Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 374 She Didn't Remember Before

Chapter 374 She Didn't Remember Before

Zhao Huaiguo nodded and walked inside.

Zhao Jianbai and Liu Qingcao were sitting in the main hall, their expressions were not particularly good.

Zhao Huaiguo saw that their expressions were not very good, and he was puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions, and said hello: "Third Uncle, Third Aunt."

Zhao Jianbai saw that Zhao Huaiguo's face softened a bit: "The big country is coming."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded: "En."

Zhao Jianbai looked at him: "Come to find your grandpa."

Zhao Huaiguo said with some embarrassment: "Well, my partner is here, and my father asked me to come over to call my grandfather, and my grandma to go over to eat."

Zhao Jianbai nodded, stood up and said, "Wait a minute, I'll call them for you."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded: "Okay."

Liu Qingcao said with a smile: "Daguo, you are not too young, if you have a good girl, hurry up and get married."

When Zhao Huaiguo brought his partner back for the first time, they all went. It doesn't matter whether they go now or not, they have all met their family members.

It's just that the two old people have to be called no matter what, as for whether they go or not, it's their business.

In the room of the two old men.

The atmosphere is still tense.

Zhao Jianbai walked to the door of the room, but didn't go in, he could feel that the atmosphere inside was still deadlocked.

Sighing silently, he raised his hand and patted the door: "Father, mother, Daguo is here, and he said that his partner came to the house, and asked your two elders to come over for dinner."

In the room, when Zhao Changzhu heard that Zhao Huaiguo was coming, he stood up and opened the door with a cane without even looking at Mrs. Huang.

"Did Daguo come here by himself or with his partner?"

Zhao Jianbai looked at his father, but didn't see anything wrong with his face.

There is some self-doubt in my heart. Could it be that he feels wrong?

Although I was very puzzled in my heart, I still said honestly: "The big country came here by itself."

Zhao Changzhu nodded and said without turning his head, "Well, since your mother is not feeling well, there is no need for her to go there. I can go by myself."

The old lady Huang in the room did not speak, as if acquiescing to Zhao Changzhu's words.

Zhao Jianbai nodded without saying a word.

The two went out, leaving Mrs. Huang alone in the room.

After the person left, Mrs. Huang couldn't help but covered her mouth and cried aggrievedly.

Outside the hall.

Seeing someone come out, Zhao Huaiguo shouted, "Master."

Zhao Changzhu nodded gently: "Well, let's go."

Zhao Huaiguo looked at Zhao Jianbai and Liu Qingcao and said, "Okay, Third Uncle, Third Aunt, let's go first."

Zhao Jianbai and Liu Qingcao nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Huaiguo helped Zhao Changzhu go out.

Zhao Jianbai turned around and walked to the room of the two old people when he saw the people walking away.

Liu Qingcao watched him walk in, sighed, went to the kitchen to help without saying anything.

The captain's family.

One dish after another came out of the kitchen.Afraid that the delay would be too long, both stoves were burned, Wang Guihua palmed one, and Zhao Qingling palmed the other, the speed of the two was much faster.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Xiaozhen were chatting with Liu Wenjuan in the main hall.

When Zhao Huaiguo and Zhao Changzhu came to see this scene, both grandpa and grandson had smiles on their faces.

When Zhao Changzhu came in, he called out first, "Old Aunt, Second Aunt, Fourth Uncle."

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Jing, Zhao Qingming nodded, and when Zhao Jing saw him coming by himself, she frowned slightly and asked, "Well, here we are, where is your wife?"

Zhao Changzhu said calmly, "She's not feeling well, so I didn't let her come."

Zhao Jing glanced at him before nodding, "Yes."

I don't doubt whether it's true, she knows a little bit, it's fine if she doesn't come, even if she does come, it's hard for Mrs. Huang to pull her face.

She has no contact with this old lady, but it doesn't mean she hasn't heard of it, and she has also seen it. To be honest, the first impression that the old lady gave her was not very good.

Not to mention liking.

But these, she doesn't care.As long as it doesn't make a fuss, it's fine to add trouble, anyway, it's not her who has lived with her.

Zhao Jing looked at the captain and asked, "Jianting, how are things going?"

The team leader nodded and said, "It's all done, and we've been notified."

Zhao Jing said 'hmm': "That's fine."

Zhao Huaiguo knew a little, but not much, but he could guess that what they said should be related to these two grandparents and great-grandfather.

Zhao Huaiguo supported Zhao Changzhu to sit down, and Liu Wenjuan stood up and called, "Grandpa."

Zhao Changzhu nodded.

Zhao Xiaozhen also stood up and called, "Grandpa."

Zhao Changzhu had a kind smile on his face: "Be good, be good."

Zhao Xiaozhen was a little stunned, feeling that grandpa was a little strange today.

It was the same at lunch time, he also brought food for himself, this was the first time.

Maybe it was there when I was very young, but she didn't remember it, at least not in her memory.

She was a little flattered and overwhelmed to still be smiling at her now, so kind.

Liu Wenjuan was seeing Zhao Changzhu for the second time, so she didn't feel that way.

Instead, he misunderstood, thinking that Zhao Changzhu was very satisfied with her future grandson-in-law.

There is still a little joy in my heart.

Around five o'clock or six o'clock, all the dishes came out of the kitchen.

Zhao Qingling and Wang Guihua washed their hands, washed their faces and came out.

Wang Guihua said to Zhao Huaiguo: "Daguo, go and bring out the porridge and bowls and chopsticks with Junzi, and you can eat."

Zhao Huaiguo nodded: "Okay."

Get up and go to the kitchen.

Zhao Changzhu: "Third Aunt."

Zhao Qingling nodded slightly.

Sweating all over from cooking, Zhao Qingling now feels a little hot, and her body is a little sticky, making her uncomfortable.

But she can bear it, she likes to cook, but she doesn't like to get sticky.

Fortunately, the captain's house also has a fan, which was bought by Zhao Huaiguo today.

I just bought one because I couldn't get more.

The team leader knew how to do it, so he quickly plugged in the fan plug, turned on the switch, and a gust of cool wind blew out, dissipating the heat from everyone's bodies.

Zhao Qingling also felt much more comfortable.

Sit down one by one, a large table full of food, both meat and vegetables, and a soup.

Fearing that it would not be enough, I deliberately cooked a large pot.

As soon as Zhao Jing brought some meat, she was afraid that their family would not have enough, so she wanted one or two meat dishes anyway.

How can there be so many people without oil and water?Dinner is here, and so is Zhao Jing's family.It's just not as lively as here.

The house is a bit deserted, except for the sound of eating and adding vegetables, it is the sound of the fan blowing.

After 06:30 in the evening, they had dinner. Wang Guihua took some things and gave them to Liu Wenjuan, and then asked Zhao Huaiguo to send them back on a bicycle.

If you don't leave now, it will be dark in a while, if you leave at that time, it will not be safe when you come back.

Zhao Jingyi, Zhao Qingling, Zhao Qingyan and the team leader cleaned up the leftovers together.

Those who wash the dishes wash the dishes, those who clean the tables wipe the tables, and those who move the stools move the stools.

When things were almost packed, Zhao Jingyi and the others also left.

Not long after, Zhao Huaijun also sent his grandfather back.

(End of this chapter)

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