Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 380 Is This Woman Placing Zhao Huaiguo

Chapter 380 Is This Woman Placing Zhao Huaiguo

Su Jingyan served her the porridge and put it aside: "Have lunch."

Su Jingyu seemed very happy today, she nodded: "Okay."

But Su Jingyan is also used to it, and her sister has convulsions from time to time, which is normal.

The town, the black market.

Hu Zi hurried in from the outside: "Brother Cheng, have you contacted Brother Yi yet?"

Zheng Cheng looked up at him: "They urged?"

Huzi nodded: "Yeah."

They are all old customers, and even the last point was brought out a few days ago, and now there is really nothing good.

Just waiting for Zhao Jingyi's goods, but now I can't get in touch with anyone.

Zheng Cheng said flatly: "Wait for two more days, if they are willing to wait, they can wait."

Huzi was slightly taken aback, understood, and nodded: "Okay."

Then go out and explain to the brothers.

Zheng Cheng has become more talkative in the past few years, so they put their noses in the face.

When things are gone, I keep urging them. I can't tell who is the owner?

Used to, all used to.

After tidying up the things on the table and putting them away, Zheng Chenggong went out.

When Lin Sheng came over, seeing that the door was locked, he frowned, paused for a moment, and then turned to leave.

And outside the black market.

Su Jingyang frowned and asked, "Brother Xuan, will he meet us?"

Ji Mingxuan shook his head, he wasn't sure, after all, his family has been dominant for the past few years, he has the final say on the entire black market, he owns the goods, and the initiative is not in their hands: "I don't know, just try your luck. "

So this is not sure.

I couldn't find the time to come here before, so I just came here today.

The two of them were watched as soon as they came in, and someone immediately went to inform Huzi.

Su Jingyang looked around and said, "Brother Xuan, we are being targeted."

Ji Mingxuan chuckled, this is what he wanted: "Just right, wait for him to come."

Otherwise, they wouldn't have come in so swaggeringly.

On the other side, Huzi, who received the news, frowned, and then handed over the matter at hand to the people below before walking over.

The people who came to the black market were basically familiar faces, and whoever came here was not cautious, like the two of them who walked in blatantly and swaggeringly, and they were the first ones.

Not long after, Huzi came over with a few brothers.

The little boy pointed to Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang, who were under the tree with their hands in their pockets, and said, "Brother Huzi, they are those two."

Huzi looked over and saw Ji Mingxuan frowned, it was him.

Huzi met Ji Mingxuan in Beijing, and he saw Zhao Jingyi get off his car.

Huzi squeezed his fist and walked over.

"Who are you two and what are you doing here?"

Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang looked at Huzi and the people behind him.

Said: "Let's find Zheng Cheng."

Huzi frowned even tighter: "Look for Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng is not here."

Ji Mingxuan felt that the breath was hostile to him, and felt a little puzzled.

But I didn't think much about it. Hearing Zheng Cheng's absence, he frowned: "Where did he go and when will he come back?"

Huzi didn't answer, but said, "You can tell me what you need from Brother Cheng."

Su Jingyang looked at Huzi suspiciously: "You decide?"

Huzi clenched his fists tighter, and his face became colder and colder: "Brother Cheng is not here, black market, I have the final say,"

Su Jingyang and Ji Mingxuan looked at each other and said, "We are here to discuss cooperation, are you sure you can make the decision?"

Huzi looked at the two of them, these two sons asked them to cooperate?Could it be a fraud?

Secretly vigilant in his heart, he said indifferently: "If we cooperate, we have to wait for Brother Cheng to come back. You can leave now."

Su Jingyang wanted to say something else, but Ji Mingxuan stopped him and said, "Then please tell Zheng Cheng, we will come back tomorrow."

Huzi didn't speak, but looked at them.

Su Jingyang just can't understand this man, he's too pushy, he's not so pushy, why is he pulling.

However, before he could speak, he was dragged away by Ji Mingxuan.

As soon as they left, Huzi asked someone to follow them on the back. He was relieved to see them leave the black market.

Huzi turned his head and said to the little boy beside him, "Goudan, get someone to check where the two of them work and where they live."

The boy named Goudan nodded: "I see, Brother Huzi."

After finishing speaking, he ran out immediately.

After Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang left the black market, they went to the State-owned Hotel.

Su Jingyang said angrily: "Brother Xuan, that man just now was too arrogant, even more arrogant than me."

Ji Mingxuan was very calm, and said: "After all, it's someone else's territory, and the family has a big business. If you don't be arrogant, how can you control the people underneath."

Su Jingyang choked, that's what he said, but he had a lot of people under his command, so he wasn't so arrogant.

However, TN is really aggrieved.

"But that Zheng Cheng is really not here, so he still doesn't want to see us."

Ji Mingxuan took a sip of water, looked outside the door, his eyes were a little deep: "It should be really absent."

Otherwise, that man would not have come so fast.

Zhao Jingyi is digging, planting vegetables and watering in the private plot,
Zhao Qingling and Zhao Qingyan are also helping.

Zhao Qingyan was a little surprised, thinking that Zhao Jing would be slow for a while, but she didn't expect her to do things very quickly: "Little girl can't tell, you are very fast at cooking like this."

Zhao Jingyi was very calm, and said with a smile, "My father taught me."

Zhao Qingyan was slightly taken aback, and smiled: "Your father is a capable man."

Zhao Jing smiled and said nothing. Her father is indeed a capable person. If he hadn't been depressed because of her mother's death, he would still be alive now.

The three of them were quick, and when they were done, Zhao Jing went to fetch water and watered the vegetable fields. After the watering was over.

Zhao Jing went out with a pannier on her back.

The three of Zhao Qingyan and Zhao Qingling couldn't stand the hot sun, so they could only stay at home.

The system didn't know where Zhao Jingyi was going, and asked, "Where are we going, host?"

Zhao Jingyi put on a straw hat and said, "Go to town, deliver something to Zheng Cheng, and bring back two buckets by the way."

The bucket of water at home was used by Zhao Qingling and the others. It was inconvenient to wash things these few days, so she thought that she would be fine in the afternoon anyway, so she just went out.

Originally, I wanted to wait for two days, and then go after Zhao Qingling and the others left, but since everything was basically over, I temporarily decided to go today.

The system couldn't help much, so it helped Zhao Jingyi pack water so that she could drink when she was thirsty.

I met a girl on the way, and walked to the town with her one after the other.

The system subconsciously and habitually checked the person's profile and said, "This is Liu Wenjuan's sister."

Zhao Jing was slightly taken aback, Liu Wenjuan's sister?The one born by the stepmother.

The system scanned her and said, "She's pregnant."

Zhao Jingyi: "..."

Looking at the girl in front of her with her waist twisted, how can she look like this when she's pregnant?

System: "She didn't know she was pregnant, but she was a little entangled with Zhao Huaiguo."

Zhao Jingyi thought she had heard it wrong, and was stunned.

The system said with some embarrassment: "It's not that kind of entanglement, it's this woman who entangles Zhao Huaiguo."

(End of this chapter)

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