Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 384 The plot has deviated to outer space

Chapter 384 The plot has deviated to outer space

In the end, Zhao Jianbai and Liu Qingcao were the ones who managed to persuade Zhao Changzhu with their good talk.

However, it is also because of this.Zhao Changzhu just packed his things and came to the head of the brigade.

Hearing the last sentence, the captain's family was shocked.

Wang Guihua winked at the team leader, and the team leader asked, "Father, is there some misunderstanding?"

Zhao Changzhu didn't want to say more: "There is no misunderstanding, well, you don't need to worry about this matter, she has caused all this on her own."

He said so, and they couldn't ask any more questions.

Zhao Huaiguo served his grandfather a bowl of rice and said, "Master, let's have dinner first."

Zhao Changzhu nodded: "Well, let's eat."

Wang Guihua and the team leader looked at each other without saying anything, and the family ate quietly like this.

Zhao Jing's family.

After eating, Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang took Gu Beichuan to the place where the bicycles were parked to talk about things.

Su Jing and the two sisters went to wash the dishes.

Zhao Jingyi and Zhao Qingyan walked back and forth in the main hall to digest food.

Ji Mingxuan looked at Gu Beichuan and said, "Brother called me today and said that your father and the others are trying to get you to go back now."

Gu Beichuan's face turned cold: "It's because Second Uncle and the others don't care about him now, so they want me to go back, right?"

Ji Mingxuan nodded, and said with a sarcasm on his face: "Your father's brother-in-law got killed. Your father couldn't help it. He went to find your second uncle, but he was turned away. Grandpa Gu said he was sick and disappeared. I'm putting pressure on your dad, he's desperate now."

Gu Beichuan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes became colder and colder: "If you get killed, you still want to suppress it, your brain will be eaten by a dog."

Ji Mingxuan looked at him, and said in a flat tone: "If this matter is not handled well, the Gu family will be in trouble."

Gu Beichuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes regained his calm and said, "Second Uncle won't let him ruin the Gu family."

The Gu family is not just his Gu Feng's.

When Ji Mingxuan told him this, he didn't just tell him the news about Gu Feng's family.

"Although your father has no real power, if he really wants to do something, it's not impossible."

Gu Beichuan understood what he meant.

"I'll call the second uncle and the others tomorrow so that they don't have to worry about me."

Ji Mingxuan gave an 'hmm', and he didn't disappoint them.

No one thought that Gu Feng would be so stupid that he still wanted to suppress the matter at such a critical moment.

Fortunately, he is the only idiot in the Gu family, otherwise...

Zhao Jingyi heard their conversation clearly.

Can't help complaining: "My brother-in-law got into trouble and still wants to suppress it. Is this male protagonist's father out of his mind?"

System: "It is estimated that the hero should be inherited from his mother, and has nothing to do with his father."

Zhao Jingyi thought it was the same, otherwise how could she not even understand the most basic common sense at such an advanced age.

The system explained: "However, now the plot has deviated to outer space. Originally, this incident was overturned by the male protagonist when he confronted his stepmother and his brainless father after returning to Beijing. Come out and use it as a handle."

Zhao Jingyi was a little speechless, okay, but now the plot has deviated to outer space.

No one knows how to go in the future.

Ji Mingxuan didn't forget another thing, and asked, "Have you ever been to the black market in the town?"

Gu Beichuan nodded, and looked at him with some confusion: "What's wrong?"

Ji Mingxuan didn't beat around the bush, and said directly: "Do you know anyone in the black market who can get in touch with the boss of the black market?"

Gu Beichuan quickly understood, frowned and asked, "Brother Xuan, why are you looking for the boss of the black market?"

Ji Mingxuan said: "I can't say it yet, do you have a way?"

Gu Beichuan thought for a while and said, "There is someone who should be able to, but I don't know if he is willing."

Ji Mingxuan: "Who?"

Gu Beichuan didn't hide it either, he met him by accident a few times, and dealt with him a few times, but that person was very cautious, even though he had helped him, his attitude towards him was still the same.

"I heard they call him Brother Bao. I've only met him a few times, so I can't say I'm familiar with him."

So he wasn't sure if he wanted to or not.

Su Jingyang asked, he hadn't forgotten the man he met in the black market today: "Brother Leopard? Does he look tall and strong, dark and with a cut head."

I haven't seen anyone more attractive than him in several years, but I saw him today, and I almost got angry at him.

And still pulling at him.

He can remember it.

Gu Beichuan froze for a moment and nodded: "Brother Jingyang, have you seen it?"

Su Jingyang said angrily: "Today when we went to the black market, we saw a man who was even more attractive than me. If brother Xuan didn't stop me, I would have sex with him."

Gu Beichuan froze for a moment, dragging?no?Brother Bao is a bit colder, but he doesn't seem to be dragging his words.

Some uncertainly said: "Could you have met another person?"

Su Jingyang was stunned for a moment, and Ji Mingxuan was also stunned. They looked at each other and asked, "Is there another person?"

"Well, the black market is now managed by a man named Zheng Cheng. He is the boss of the black market. He has two right and left hands, who are brothers. One is Brother Hu and the other is Brother Bao."

Ji Mingxuan frowned, two people?Could it be that his information was wrong?Didn't you mean three people?

Looking at their reactions, Gu Beichuan knew that they must have met Brother Hu, and continued, "Brother Bao is in charge of the black market on the other side, and Brother Hu is in charge of the entrance."

The corner of Su Jingyang's mouth twitched and said, "So what we met today was that man named Brother Hu?"

Gu Beichuan touched his nose and said, "It should be."

Since there are other ways, they won't miss it: "Xiao Chuanzi, do you know how to find Brother Bao?"

Gu Beichuan was not sure if it would work, so he pondered for a while and said, "Go to the black market on the other side, go in and find a little boy with a tree baby, and tell him that you are looking for Brother Bao, and he should take you there."

Ji Mingxuan nodded, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, we will remember, thank you Xiaochuanzi."

Gu Beichuan shook his head and said earnestly: "I don't know if it will work, and besides Brother Xuan, both of you are my brothers, so it's too extravagant to say thank you for such a small thing."

After he said that, what else could Ji Mingxuan and Su Jingyang say, and said with a smile: "That's all right, as a brother, I won't be polite to you."

Gu Beichuan also smiled, in his heart they are all her relatives.

He is very clear about who treats him well and who treats him badly.

In contrast, Gu Feng, as a father, did nothing but contribute a little tadpole.

Even a stranger on the road was better than him.

As soon as Zhao Jing finished listening to their conversation, she was a little amazed. As expected of the male protagonist, she didn't expect to befriend Leopard.

Although he is not very good now, but he can do this at a young age, which is already very good.

What's more, he was relying on himself.

(End of this chapter)

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