Chapter 387

Zhao Jingyi didn't forget that the old woman had a bad relationship with Zhao Xiaozhen's family: "Why is she there?"

The system called up the screen of Zhao Xiaozhen's home and said, "I'm going to find Zhao Changzhu."

Zhao Jing frowned, originally she came to ask Zhao Xiaozhen to go home to ask her about her studies.

Just didn't expect this to happen.

System: "The host can't pass?"

Zhao Jing shook her head: "Look again."

Just to observe Zhao Changzhu and his wife.

After watching for a while, I found that the old lady looked tough, but she was actually very afraid of Zhao Changzhu.

Zhao Jingyi asked: "I seem to remember that Zhao Changzhu's wife was rescued by him?"

System: "Yes host."

Zhao Jing frowned and said, "Show me all the relationship information of their family."

System: "Okay, host."

In the next second, all the information about Zhao Changzhu's family appeared in front of Zhao Jingyi.

Zhao Jing took a rough look at the team leader's family, and his younger brothers and sisters were behind him.

Basically no problem.

The problem lies with her alone, Zhao Jingyi frowned.

The system also felt a little speechless after reading it: "Host, does she have persecution paranoia, or why does she always think that the captain and his sister will destroy her family and take her man away."

Zhao Jingyi said lightly, "Probably so."

Huang Tao, that is, the old lady Huang, has been worried that the captain and the others will snatch Zhao Changzhu away.

Moreover, her sons are not as important as Zhang Changzhu in her heart.

In her heart, Zhao Changzhu is her backbone and everything to her.

The reason why she changed suddenly was because that night, Zhao Changzhu didn't tell her what the captain said to him that made him so happy.

She was upset. Zhao Changzhu would tell her before, but this time she didn't tell her, and she became suspicious.

I feel that the captain started to fight Zhang Changzhu with him.

I feel that the captain finally revealed his evil thoughts that he had hidden for many years.

To destroy her family, to take Zhao Changzhu away from her.

Zhao Jingyi felt that Mrs. Huang was sick in her heart, and usually she would not have an attack, but it was very troublesome when it happened.

Just like now.

The system asked: "The host, what should we do now? Do you want to go there?"

Zhao Jingyi sighed: "Let's go."

As he spoke, he walked over.

At this time, Mrs. Huang hadn't had a complete seizure yet.

The brain is still online.

The old lady Huang's face was a little ferocious: "Zhao Changzhu, what do you mean, you plan to live here, you don't want to live here, do you?"

Zhang Changzhu said without raising his head, "My son's home is also my home."

The old lady Huang suddenly calmed down, looked at him and said, "So you plan to stay here forever and don't want us."

Zhao Changzhu didn't answer, and drove people away: "Go back if you have nothing to do, don't go crazy everywhere."

Before she was about to go crazy, Zhao Jing walked over and said coldly, "What are you arguing about?"

Old Mrs. Huang's back froze.

Zhao Changzhu stood up: "Old Gu."

When Zhao Xiaozhen saw Zhao Jingyi, her heart was settled, and she looked at her with a bit of grievance in her eyes: "Grandma and aunt."

Zhao Jing glanced at her with comfort in her eyes.

The old lady Huang's complexion is not good.

Reluctantly shouted: "Old Gu."

Zhao Jingyi responded indifferently: "Well, you are not at your own home, what's the fuss here?"

The old lady Huang's complexion changed, she opened her mouth and said, "I'm here to find my old man."

Zhao Jing said with a displeased face, "If you're looking for someone, just look for someone, and what are you yelling at?"

Zhao Changzhu walked over and said, "Girl, don't be angry, it's because I don't discipline you strictly."

Zhao Jingyi was very unhappy with Zhao Changzhu's actions, so naturally she would not give him a good face: "Then take it back, discipline it well, and go to other people's houses in broad daylight to yell, what does it look like?"

Zhao Changzhu froze for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, my nephew understands."

Turning to look at Mrs. Huang, her expression changed, and she shouted coldly: "What are you still doing, go back."

Mrs. Huang didn't mind either, but was relieved instead.

At this time, Zhao Minghe ran over, sweating on his forehead.

Panting and shouting: "Mom, why did you run out?"

Zhao Jing looked over and frowned slightly. She called Mrs. Huang?Small and thin, Zhang Changzhu's youngest daughter?
System: "Yes, host."

Zhao Minghe walked over.Seeing Zhao Jingyi, she couldn't recognize her, and tentatively called, "Grandma."

Zhao Jing nodded, "Yes."

Zhao Minghe exclaimed, "You have changed so much."

Zhao Jing smiled and said, "Is there?"

Zhao Minghe said with emotion: "Well, I still recognized you when I came back to pay New Year's greetings during the Chinese New Year. Now I haven't seen you for more than half a year. I almost didn't recognize you all at once."

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses and said with a smile, "I didn't notice that."

Zhao Minghe smiled. Looking at Zhao Jingyi, who was transformed into an eighteenth female college student, she could be seen as a rural girl before, but now she can't tell at all, and she feels like she is from the city: "You didn't notice that it's very normal."

With a smile on Zhao Jing's face, she also had a little affection for this unfamiliar niece.

Who doesn't like being told that they look good.

After chatting for a while, Zhao Minghe remembered what he was here for.

Turning around to look at his old mother, his tone was somewhat resentful: "Mom, why did you run out by yourself while I was asleep?"

Mrs. Huang ignored her, her eyes were all on Zhao Changzhu.

Zhao Minghe didn't mind either, she was used to it, their children were born by accident, only her father was the true love.

Last night her mother had been running out to find his father. Zhao Minghe and Zhao Jianbai persuaded him for almost a whole night before they finally persuaded her. Thinking that after he fell asleep, her mother ran out secretly, so she couldn't touch her mother, so she woke up with fright, and only then did the following scene happen.

Zhao Minghe looked at his father: "Father, let's go back."

Zhao Changzhu nodded and said, "Well, you and Xiaozhen go into the house to pack my clothes, and your mother and I will go back first."

Zhao Minghe responded, "Okay."

Zhao Changzhu looked at his granddaughter Zhao Xiaozhen and said, "Xiaozhen, tell your father and others at noon, I'm going back."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded: "I see, Grandpa."

Mrs. Huang supported Zhang Changzhu and left the head of the brigade.

Zhao Xiaozhen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister-in-law, I'll take you to get grandpa's clothes, grandma and grandma, just wait for me."

Zhao Jing nodded: "OK."

Zhao Minghe and Zhao Xiaozhen went to Zhao Huaiguo's room.

The room in the captain's house is just right for one person. After all, if they get married in the future, they will have to separate the family. If they have money, they will add one or two rooms.

The sons who are separated will build another house, and they will also give money to the separated family, and there will be no shortage of what they should have.

Just look at which son lives with his parents, and the other is building an empty house in the village.

(End of this chapter)

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