Chapter 381

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched: "You talk in paragraphs now, who do you want to scare to death?"

System o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o: "I didn't mean to."

Zhao Jing rolled her eyes.

Looking at the woman in front of her, she asked, "Do you know who the child in her belly is?"

System: "It's a bit complicated."

Zhao Jingyi was puzzled: "Complicated? How complicated?"

The system was a little embarrassed to speak, hesitated and said: "Her side is too messy, so I don't know who it is."

Zhao Jingyi was a little stunned and stared at him: "..."

Isn't this age very conservative?
System: "There is always someone who is not guarded."

Zhao Jingyi secretly said: I was completely shocked, it turns out that this kind of thing does not distinguish between eras.

Zhao Jing took out the water bottle, took a sip of water, and asked in shock, "Then what is she doing in town now?"

System: "Find her a date."

Zhao Jingyi had a strange expression on her face, and she didn't know what to say: "You're so meow, you still look for a good friend? If you have a good friend, you still pester Zhao Huaiguo, isn't that a female sea king?"

System: "The host doesn't have to worry, Liu Wenjuan is not a vegetarian."

Zhao Jing didn't say a word after hearing this, but felt that her three views had been severely subverted just now.

To be honest, although she didn't have many friends in modern times, she had one or two, and heard their gossip, but they were not as powerful as this one.

Just like that, Zhao Jingyi came to the town with a complicated heart. As soon as she arrived in the town, she saw a well-dressed man with glasses pushing a bicycle. He seemed to be in his 30s or [-]s.

At this age, they are usually married and become fathers.

When Liu Wenlan saw this man, he had a seductive smile on his face. The man looked like a serious person, but the way he looked at Liu Wenlan was full of affection!want.

Zhao Jingyi: "..." Could this be a little too blatant?

System: "No one else noticed."

Zhao Jingyi was speechless =_=.

Forget it, leave her alone, the business is important.

This time when she went to the black market, she was still the same, she pretended a little, and went to the yard where they traded.

The black market was full of their people, and when they saw Zhao Jing coming, they were immediately blown away, and without hesitation, they immediately went to inform Huzi and the others.

As soon as Zhao Jing went to the yard to put her things away, Huzi and the others came over not long after.

After typing the signal, Zhao Jingyi said, "Come in."

Huzi and Lin Sheng walked in, seeing Zhao Jingyi, Huzi's eyes lit up, and his face couldn't hide his happiness: "Brother Yi."

Compared to Hu Zi's excitement, Lin Sheng seemed much calmer: "Brother Yi."

Zhao Jingyi asked knowingly, "Well, why did you two come here?"

Huzi explained: "I heard from my brother that you are here, so Lin Sheng and I came over to have a look. Brother Cheng went to Ningshi and is not in town."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Everything is inside, old rules, by the way, ask someone to buy two buckets for me, and I'll take them back later."

Hu Zi nodded: "Success, Brother Yi, wait a minute, I'll call someone now."

Said and ran outside.

Zhao Jing blinked, she wanted to say that she was not in a hurry.

Lin Sheng felt that something was wrong with Huzi today, but he couldn't tell.

"I guess it's been a long time since I saw you, Brother Yi, so he's so excited."

Zhao Jing touched her nose and nodded: "Sit down, let's drink some water and wait for him."

Lin Sheng nodded, then took out the account book from the basket on one side and handed it to Zhao Jing.

As soon as Zhao Jing took it, she looked through it seemingly casually, but in fact, the system had already finished scanning.

Telling her no problem, Zhao Jingyi pushed the ledger back to Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng has already gotten used to it. Zhao Jingyi does this every time. It's very casual, but it gives him a feeling of trust.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know what he was thinking, even if she knew, she just smiled and asked, "Did nothing happen during my absence?"

Lin Sheng shook his head and said, "No, except that when they were out of stock at the beginning, they had a few troubles, and they were all stopped by Brother Cheng afterwards. There was nothing else."

Zhao Jing nodded, that's good, it's not a big problem, Zheng Cheng's temper has improved a bit in the past two years, they've been a little bit on the nose, and it's good to clean up, otherwise they will forget that Zheng Cheng was What kind of temper.

"I heard that your mother's illness is better?"

Lin Sheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I can't hide anything from brother one, indeed, it's getting better. The doctor said that if this situation continues, my mother will take care of her body slowly. Although it can't be the same as before she didn't get sick, it's okay. a lot of."

Zhao Jing smiled: "That's good, if you have anything to do, speak up and be on your own, don't mess with those imaginary things, you're afraid of troubling us or something, nothing is more important than the health of your family."

Lin Sheng's heart warmed up: "I know, don't worry, brother one, I will tell you if I have any difficulties."

If Brother Cheng and Brother Yi hadn't taken care of their mother and son these years, their mother and son would have been gone long ago.

So for Lin Sheng, both Zheng Cheng and Zhao Jingyi are lifesavers for their mother and son.

Lin Sheng was born prematurely, and his body was somewhat weaker than normal people. Coupled with the accidents at home, his mother was already exhausted in order to support him, and she had a lot of old problems.

Lin Sheng is a sensible person, so he thought of a job to make money to treat his mother.

It's just that he was too young, and no one dared to use it. What's more, they looked at Lin Sheng as thin and weak, and he seemed weak.

Not to mention no one would dare to ask him.

Fortunately, he was very lucky to meet Zheng Cheng. Zheng Cheng saw that he was young and had a sick old mother at home. He was also filial, so he let him follow him.

At the beginning, he didn't earn much, but he barely made enough to buy medicine for his mother, and he saved money on food.

Later, when Zhao Jing came, he made a lot of money.

Without Zheng Cheng, there would be no Lin Sheng, but without Zhao Jingyi, there would be no their family.

Zheng Cheng gave him a job, and Zhao Jingyi gave him an income so that he could treat his mother's illness and have enough money to support his mother.

Zhao Jing said with a smile: "It's good if you can think like this."

Lin Sheng said with a smile: "My mother also said, let me ask when you and Brother Cheng are free to come to the house, and she will cook a meal for you."

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said, "Wait for a while, I just came back, and I still have work to do. When I'm done, I'll definitely come over to try Auntie's handicrafts."

Lin Sheng nodded: "Okay, I'll go back and tell my mother tonight."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm'.

Not long after, Huzi came back with two buckets, which contained some meat and candies.

Huzi said out of breath, "Brother Yi, I bought the bucket for you."

Zhao Jing nodded: "How much, I will give you."

Talking about taking money out of pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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