Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 376 These two people are more annoying than women.

Chapter 376 These two are more annoying than girls.

Zhao Jingyi sat on a chair in the ancestral hall with a wooden face, not knowing what she was thinking.

Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling looked at each other and looked at the door.

The villagers waiting in the yard whispered, "Uncle Lao Gen and the others don't know they are coming here today?"

"How could I not know, Uncle Lao Gen and I were working at the same place yesterday, and we were all together when the team leader came over."

"Then why didn't he come, and Uncle Changshan too."

"I don't know, maybe I forgot."

"Maybe I don't want to come, forget what."

The big guys talked a lot, each talking about his own.

These words reached the ears of Zhao Jingyi and the others.

After about 10 minutes or so, the talent was long overdue.

Zhao Jing watched them walk in through the door with a calm look.

Zhao Changshan and Lao Gentou came over and shouted to Zhao Jingyi: "Old Gu."

Zhao Jing gave a faint 'hmm'.

As soon as Zhao Jing stood up and looked at everyone, she said, "Now that everyone is here, let's start."

The captain nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Changshan and Lao Gentou looked at each other, and there was some dissatisfaction in their eyes.

There is no patriarch, so the captain will speak.

Zhao Jingyi sat on a chair beside her, watching everyone's reactions.

After about 10 minutes or so, everything that needs to be said has been said.

The captain stepped aside and stood there.

Zhao Changshan frowned, with a look of disapproval on his face, and said, "Auntie, this is not a trivial matter. How can you be sure that these three young people are the people we have been waiting for?"

Lao Gentou nodded in agreement: "That's right, old lady, these three people are so young, maybe they lied to us, and who will be responsible for doing something that hurts the village."

Others dare not speak, looking at the two of them.

There was dissatisfaction in their eyes, what did Uncle Lao Gen and Uncle Chang Shan mean by this? Didn’t they say that they summoned everyone to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors after confirmation?
What are they trying to do now by standing up and saying this?

As soon as Zhao Jing knew that these two people were uneasy and kind, she said in a frivolous tone with a bit of carelessness, "So that's why you deliberately didn't come early in the morning, waiting for me to send someone to 'invite' you over?"

The word "please" was intentionally accentuated.

Zhao Changshan subconsciously trembled, the tone was too familiar.

Lao Gentou said bravely, "We just don't believe it. It's not that we didn't come on purpose. After all, it's a big deal and we can't be careless."

Zhao Jingyi looked at him pretending to be surprised: "Ah, so you know it's a big deal."

Lao Gen choked, what he wanted to say was not this, no, it was this, no, it was not this...

All of a sudden to the whole bewildered.

Zhao Jingyi didn't care if he was ignorant or not, she didn't care what the two of them thought at all, her tone was light with a bit of obvious indifference.

"However, since you don't believe me, we won't force you. Jianting will send you Uncle Changshan and Uncle Lao Gen out."

The captain nodded: "Yes."

Walking up to the two of them, he said, "Uncle Lao Gen, Uncle Chang Shan, please."

Lao Gentou and Zhao Changshan's expressions changed.

They looked at Zhao Jingyi in unison: "Old Gu."

Zhao Jing half-supported her head and said in a calm tone: "Why? Don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, go back. Anyway, whether you recognize it or not is not important to you."

The complexions of Lao Gentou and Zhao Changshan turned into liver-colored, as if they had been slapped a few times, the old faces were in burning pain.

in front of so many people
Lao Gentou could only bite the bullet and explain: "We didn't mean that, just be more cautious."

Zhao Jing blinked her eyes and asked innocently, "Oh, so you two think I'm young and not cautious enough?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately fell on the two of them, especially the eyes of the captain.

As if if they dared to say a word, they would be kicked out.

Lao Gentou and Zhao Changshan hurriedly lowered their heads and lowered their attitudes: "Don't dare."

Zhao Jingyi sneered and said, "Since I asked the captain to notify you to come over, I have confirmed it. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask if you have any doubts, but don't play any tricks on me, otherwise I will I don't mind breaking your way to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan."

The latter two sentences were obviously intended for Lao Gentou and Zhao Changshan.

The faces of the two turned pale, and there were complaints against each other in their hearts.

They didn't dare to say anything.

Zhao Jing glanced at the two of them lightly, and said, "That's all for now. If you have any doubts, just ask the captain, and Chang Zhu, and they will answer you one by one."

Zhao Qingling, Zhao Qingyan, and Zhao Qingming looked at Zhao Jingyi with some concern.

I feel a little bit dissatisfied with the two people standing aside.

These two people seemed restless at first glance, and when they asked the captain to notify them, they made it clear.

Now pick things up under the pretext of being cautious and rigorous.

Zhao Jing pinched her brows. To be honest, she was really annoyed by these two people. She would see them a few times in normal times and said hello, but it was nothing.

But when something happens, these two are more annoying than girls.

Zhao Qingling looked at her worriedly, and asked softly, "Are you all right?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "It's okay."

After about half an hour or so.

Basically, all the questions that should be answered have been answered, and the doubts that should be answered have also been answered.

Lao Gentou and Zhao Changshan didn't dare to make fools of themselves.

It is not a formal ceremony now, so as long as they offer incense to the ancestors, say something, and write their names into the genealogy, it is considered complete.

It sounds very simple, but it is a time-consuming and wasteful effort to write the names of the villagers in the positions that belong to them.

It was not finished until noon.

Zhao Qingyan closed the family tree, looked at them, and said lightly: "Okay, let's see when it's convenient. You are going back to your home and offering incense to your ancestors, which means you have truly completed the recognition of your ancestors."

Everyone: "Yes, second aunt, second aunt, second grandparent."

Zhao Qingyan gave an 'hmm' and said, "It's all gone now."

After finishing it, they should go back in two days.

After leaving the ancestral hall, it didn't take long for the sound of work to stop.

On the way back, Zhao Qingling asked: "I heard from them that Zhao Changshan was the patriarch before?"

Zhao Jing nodded: "Well, something happened a few years ago, and I took it down."

Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan looked at each other, and asked: "It's convenient to ask, what happened?"

What made them even more puzzled was how he became the patriarch. Such a person, no matter in appearance or character, did not look like a good person.

Zhao Jing nodded. The three of them are not outsiders, so there is nothing they cannot say.

Roughly explain exactly what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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