Chapter 382
How could Huzi ask for it, and said solemnly: "Brother Yi, it's a little outrageous to give money for such a trivial matter."

Zhao Jingyi knew what he was thinking about her, so it was impossible to give him any possible illusions.Seriously said: "That's not what you said, my brother is still clear about the account, you must accept the money."

Talking to let the system calculate the total amount of money, and then give the money to Huzi.

Huzi didn't want it, so Zhao Jing forced it.

"You accept it or I will be angry."

After hearing this, Huzi didn't shirk anymore.It's just a little lost in my heart: "I will accept the barrel of money, but I can't accept the meat money and other money. This is a little bit of my little brother's heart."

As he spoke, he calculated the extra money and handed it to Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jing paused for a moment, then looked up at him, only to see that in addition to persistence and stubbornness in his eyes, there was also a trace of loss hidden deep in his pupils.

Reluctantly, he sighed and reached out to take it: "Okay, I'll accept it."

This is what he honored to her big brother as a younger brother, and it has nothing to do with anything else.

Huzi knew that he was not good enough for Zhao Jingyi, even though he couldn't control his heart, he still abided by his duty and didn't do anything beyond his limits.

Seeing her accepting it, Huzi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and was not so sad in his heart.

It's okay to be a brother, isn't it?

Chen Hu, what are you still struggling with? She is not from the same world as you.

Huzi's real name is Chen Hu, and he has a younger brother named Chen Bao, who is in charge of the black market on the other side and rarely appears here.

The two brothers are Zheng Cheng's right hand, and Lin Sheng is his hand.

The three of them are Zheng Cheng's most trusted people.

Of course, Zhao Jingyi did too, but the relationship between the two of them was cooperation at first, brothers later, and now brother and sister.

Zheng Cheng regards Zhao Jingyi as his own brother and sister.They are the same as Huzi.

Huzi almost forgot an important thing and said, "By the way, two young men came here today, brother one, you know one of them."

Zhao Jing was puzzled: "I know, who?"

Huzi shook his head: "I don't know what his name is, but I know that one works as a technical consultant in the factory, and the other works at the grain station. Today, the two of them came to the black market to find Brother Cheng."

Zhao Jing frowned, the two people he was talking about were probably Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang.

But how does Huzi know that I know one of them?

System: "Last time, Ji Mingxuan sent you to the hospital, and Hu Zi is not far away."

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth twitched, it turned out to be like this.

Looking at Hu Zi, he asked, "Did they say, what's the matter with Brother Cheng?"

Huzi shook his head: "No, I said Brother Cheng is not here, let them go."

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said, "Let's see what they are going to do first, and don't let them know my existence."

Huzi nodded: "Okay, I will tell Brother Cheng."

Zhao Jing gave an 'hmm'.

Seeing that it was getting late, he stood up and said, "This is for you, it's getting late, I should go back."

Hu Zi and Lin Sheng nodded: "Okay."

As soon as Zhao Jing walked out with the bucket in her hand, she walked two alleys before entering the space to clean herself, and then left the black market and walked out of the town.

It's almost four o'clock in the afternoon, Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang will get off work soon, and they will meet on the road.Zhao Jing let the system pay attention.

Zhao Qingling was cooking in the kitchen, Zhao Qingming was helping, Zhao Qingyan was packing things in the yard, looking outside, she murmured worriedly: "Little girl has been away for so long, why hasn't she come back yet."

Zhao Qingming came out with water to pour. Hearing Zhao Qingyan's words, he looked up at the door and said, "It's probably coming soon. After all, the village is a bit far from the town, and it will take time to walk."

Zhao Qingyan nodded, put all the things under the eaves and hung them, and put them in the woodshed.

After finishing, I wiped the table again, then sat in the main hall and looked outside.

In fact, it would be nice to retire here.

Zhaojia Village is not as quiet as Zhaozhuang, nor is it as big as Zhaojia Village.

It's just that Zhaozhuang is their root, otherwise Zhaojiacun would be a good choice.

After a while, it was nearly five o'clock, and everyone started work one after another.

When the two sisters Su Jingyu came back, they didn't see Zhao Jingyi, only the three of them.

Su Jing asked: "Where's little cousin, second cousin."

Zhao Qingyan said lazily: "I went to town, I guess I'll be back soon on the way."

Su Jingyu nodded, washed her hands and face, and went to help in the kitchen.

Around 05:30, Zhao Jingyi was riding Su Jingyang's bicycle, and Ji Mingxuan was behind him with two wooden barrels, his face was stinky.

Su Jingyang pretended not to see it.

He said he didn't stop her, but that didn't mean he would let his little cousin have some intimate contact with him.

Su Jingyang hummed a ditty all the way.

He is such a clever little ghost.

But Ji Mingxuan's mood is not so good.

Depressed all the way, Qiankailu Wankailu was blocked by his own hair and the key road.

Unfortunately, he couldn't help it.

Ever since he came back, Ji Mingxuan found that he was being watched to death.

It is even more difficult than in Beijing.

But he had no choice but to beat up Su Jingyang.

The more I thought about it, the more depressed I got, and I put away my stinky face when I got home.

Zhao Qingyan was relieved when she saw Zhao Jing came back, and when she saw the two buckets behind the back seat of Ji Mingxuan's car, she twitched at the corner of her mouth and said, "You girl just went out to buy two buckets?"

Zhao Jing shook her head with a grin, took the bucket down, and revealed the contents inside: "No, I bought some food."

Zhao Qingyan glanced at it, feeling a little helpless: "Your third sister is cooking inside, and it's almost ready."

Zhao Jing took out the meat and some food, and said, "Add another dish, this meat won't last until tomorrow."

Zhao Qingyan also knew that the day was so hot that even the temperature in the well was not enough to keep the meat fresh, so she said, "I'll take it in and cook it for your third sister."

Zhao Jing nodded: "OK."

Then take the other things to the main hall and put them away, take the bucket to the door of the kitchen, wash it with water, and put it aside for use.

Zhao Jing thought for a while and said to Su Jingyan: "Xiaoyan, go and ask Xiaoya to come home for dinner."

Su Jingyu stood up and said, "I'll go."

Zhao Jing shook her head and said, "Go to the educated youth shop and ask Xiao Chuanzi to come over for dinner."

She deliberately separated the two of them so that they would not bump into Jiang Lin.

Su Jingyan and Su Jingyu nodded without any doubt: "Okay."

The system was helpless: "Host, you are too careful."

Zhao Jing said confidently, "I'm just in case."

She didn't want Jiang Lin to have any contact with Su Jingyan before he had a real relationship with Su Jingyu.

Except for irreversible circumstances, of course.

What if, right? Lu Junyan is not here.

Otherwise, she doesn't have to worry so much, she is not afraid of anything, but she is afraid of what will happen if Su Jingyan's heart is moved by accident.

The bloody plot and the situation where the sisters tear up their faces still happen, what should I do?

(End of this chapter)

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