Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 383 You Can’t Be Strong With The Host, Then Follow The Host

Chapter 383 You Can’t Be Strong With The Host, Then Follow The Host

The system is helpless, well, the host is not unreasonable to worry about.

If you are not as strong as the host, then follow the host, there is nothing wrong with it.

Who made him the host's caring little padded jacket?

Concubine Su Jing cheerfully ran to the educated youth spot, it may really be fate or something.

As soon as she arrived at the educated youth spot, Jiang Lin came out with his brother who had a good time with him, and it seemed that she was going out.

The brothers behind him looked like we understood, patted him on the shoulder, and left.

Su Jingyu is a weakling, looking at them winking, she looks strange.

Jiang Lin looked at her and asked, "Why are you here?"

There is some expectation in my heart.

Su Jingyu said very frankly: "Oh, I'm here to find Gu Beichuan."

Jiang Lin was a little disappointed, thinking she was looking for him.

Jiang Lin knew the relationship between Gu Beichuan and her, so he didn't misunderstand whether the two of them had any unusual relationship: "I'll call for you."

Su Jingyu nodded happily, and said with a smile, "Okay, thank you."

Jiang Lin was helpless: "You're welcome."

Then he turned around and entered the educated youth spot, and went to call Gu Beichuan.

Gu Beichuan thought it was Su Jingyang who had just come out of the shower and wiped his hair.He ran back to the room, took the rations and went out.

Seeing Su Jingyu, she froze for a moment.

"Little Miss."

Su Jingyu said with a smile, "My little cousin asked me to call you home for dinner."

Gu Beichuan nodded: "Okay."

Jiang Lin stood aside, listening, and heard that it was Zhao Jingyi who called her over, feeling a little bit happy, but also a little bit disappointed.

Su Jingyu tilted her head and said to Jiang Lin: Thank you, Comrade Jiang Lin, let's go first. "

After speaking, he and Gu Beichuan chatted and laughed together and walked towards Zhao Jing's family.

Jiang Lin stood there and frowned.

What's the matter with him?
The educated youths who were waiting for him at a distance saw that everyone had left, but he was still in a daze and shouted, "Jiang Lin, you're gone, why are you so dazed?"

Jiang Lin came back to his senses and responded, "Oh, here we come."

Then put aside the strange things in my mind, and walked quickly over to the back mountain with them to collect firewood.

Gu Beichuan is not a gossip guy, but just now he clearly felt that something was wrong with Jiang Lin, which was related to Su Jingyu, and asked, "Do you know Jiang Lin?"

Su Jingyu nodded, she didn't feel anything wrong at all, or rather, she was very nervous: "I know you, we are friends."

Gu Beichuan was stunned: "Friend?"

Su Jingxi thought for a while and said, the last sentence was obviously a little guilty.

"Yes, he has helped me a few times. He is good-looking, kind-hearted, and has a good temper. He is better than my sixth brother."

Gu Beichuan: "..." Brother Jingyang knew that he would probably die of anger.

But the little sister praised him like this, maybe she likes him.

Gu Beichuan quietly observed Su Jingyu.

It turned out that she had a frank face, but she felt a little overthinking.

Su Jingyu didn't notice, and said to herself: "It's just dark, I remember people in the village said that he can compete with my uncle, but in fact he is not as good-looking as my uncle."

Gu Beichuan agrees with this, Su Xiaoshu is really good-looking, Jiang Lin is not on the same level as him, Jiang Lin is still young, even if he is good-looking, it is impossible for him to feel like a mature man like Su Xiaoshu.

"Sister-in-law, I seem to have a good impression of him."

Su Jingyu smiled a little embarrassedly and said: "He has a good temper, I have met him a few times, and I think he is pretty good."

Gu Beichuan nodded, pretending to be casual and said: "Jiang Lin is really good-tempered, and there are several educated youths who like him."

Su Jingyu's expression remained unchanged, and she didn't think much about it, instead she thought it was normal.

Like her brothers, which one is not chased by a bunch of girls.

Besides, looking at Jiang Lin like that, he must have a good family background.

So it's normal to attract girls to like.

"Same as third brother and the others."

Gu Beichuan: "..." Well, I was really thinking too much.

However, whether Jiang Lin likes the younger sister is not sure.

If you like it, I'm afraid it's a little difficult.

According to the little sister's brain circuit that is different from others, it may not be easy to chase after her.

Gu Beichuan suddenly felt as if he knew too much.

For example, Brother Xuan, Brother Jingyang, and now there is another little sister, I don’t know in the future...

Soon, they arrived at Zhao Jing's family.

This meeting is just right, the last dish is out of the pan, and the seats and everything are all set up, only the two of them are missing.

Seeing the two of them came back, Zhao Jingyi said, "Go wash your hands and eat."

Su Jing asked Gu Beichuan: "Okay."

Smelling the smell of meat, Gu Beichuan felt even hungrier.

The educated youth's meal is still being cooked, and he was fine then, but now that he is asking about the meat, Gu Beichuan feels that he is starving.

After washing their hands, the two sat down and everyone began to eat.

Occasionally chat a few words.

The captain's family.

Originally, the family was eating happily.

As a result, a person came outside with something in his hand. At first, the team leader thought he had read it wrong.

After people approached, they realized that they were right.

The two brothers Zhao Huaiguo and Zhao Huaijun had already stood up and walked out.

The captain also stood up and walked out.

He asked in surprise, "Father, why are you here?"

After Zhao Changzhu handed the things to his eldest grandson Zhao Huaiguo, he said, "I will stay at your house for two days."

The captain was stunned for a moment, with a lot of questions in his mind.

But it's not good to stand outside, so you can only enter the house.

Wang Guihua went to close the door, and Zhao Xiaozhen went to refill the dishes.

No one knows what happened.

After helping Zhao Changzhu to his seat, the captain asked, "Dad, what happened?"

Zhao Changzhu didn't intend to go into details, and said in a few words: "I had a quarrel with your stepmother, it's nothing wrong, I've come to you to clean up for two days."

The captain and his family were all stunned?It's all right?The stepmothers are out.

This is the first time, but why does his stepmother make the old man so angry?
The old man didn't expect to have such a tough side, and he wasn't very talkative before, and basically everything was decided by his stepmother.

Why are you so angry all of a sudden this time?

The captain asked, "Why?"

Zhao Changzhu was in a bad mood, and naturally his expression was also bad: "It's nothing, you don't need to worry about it, let her go home if she is making trouble."

This is really angry.

about an hour ago.

Mrs. Huang couldn't help it, and asked Zhao Changzhu why he treated her like that, and she gave him children and so on.

She just did some small things wrong, and in the past so many years, the boss and the second didn't say anything, but said a lot.

Originally, Zhao Changzhu didn't want to talk to her.

But the more she talked, the more she went too far, and she even said what was in her heart.

Said that the team leader came to the house that day to pick a wedge between their family and said a lot of bad things.

Zhao Changzhu immediately became angry.

He scolded Mrs. Huang severely, and even told her to pack her things and go back.

(End of this chapter)

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