Chapter 371 Zhao Suhua

This is a relatively feudal thinking, and there is no way to correct them for a while, so I am very helpless.

Zhao Jingyi knew why Wang Guihua was so active just after thinking about it for a while, she looked at Zhao Xiaozhen and asked, "Is it because of my little girl?"

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded: "There is also Sister Suhua."

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment, Miss Suhua?who is it?

The system reminded: "The hostess is her cousin, the first time the host met Zhao Zhaodi when he went up the mountain, the girl who helped the host talk."

Hearing what the system said, Zhao Jing remembered.

It turned out to be her, and Zhao Jing asked, "How old is she this year?"

System: "Two years older than the host, eighteen next year."

She was still young, even if she was eighteen, she was just an adult, she remembered that this girl was quite favored at home.

The two elder brothers above are the same as Zhao Xiaozhen.

Zhao Jing looked at Zhao Xiaozhen and asked, "Isn't she younger than Xiaoya? She hasn't turned eighteen yet, and the villagers are talking about it?"

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded, thinking of them talking so badly behind her back, Zhao Xiaozhen became very angry: "Yes, but the one who talks the most is the little girl, and only the little girl has a good temper. If I do, I will be so angry."

For this reason, she told her mother several times, and her mother also told them, but it was still discussed in the meeting, but it was not as ugly as it was at the beginning.

She didn't understand why they talked so much, and the little girl didn't offend them.

Even knowing that they were not malicious, Zhao Xiaozhen still felt very angry.

Seeing that Zhao Xiaozhen was so angry, Zhao Jingyi smiled helplessly, and said comfortingly: "Okay, the mouth is on someone's body, it's their business what they want to say, we just don't care and ignore it."

Zhao Xiaoya also told her this, but she still couldn't help being angry: "Sister Xiaoya said the same thing."

While stroking her, Zhao Jingyi said, "Don't be angry, it's their business to say what they like, and find a good one to piss them off in the future."

Zhao Xiaozhen thinks this idea is okay, they say they are old girls, then she will find a good one to piss them off.

Thinking about it this way, she wasn't so angry anymore, Zhao Xiaozhen showed a smile on her face, and almost forgot the big thing: "Auntie, my brother brought his future sister-in-law to the house, do you want to have dinner at home tonight?"

Zhao Jingyi pretended not to know, and said in surprise, "Is your brother interested?"

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded. She wanted to call her last time, but she was busy at the time, so she didn't call. She nodded, "Yes, I'm at home now, and my mother is also at home."

Zhao Jingyi didn't agree, but thought for a while and said, "Let's have a look."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Xiaozhen are the same age, but Zhao Jingyi is two months younger than Zhao Xiaozhen.

But no one in the village dared to talk about her.

Maybe it's a double standard, they think it's fine even if Zhao Jingyi doesn't get married.

In the village, their descendants will provide for her in the old age.

If she married into another village, she might be wronged.

While a few people were chatting, the sun had slowly set and it wasn't so hot anymore.

Zhao Jing stood up after taking a sip of water and said, "Let's go, I'll take you for a stroll."

The three of Zhao Qingyan nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Xiaozhen followed Zhao Jingyi.

Five people went out together.

The captain's family.

Liu Wenjuan looked at Wang Guihua and said seriously, "Auntie, I'm sorry."

Wang Guihua was stunned for a moment, and then realized why she was embarrassed.

"It's not your fault. Besides, my aunt understands."

Liu Wenjuan was a little moved: "Auntie..."

Wang Guihua is still very satisfied with this future daughter-in-law. She knows what Liu Wenlan has done, but Liu Wenjuan definitely does not know it, and her stepmother must have done it.

So she won't get angry at her: "Don't think too much, my aunt understands everything."

Zhao Huaiguo was confused: "Mother, what are you talking about?"

Wang Guihua didn't speak, and Liu Wenjuan didn't want to hide it from Zhao Huaiguo, saying, "Let me tell the story."

Wang Guihua nodded.

Liu Wenjuan gave an overview of what happened.

Zhao Huaiguo didn't expect so many things to happen when he was not at home.

And as long as he thinks of Liu Wenjuan's sister, goose bumps will drop all over his body when he looks at his eyes.

Hearing Liu Wenjuan's words, Zhao Huaiguo's impression of her so-called younger sister suddenly fell to the extreme.

Liu Wenjuan knew Liu Wenlan's temperament, and she would not change it. She gritted her teeth and said, "If she comes again in the future, Auntie doesn't have to worry about me."

Wang Guihua was very satisfied with what Liu Wenjuan said, but this was not the way to go, she thought for a while and said, "Auntie knows what to do with what you say, and now that Daguo is back, do you want to wait and see and get married. "

Zhao Huaiguo looked at Liu Wenjuan nervously. Although he was a bit abrupt, this was what he was thinking.

Liu Wenjuan blushed, and said shyly, "I, go back tonight and ask my grandma and them."

Wang Guihua smiled with satisfaction and said, "Okay, last time you came to let the elders in the village see you, but last time you didn't see it because you had something to do. I'll have dinner at home tonight, and I'll ask you later. See you if you're okay."

Liu Wenjuan knew the customs of Zhaojia Village, Zhao Huaiguo told her about it last time.

He nodded invisibly: "Auntie, you can arrange it."

Wang Guihua nodded and stood up and said, "Okay, you two talk first, I'll go out for a while."

After finishing speaking, he walked out, Liu Wenjuan and Zhao Huaiguo sat in the main hall, you look at me, I look at you.

Wang Guihua hurried to Zhao Jing's family, she didn't know that Zhao Jingyi was not at home now.

Zhao Jingyi led them to the upper village, which was mainly close to the field. Zhao Jingyi pointed to the place where people could be vaguely seen busy in the distance and said: "Zhaojia Village is very big, and there is the field, everyone They all work there."

Looking around, you can vaguely see many people, men, women, old and young, and that open space is the field of Zhaojia Village.

The entrance to the village is in the middle of the village and the upper village, and the fields are all on the upper village side, so there is no need to worry about people from other villages coming to make trouble.

There are mountains on the other side of the field, so don't worry about it at all.

Zhao Jing took them around for a while, and then took them to the village after going to the village.

I plan to take them to the drying yard to have a look.

In the end, she happened to meet Wang Guihua who had rushed to her house.

Wang Guihua still couldn't get some notifications, but she didn't expect to run into her on the way back: "Grandma."

Zhao Jing nodded to her.

Zhao Xiaozhen: "Mother."

Wang Guihua nodded, looked at Zhao Jingyi and the others and said, "Grandma, you are going to have dinner at home tonight. Daguo and his partner are at home, and you just happened to see each other."

Zhao Jing turned her head and asked Zhao Qingyan and the three of them: "Are you going?"

The three of Zhao Qingyan were stunned: "We? Can we go too?"

(End of this chapter)

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