Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 372 He was stunned by the call of 'Brother 1'

Chapter 372 He Was Shocked When He Called 'Fourth Brother'

Wang Guihua took the words and nodded: "Of course you can, you are also my family."

Zhao Qingyan smiled, nodded and said: "Then go."

They also experience this feeling.

Seeing that it was getting late, Wang Guihua said, "Okay, then you go shopping first, I'll go back and prepare things."

Zhao Jing nodded: "OK."

Zhao Xiaozhen went to Wang Guihua's side and said to Zhao Jingyi and the others: "I'll go back to help too, I won't go shopping with you grandparents."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, let's go."

Zhao Xiaozhen sometimes looks a bit delicate, but she is very sensible.

After parting from Wang Guihua and their mother and daughter, Zhao Jingyi continued to take them to the drying yard.

The children guarding the drying yard saw a few strangers following Zhao Jingyi.

For a while, he didn't dare to run over to say hello to Zhao Jingyi.

Looking at this drying yard as big as several big houses, Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling were stunned: "It's quite a big place, where all your food is drying?"

Zhao Jingyi was surprised when she first saw it, but she got used to it gradually.It's no surprise: "Well, it's all here."

Looking at the children around eight or nine years old standing under the big tree in the distance, Zhao Qingyan asked: "How many of them are watching?"

Zhao Jingyi followed her gaze and nodded, "Yes."

Children in this age can do a lot, and they know a lot.

So don't worry about them doing a bad job at all.

Later on, adults will come over and put away the drying things with them.

Zhao Jing led them to the middle and the end of the village.

Not far from the drying yard is the house of the hostess.

Not far away is Lao Gentou's house and Zhao Changshan's house, and they live relatively close together.

After a few steps, the two that made the most noise in the past were the two that were quieted down a few times by Zhao Jingyi afterward.

A big scandal happened to Lao Gentou's family, and now he is afraid to cause trouble in the village, but Mrs. Ma sometimes can't control her mouth, but some people in the village saw that she was old, and the elders would Bear with me a little.

However, most people would not let her go, especially the ones who had the worst relationship with her.

However, they were all small things, and nothing major happened, so it was considered calm.

There are not many people living in the end of the village, and it is basically an old house.

About an hour or so passed.

After Zhao Jingyi led them to visit the village, Zhao Qingling said with some emotion: "I didn't realize until after the tour, it's bigger than I imagined."

Zhao Jingyi smiled and said, "It wasn't that big originally. I remember my grandfather said that in order not to let people from other villages bully us, every family has to separate after the younger generations get married."

"So slowly, the village is getting bigger and bigger. If there is no accident, it will be bigger in the future."

Zhao Qingling nodded, the bigger the village, the more witnesses it has, which proves that the descendants of their Zhao family are prosperous and prosperous.

"You still have to choose a patriarch to help the captain manage it, otherwise he probably won't be able to finish it all by himself."

Zhao Jing nodded. It is true that a patriarch is needed to assist. Although there is a village secretary, there is still a possibility of transfer. Therefore, there must be a villager who can stably assist the captain and will not be transferred.

"This is still being screened, so there's no rush."

Zhao Qingling nodded, and didn't say any more, although she is the elder of her family, she is also an elder, but after all, this branch has been away for too long, she can say a few words, but it is not appropriate to say too much.

Around four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Jingyi took the three of them home.

When we passed the educated youth spot, we could faintly hear arguing inside.

Zhao Qingyan looked at the big house near the entrance of the village and asked, "Who lives here?"

Zhao Jing took a look and said lightly, "Educated youths going to the countryside."

They know the educated youth who have been sent to the countryside, and there are a few of them there.

After shaking their heads, no one cared who was arguing inside and left.

The captain's family.

Wang Guihua and Zhao Xiaozhen were busy in the kitchen. Liu Wenjuan wanted to help, but Wang Guihua refused to let her intervene.

Let her and Zhao Huaiguo sit outside, eating melon seeds and chatting.

Zhao Jingyi brought Zhao Qingyan and the others back home, and brought the rations.

When I entered the door, I saw a girl with two big black braids sitting in the main hall.

When Zhao Huaiguo saw Zhao Jingyi, he subconsciously stood up and shouted, "Grandma and aunt."

Zhao Jing nodded.

Liu Wenjuan was stunned for a moment, and then she also stood up.

Zhao Huaiguo said to Liu Wenjuan with some embarrassment: "Juanzi, this is my aunt, and you are also called aunt."

Liu Wenjuan looked at the little girl in front of her who was much younger than herself, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she shyly called out, "Grandma and aunt."

Zhao Jing looked at her with a smile on her aunt's face and nodded: "Good."

Zhao Huaiguo introduced with some embarrassment: "Auntie, this is my partner, Liu Wenjuan from Liujia Village."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm'.

Watching the two of them introduce Zhao Qingyan and their identities: "These three are your second and third aunts, and your fourth great-grandfather."

Zhao Huaiguo was stunned,

Liu Wenjuan has already started to call people: "Second grand aunt, third grand aunt, fourth grandpa."

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling nodded with a smile: "Well, be good."

Zhao Qingming slightly nodded his head and gave an 'hmm'.

Zhao Huaiguo came back to his senses, and shouted unnaturally: "Second Aunt, Third Aunt, Fourth Great-Grandfather."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan knew that he was unnatural, they looked at him with smiles and nodded: "Good boy."

Zhao Qingming basically doesn't talk much to people he doesn't know very well, so he still nodded slightly and said 'huh'.

Wang Guihua came out of the kitchen, saw Zhao Jingyi and the others coming, and smiled: "Grandma, you are here."

Zhao Jing handed the vegetables and rations to Wang Guihua, and said, "I guess you two must be too busy, so I brought your two aunts and your uncle to help."

There are four of them here, plus six people in their own family, meals for ten people, a big table, how can two people be busy.

Wang Guihua didn't show courtesy to Zhao Jing either, she took the things and said with a smile, "Then I won't be polite, I'm really too busy."

Zhao Jing looked at Zhao Qingming and asked, "Fourth brother, are you sitting and chatting with Daguo and the others, or are you here to help?"

Zhao Qingming, Zhao Qingyan, and Zhao Qingling were stunned for a moment, especially Zhao Qingming, who was stunned when he called 'fourth brother'.

Zhao Qingyan was depressed, she didn't let this little girl call her sister, she didn't let go, and now she suddenly called the fourth brother, she was not the first, her heart was broken all over the place.

Zhao Qingling stared at Zhao Jingyi with a pair of almond eyes.

Zhao Qingming came back to his senses, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "Go and help."

Zhao Jingyi smiled: "Okay, let's go, third sister, second sister."

(End of this chapter)

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