodded: "Okay, listen to you."

Zhao Huaiguo smiled, pushed the bicycle with one hand, and walked into the village holding Liu Wenjuan's hand with the other.

As soon as the two entered the village, the sound of going to work rang.

Startled Liu Wenjuan, she subconsciously withdrew her hand.

Liu Wenjuan lowered her head and looked shy, and walked forward holding her big braid: "Let's go, my aunt and the others should go to work in a while."

Zhao Huaiguo followed with a smirk.

It looked like Liu Wenjuan was taking him home.

Zhao Jing's family.

Zhao Jingyi had just fallen asleep for a while when she was woken up by the sound of going to work.

Sitting up in a daze, she was the only one left in the room.

System: "They are outside."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm', and was about to lie down and continue to sleep, when the system said, "Zhao Huaiguo has brought his partner home."

Zhao Jing's head froze for a moment, and the whole moment became energetic: "Subject?"

System: "Hmm."

Zhao Jingyi hasn't met Zhao Huaiguo's partner yet.

Immediately, he plucked his hair twice, then tied it casually at the back, got off the kang, dressed and walked out.

Seeing that Zhao Jing woke up, Zhao Qingling asked, "Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

As soon as Zhao Jing walked over, she said, "If you wake up, you won't be able to sleep."

Zhao Qingling nodded, originally wanted to take a stroll in the village, but the sun was too strong, they dared not go out.

So I had to stay at home.

I don't know if Zhao Huaihui will bring his partner to the house, Zhao Jingyi looked outside and the sun is still very bright.

Said: "Wait a little later, the sun is not so bright, I will take you for a walk around the village."

The three of them nodded, and Zhao Qingyan put her hands on the table and propped her head up like a boneless person and said lazily: "Okay, your place looks very big, bigger than many villages we have seen. Big."

Zhao Jingyi smiled and said, "Our village is the second largest in the whole town, and there is another village that is bigger than ours."

Zhao Qingyan nodded. Although she hadn't visited before, she knew that the location of this village was good after a quick glance: "You guys are surrounded by mountains, and the location is also very good."

(End of this chapter)

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