Chuanshu became the aunt in the period essay

Chapter 388 This obsession will naturally disappear

Chapter 388 This obsession will naturally disappear

Closer to home, it didn't take long for Zhao Xiaozhen and Zhao Minghe to come out.

Zhao Minghe said, "Grandma, then I'll go back first."

Zhao Jing nodded: "Yes."

Then Zhao Xiaozhen locked the door and walked to her house with Zhao Jingyi.

On the way, Zhao Jing asked, "Did your grandpa come to your house last night?"

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded, sighed and said, "I don't know why, I'm not happy at all."

Zhao Jingyi was a little puzzled: "Huh? How should I say it?"

Zhao Xiaozhen said with some distress: "It's my grandfather who came to my house, and his attitude towards us made me feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable."

Zhao Jingyi asked, "What attitude?"

Zhao Xiaozhen didn't hide anything from Zhao Jingyi, so she would tell her whatever was on her mind: "It's just that she was very kind to us all of a sudden, and she also spoke very kindly. This is what I envied most before and what I always wanted. But when he was really kind to me, I felt very uncomfortable and uncomfortable."

Zhao Jing was taken aback for a moment, it turned out to be like this.

Zhao Xiaozhen said with some self-mockery: "Auntie, I don't know what to do."

I was obviously envious before, but now that I got it, I am not happy at all.

Zhao Jingyi didn't know how to comfort her: "No, don't think about it."

I have been looking forward to it for a long time. When I got it, I actually didn’t feel anything in my heart, and some of it was just obsession.

I didn't own it before, and I feel very envious, and I don't understand why the same grandchildren, why cousins ​​and the others can get such a gentle and loving attitude from grandpa, why don't they and my brother not?

Now that I have grown up, I may still think this way when I see it, but I don't have the same feeling as when I was a child.

The only thing left is obsession, waiting for one day to get it, and this obsession will naturally disappear.

Zhao Jingyi didn't speak, but walked quietly with her.

Sometimes comfort does not necessarily mean that you need to say a lot of comforting words to her, and it is also a kind of comfort to accompany her quietly.

After a while, Zhao Xiaozhen raised her head, and the bad mood on her face dissipated a bit.

"Forget it, forget it."

Zhao Jing looked at her suspiciously, no matter what?
In the next second, I heard Zhao Xiaozhen say: "No matter what happens to grandpa in the future, I'll treat him normally, right?"

Zhao Jing smiled and nodded: "Well, it's good if you can think this way, no matter what, I'm here."

Zhao Xiaozhen held Zhao Jingyi's hand and smiled happily.

Nodding heavily: "Okay."

Zhao Jing wiped her head, this little girl grew up with her, not to mention anything else, just because their family is good to the original Zhao Jingyi and the present self, from the bottom of their hearts .

Based on this, she is sure of their family, and it doesn't matter if she is eccentric or not.

She didn't even care, she didn't know Zhao Jingyi's physical condition at the beginning, when she fainted, it was the husband and wife who were rushing in and out.

It is they who worry about taking care of themselves all the time.

They are worth protecting themselves.

The distance was not too far, but Zhao Jingyi deliberately slowed down and walked slower with Zhao Xiaozhen, waiting for her to adjust her emotions and mentality.

Zhao Jing changed the subject and asked, "Have you read all the books I gave you?"

Zhao Xiaozhen froze for a moment, then nodded: "I've read it all, and I basically understand everything."

As soon as Zhao Jing believed her, Zhao Xiaozhen was very smart, not stupid, and if there were questions she couldn't understand, just tell her the way of solving the questions for a while, and she would immediately understand.

So Zhao Jingyi is not worried, she will lie to herself.

"I'll find some books for you later, take them back and read them, and do some questions by the way."

Zhao Xiaozhen nodded: "Okay."

Although Zhao Xiaozhen didn't understand why Zhao Jingyi kept telling her not to give up her studies, she believed in Zhao Jingyi.

Learning more and reading more is a good thing.

So neither her father nor mother objected to her studying with Zhao Jingyi.

On the contrary, her father thought it was very good, always talking about how powerful her ancestor (that is, Zhao Jingyi's father) was.

Zhao Xiaozhen knew from a young age that her father was a fan of her ancestors, and the person she admired most was her ancestors.

Zhao Changzhu's home.

After arriving at home, Zhao Changzhu pushed away Mrs. Huang's hand, walked to the side and sat down with a cold face.

The old lady Huang's expression changed, but she still didn't say anything.

Zhao Minghe saw this scene when he came back.

Sighing and saying nothing, he took the things into the house and put them away.

He walked out, looked at the two of them, found a stool and sat down without speaking.

I don't understand how old I am, if I say something unfilial, the loess is buried up to my neck, and I don't know what is going on.

Her father didn't even talk about it, usually she couldn't get bored, and her mother had been making troubles since she was a child, and she didn't know what the trouble was.

Zhou Qiao didn't dare to come out of the room.

She doesn't know if she is pregnant now, and the village doctor can't say for sure, so let them go to the town hospital to have a look.

I originally planned to go today, but the two old people in the family had a quarrel and it was delayed.

Zhou Huaiteng was afraid that Zhou Qiao would really get pregnant, so Liu Qingcao didn't let her go to work and stayed at home.

Feeling the low pressure outside, Zhou Qiao felt a little uncomfortable. She sighed and said that she might as well go off work and dare not take a breath at home.

Mrs. Huang was in a bad mood and would curse at people if she didn't like anything, so she didn't dare to go out.

I don't know how long.

Zhao Minghe said, "Father, what are you and mother talking about?"

Zhao Changzhu glanced at the little girl and said, "How do I know her? She won't be happy when your eldest brother comes."

Zhao Minghe looked at the old lady helplessly: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Mrs. Huang said unhappily, "I didn't make trouble."

Zhao Minghe: "..." Is that me making trouble?

I have a terrible headache, why do I have to make a fuss?

"Then why are you unhappy? Isn't it normal for my elder brother to come to the house? Besides, although the family is separated, the elder brother is also our elder brother and father's son. Why are you unhappy?"

The old lady Huang's face became ugly in an instant, and she opened her mouth to say that he is not my son, but she couldn't say that when she met Zhao Changzhu's dark face.

He closed his mouth unhappy and dared not say anything.

Zhao Minghe knew her mother too well. Seeing her like that, she would have guessed what she was going to say. If her father hadn't been there, she would have said it. Divorce you, we don't care about you."

These words irritated the old lady Huang, she stood up immediately, pointed at Zhao Minghe and cursed: "You damn girl, my mother worked so hard to give birth to you and raise you so big, this is how you treat my mother."

Zhao Minghe didn't say anything, it was not filial, but no matter who asked her to do it herself, it was useless to persuade her.

Zhao Changzhu said: "If you want to make trouble again, go back to Lao Huang's house."

There is impatience and seriousness in the tone.

The old lady Huang was like a deflated balloon, and she didn't dare to make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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