Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 375 Maybe still a master of dark cooking?

Chapter 375 Maybe still a master of dark cooking?
After returning home, Zhao Qingling couldn't bear the stickiness on her body, so she immediately went to the room to get a change of clothes, and then carried water to the toilet to wash.

It was the first time Zhao Jingyi saw Zhao Qingling who was in such a hurry, she felt a little cute for no reason.

Zhao Qingyan explained: "Ling'er is obsessed with cleanliness, she doesn't like sweating and stickiness, not at all."

Zhao Jingyi smiled: "See."


Zhao Leyan sat on the small bench and sighed, resting her little head on her hands, looking very preoccupied.

Zhao Huaining just woke up and came out of the house.

Seeing her sister propping her head on her hands, she sighed, rubbed her eyes and walked over, hid in front of her and raised her head and asked, "Lebao, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Leyan didn't want to talk to him, and agreed to go to see her grandparents today, so he slept until dark.

Turning around angrily, ignoring him.

Zhao Huaining was stunned, he didn't remember it for a while, his mind was still dazed just after waking up.

Everyone else looked at it and laughed.

Zhao Huaiyu walked over with a smile and reminded: "Xiao Qi, did you forget something?"

Zhao Huaining froze for a moment, forgot what?It doesn't seem like he has been sleeping today, so he hasn't forgotten anything.

Zhao Leyan shouted a little unhappy: "Second brother."

Zhao Huaiyu said quickly: "Okay, okay, second brother won't say anything."

Zhao Huaining remembered, he said yesterday that he would accompany her to grand-aunt's house, but he overslept and forgot: "Le Bao, Brother Seven is wrong, tomorrow, tomorrow I will definitely go with you."

Zhao Leyan was about to die of anger, on the one hand, she was angry with him, and on the other hand, she was angry with herself.

Because later she waited and waited and fell asleep too.


When she woke up, it was getting dark, and Zhao Leyan fell into depression.

I didn't see her little brother either, I thought he was going to play.

As a result, he was still sleeping, and Zhao Leyan became even more angry.

Zhao Huaining tugged at her little sleeve, and called out pitifully: "Le Bao."

Zhao Leyan: "..." Don't act like a baby just because you are cute.

She didn't like this, Zhao Leyan didn't notice that she was becoming more and more like a child now.

Zhao Huaining looked at her pitifully, he knew she couldn't stand people acting like a baby to her: "Lebao~"

Zhao Huaiyu's elder brothers didn't even notice his rambunctious appearance.

Zhao Jianshu washed up and said, "I won't be able to go to your grandparents until after noon tomorrow. We have something to do tomorrow morning."

Seeing her father, Zhao Leyan nodded obediently: "I see, Dad."

Zhao Huaining did not give up, and put his head closer: "Le Bao."

Zhao Leyan really couldn't stand him acting like a baby to her with a cute baby face, the anger in her heart had long since dissipated, but she still pretended to be very angry and said: "Tomorrow, Brother Seven, if you sleep again, I will ignore you gone."

Zhao Huaining smiled happily, and said seriously: "Okay, I will definitely not oversleep."

Early the next morning.

Su Jingyan and Zhao Qingling were busy working in the kitchen early in the morning, and Su Jingyan deliberately got up early to learn how to make noodles with Zhao Qingling.

When they woke up, breakfast was already ready.

As soon as Zhao Jing came out of the room, she saw the energetic Su Jingyan: "You woke up early in the morning to make breakfast with your third cousin?"

Su Jingyan nodded heavily, and said excitedly: "Well, I learned how to make face to face."

Zhao Jingyi was a little surprised: "It's so powerful, come on, when your third cousin goes back, you cook it for us."

Su Jingyan's eyes lit up, she nodded heavily: "Okay."

The system suddenly said leisurely: "Host, don't expect too much."

Zhao Jingyi: "?" Suddenly there was a bad feeling in her heart.

The system brought up the video of Su Jingyan making 'noodles' in the kitchen in the morning for her to watch.

After reading it, Zhao Jingyi: "..."

Her so-called "knowledge" means that she can add water to the dough, then stroke it a few times, and then mix it together, sticky?This is it?

Zhao Jing looked at the excited Su Jingyan inexplicably.

Su Jingyan didn't know.

Taking advantage of the spare time, Zhao Jingyi approached Su Jingyang and asked, "How is your fifth sister's cooking skills?"

Su Jingyang shook his head, somewhat confused about what Zhao Jingyi meant, and said, "I've never eaten, nor seen her cook, so I don't know."

Zhao Jingyi: "..." Good guy, so he's an unknown, maybe he's a master of dark cooking?
That is to say, when they are not at home, Su Jingyang cooks at night, and Su Jingyu cooks at noon in the morning.

Maybe Su Jingyan just did a favor from the beginning to the end?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhao Jingyi suddenly regretted what she said just now.

What if...

Zhao Jing shuddered, she couldn't imagine...

Su Jingyang looked at Zhao Jingyi whose expression had changed, looked puzzled, and asked in a low voice, "Little cousin, are you alright?"

Once Zhao Jing came back to her senses, she smiled awkwardly: "No, it's fine."

Then I left, and I was a little absent-minded when I was eating breakfast.

It made everyone look puzzled.

Zhao Qingling is relatively calm, she has been facing Su Jingyan Xiaobai who has no cooking talent all night.

He said he was used to it.

This has happened before, so she is immune to Su Jingyan.

Zhao Qingling rescued all the flour that morning, and made it into noodles, which can be eaten for two or three meals.

Zhao Qingling had already taken it out with a dustpan and put it in the yard to dry.

She didn't hit Su Jingyan, it was the first day after all, so it wasn't a big problem.

Check it out in a couple of days, and if it doesn't work, talk again.

After breakfast, those who go to work go to work, and those who go to work have to go to work.

Zhao Jing pinched the center of her eyebrows, looked at Zhao Qingling worriedly and asked, "Third Sister, do you think Xiaoyan is talented?"

Zhao Qingling pondered for a while and said: "No, but let's take a look."

Zhao Jing had no choice but to nod, and then led them out.

Others are already waiting at the ancestral hall.

There are quite a few people who come, one family, and to be honest, there are quite a lot.

When Zhao Jingyi and the others came, everyone looked at them.

Many people have never seen Zhao Qingling and the others.

My first reaction was, are all the people in my family so good-looking?

And then, so young.

Zhao Jing and the others walked over without looking sideways.

The captain and Zhao Changzhu are already in the ancestral hall, and the order of standing is according to their seniority.

Seeing Zhao Jingyi and the others come in, Zhao Changzhu and the team leader came over.

Zhao Changzhu: "Old aunt, second aunt, third aunt, fourth uncle."

Captain: "Auntie, Second Aunt, Third Aunt, Fourth Uncle."

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Qingling nodded.

Zhao Jing asked, "Is everyone here?"

The captain shook his head and said truthfully, "There are still Zhao Changshan and Uncle Lao Gen who are not here."

Zhao Jingyi frowned slightly: "Then wait a little longer, let the two of you rush."

The captain nodded: "Yes."

Then the team leader went out and said to Zhao Jianchun and Zhao Jiandong: "Jianchun, Jiandong, you two go and urge Uncle Changshan and Uncle Laogen."

(End of this chapter)

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