Chapter 386

Zhao Jianbai: "..." I have provoked someone.

Then he stood up and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Zhao Minghe stood outside the door, looking at his third brother with a helpless expression.

Zhao Jianbai walked out, Zhao Minghe followed.

After arriving at the main hall, Zhao Minghe asked, "Father, is going to the second brother's house, or the eldest brother's house?"

It's not that I haven't quarreled before, but the frequency is less.

I usually go to Zhao Jianyuan's house, and I will come back after sitting for a while when my anger subsides.

Zhao Jianbai shook his head: "I don't know, Dad packed his clothes and went out."

Zhao Minghe was stunned: "So serious? The clothes are all packed."

Zhao Jianbai and Liu Qingcao both sighed: "Either go to the second brother's house or the eldest brother."

Zhao Minghe still knows what happened: "Mom, what did you do?"

Liu Qingcao said: "I don't know, that night my eldest brother came to see my father for something, and something went wrong the next day."

Zhao Minghe glanced at his third sister-in-law and said, "Brother usually doesn't come home when he's fine, so this has nothing to do with him."

Liu Qingcao nodded: "That's right, it's been two days now, mother doesn't say anything about what happened, neither does father. We don't know, mother took the initiative to talk to father during dinner tonight, but father didn't say a word, and then they quarreled When I got up, Mother said that my father was partial to the elder brother and the others, and that the elder brother just wanted to destroy the relationship between our family."

Zhao Minghe took a deep breath and was stunned.

Is her mother confused?How can you say this casually?

"What do you say?"

Liu Qingcao hesitated for a moment and said: "Father said that he should not have saved Mother back then, let alone brought her back, and told Mother to pack up her things and get out of this house."

Zhao Minghe was shocked.

It took a long time to come back to my senses: "Confused, simply confused."

It's okay for mother to do it normally, how could she say such a thing, and it's still in front of father.

Zhao Minghe squeezed the space between his eyebrows and said, "I'll go to see my elder brother's house."

Liu Qingcao stood up and said, "Then let me go to your second brother's house with your third brother?"

Zhao Minghe nodded: "Yes."

The three of them walked out in two ways.

This kind of incident cannot be hidden from the villagers.

The next day the whole village will know.

The captain's family.

After the captain got the water ready, he said, "Father can wash up now."

Zhao Changzhu stood up: "Yes."

As soon as he entered the toilet on his front foot, his little daughter came on his back foot.

Zhao Minghe walked in and shouted, "Brother, sister-in-law."

Wang Guihua looked at her sister-in-law in surprise: "Ming He, when did you come back?"

Zhao Minghe smiled and said, "I just came back not long ago."

Zhao Xiaozhen's three brothers and sisters came out and called, "Sister-in-law."

Zhao Minghe smiled: "Good boy."

Turning to look at the captain and his wife, he asked, "Is dad here?"

The captain nodded: "Here, wash in the toilet."

Zhao Minghe breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Wang Guihua greeted: "Come in and sit?"

Zhao Minghe shook his head and said, "I'm coming over tomorrow, I have to go back and talk to Third Brother and the others."

Wang Guihua nodded: "That works."

After Zhao Minghe left, Wang Guihua looked at the captain: "Minghe is back, it seems that dad is really angry."

The captain shook his head: "I don't know."

He didn't want to get involved in these things unless necessary.

His stepmother is a difficult person, and it will make it difficult for their brothers, especially their own father.

Although the father is unreliable, but I don't want to make it difficult for him.

There are relatives on both sides, and it is very embarrassing for him to be caught in the middle.

At that time, it will be difficult for my aunt to do it. After all, no one in the village knows that my aunt has a good relationship with my family.

If there is a big trouble, she will definitely come forward.

Wang Guihua said in a low voice: "I'm always a little uneasy, and I always feel that this matter has something to do with our family."

The captain was helpless, the tiger girls loved to think too much, and said comfortingly: "You think too much, what does it have to do with our family, we don't live with them."

Wang Guihua also thought about it: "Maybe I really thought too much."

In fact, not only Wang Guihua felt this way, but also the captain, but he didn't say anything.

Is it too coincidental, he went to the old man's house the first night, and heard people talking about his father and stepmother arguing on the second day, and on the third day, his father came home with his clothes.

It would be too much of a coincidence if it was a coincidence.

the next day.

Zhao Xiaozhen was about to go to Zhao Jing's family, when she just walked to the door, she saw her grandmother walking over on her little feet.

And it gave her a menacing feeling.

Zhao Xiaozhen was a little scared, and shouted loudly: "Master, here comes the grandma."

Zhao Changzhu's face darkened and he said, "Close the door."

Before Zhao Xiaozhen could react, she had already closed the door with her hand.

When I came back to my senses, I was a little dazed.

Zhao Changzhu saw his granddaughter's fear, and said slowly, "Don't pay attention to her, you go back to your room and stay."

Zhao Xiaozhen subconsciously wanted to go back to the room, but seeing that it was not good that her father was left alone, she hesitated for a while and went over, staying beside him and sitting down.

Zhao Changzhu was stunned for a moment, with loving eyes in his eyes, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, Master You is here."

Zhao Xiaozhen froze for a moment, then nodded: "I'm not afraid."

Her grandfather doesn't seem to be so scary.

Mrs. Huang is presbyopic, so she didn't see the open door from a long distance, and closed it.

But when she saw the door closed, she didn't care, and raised her hand to pat them.

Zhao Xiaozhen looked at the door, looking at her grandfather.

Zhao Changzhu was very calm: "Ignore her."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded, she was afraid of her grandma, every time she saw her, she never gave herself a good face.

Over time, Zhao Xiaozhen became inexplicably afraid of Mrs. Huang.

If it wasn't for New Year's greetings to the elders, she wouldn't even want to go.

The old lady Huang knocked on the door again, her face was very ugly.

The first time she didn't make a sound, this time she spoke: "Open the door."

Zhao Xiaozhen inside was startled.

Before Zhao Xiaozhen could speak, she heard Mrs. Huang shout: "Zhao Changzhu, I know you are inside, please open the door."

Zhao Changzhu frowned and said, "Go and open the door and let her in."

When she yelled so loudly, everyone in the village would know about it after a while, and it would give the eldest son a bad reputation.

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded, walked over and opened the door.

When Mrs. Huang saw the door opened, it was Zhao Xiaozhen who looked even uglier.

"Why don't you open the door at home?"

Zhao Xiaozhen shrank her neck in fear, feeling aggrieved,

Zhao Changzhu defended aloud: "I let it go, scold my granddaughter for what."

Before giving her a chance to speak, Zhao Changzhu said with a dark face: "Come to my son's house and scold my granddaughter, you are so talented, go back."

The old lady Huang's face turned pale, she looked at Zhao Changzhu, unable to regain her senses for a long time.

Zhao Changzhu watched Zhao Xiaozhen's expression soften a little, and said, "Xiaozhen is back, don't talk to her."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded and walked over.

Mrs. Huang was left alone, standing at the door outside.

Zhao Jingyi frowned as she watched this scene from a distance.

"Then the old lady is the daughter-in-law married behind Zhao Changzhu?"

System: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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